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Posts posted by Exec

  1. cons:

    - goldies will have less chance to escape goldie killers (IF they do know how to recall or chug)

    - leave it the way it is?

    - its part of the game, get over it, adapt to it

    - loose more zems (lol)



    - more pvp action (this will attract more players)

    - less 180's with items being cowards (its just a zem...)

    - more fights, more deaths, more fun

  2. wtf is wrong with these stupid retards that whine in forums that there are no events, where is hunter bla bla bla and then when an event happens all u do is just *censored*ing up things and starting to pk over a stupid HC drop?




    edit: ty for ending event -.-


    and ty hunter for the event

    make recall a rare manual drop lol... its way overpowered

  3. wtf is wrong with these stupid retards that whine in forums that there are no events, where is hunter bla bla bla and then when an event happens all u do is just *censored*ing up things and starting to pk over a stupid HC drop?




    edit: ty for ending event -.-


    and ty hunter for the event

  4. due to the new locations of d1, i think 1 min raid now is quite useless as u cant really reach anywhere before u get forced, so i think it should be modified to 5 mins (also with these locations, 5 mins raid are also quite short, as u loose at least 1 min running to d1 or rml and then coming back, so it wont be much diff)

  5. there are 2 common ways to get items:


    1) nerding pits (what most guild like NS did to get items)


    2) ripping off tards that dont know to trade (this is how arg got the items)



    personally, i think in 2-3 years i play this server i got 3 good drops: mp70 leather M, ie sword, ip neck. Ie was killing a frost blocking a bridge on ib, ip was doing 20% on djhones to finish off a maj. How i got all the items i have now ? (which are quite a lot), i got no idea, most of em ripping off ppl, thats the truth

  6. besides i dont rly see the point of this topic, are u whining cause int server doesnt have as many event prizes (im sure most ppl would agree that giving away pr0 rares in events sucks and *censored*s up server), or do u want to get hb arg closed so that int has more players (fyi, most ppl at hb arg wont play int, EVEN if they get their chars moved, cause of delay)

  7. My suggestion:


    Add on to crafting menu. Get all the body parts of a mob, craft it and 10% success u get a summoning wand for that mob in ur bag, which is deleted once u use it. Not too fruity, and less chance of ppl abusing, maybe.

    most strong mobs dont have alchemy parts, and ppl wouldnt waste time to summon a ww or smt like that

  8. yea but summoning an HC/TW/WYV would be retarded



    i think a powerfull monster could me something like a minotaur, ettin, frost, demons


    and it shouldnt be an activation, should be a spell like ressu wand but without a limit, costing lets say 250 mp? and it should required 195 int so that only mages can use it



    PD: also summoned mobs shouldnt drop




    still i think this is kinda fruity :P, but i agree summoning is only usefull to box or tgt