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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec


    actually dk armors are the same, when chains or any armor get sto around 7k, it starts stripping a lot.
  2. Exec

    Server Unstable.

    a quien le falla tanto la cabeza para atacar otro server? dios me dan lastima los q hacen eso
  3. Exec

    Warrior Damage Rings

    i hope u joking o.0
  4. Exec

    Design A Weapon Contest

    so no1 will be mages? ;P do a wand wif same atributes, 2x z wand dmg to warriors :D
  5. Exec

    Server Manteinance.

    k, no exp just raid ;P
  6. Exec

    Server Manteinance.

    ur spanish sux ( tu espa?ol es una caca) demenester
  7. Exec

    Server Manteinance.

    :D! mil gracias x el esfuerzo
  8. Exec

    New Idea

    exp at clops with light neck :D
  9. Exec

    Talk About Eks

    yeah that rlz :P and stealing with short sword is funny too :) ss cool, but im too lazy to train shotr sword 100%, and get a nice one XD, so wand 2 own ;P. :o! i forgot another kind of nice ek, when u test other guy amp/pfm and u ek XD. i think 1 did a couple eks with fire strike lolx
  10. Exec

    Talk About Eks

    i dun a favorite ek, but i love to steal wars ek with wand critis :P
  11. Exec

    Lamer Char

    wen te whispie ingame y me pediste q postee, aca esta: well i was raiding ( this like 1 or 2 weeks ago, but never found a GM on) so i was chilling at elv and found this guy hidden behind church, he died just 1 blizz but ek, and i find this very weird, a guy hiding behind church where no1 can see except with luck like me xD well i think he is a lamer char or just kinda fool :P. Any GM plix check him
  12. Exec

    Forum Event- Design Contest

    u forgot about argentina ??. demenester ;P btw: the flag has to be in any topic in special? how u will judge the best ( if i can know)
  13. Exec

    About Ban & Ek Lamming

    1 question: imagine some1 has 2 PC, can change ip, so creates lvl 8'0-100 to get 1 ek only, and then bann ( now can bann till lvl 100), is there any way to check that? becouse is some1 appear with hero armors with chars that no1 have ever seen, maybe is superson who isn't popularious. its Just a coment. demenester
  14. Exec

    Cual Es La Guild Con Mas Nw

    assasin cross de elv, yonquis de aresden. ban+1 argen quizas no tngo las mejores habilidades, pero te aseguro q no regalan eks como las 2 guild q ya dije.
  15. Exec

    Server Manteinance.

    oks , ty for upgrades
  16. Exec

    Lamer Char

    tonces free ek nomas :/. Suerte q es elvo :P
  17. Exec

    Lamer Char

    ah todo ok tonces, no habia entendido q chekiaste logs
  18. Exec

    Lamer Char

    no c vos, pero yo no tngo muchas veces la suerte de encontrar un free ek escondido atras de un edificio sin poder verse...
  19. Exec

    Adventures In Dc

    sux0rs drops but mage HC is easy way, dun need tank repot or nothing, just enuff mages
  20. Exec


    rngo tu ek >: D. nah joda white XD che Amigo, te la pasas robando y pedis amp vs mago? tomatelas usa 2 gr de sentido comun dd viste unpvp con mago con amp, pfm todavia xq te cagan a blizasos los 2 pero AMP... XD deja de joder... xq no pedis q usen ms20 wand de bs y listo?
  21. Exec

    It Is Time !

    i hope that u gave my bbh+1 to some1 of surv so i can get it back :blink: . oh my god who will edit me now? :((((((((( bah good luck sucker :P demenester :D u are sucker red ranger, im TRUE RANGER demenester
  22. Exec

    Tp Abuse During Crusade

    but Oldies will die a lot :(
  23. Exec

    Poll- Penalty For Pulling Plug

    ban, at a number of bans ( for example 5) ban 1 month ( maybe hard, but will learn this way)
  24. Exec

    Para Farjat

    la idea es q nadie bardee con nada <_< <_< Sin ofender calu, a mi me gustaria ver algunos forum bans...no es por decir nada, pero ellos vienen rompiendo con este tema desde hace meses...los argentinos empezaron a responder hace menos tiempo. Ya cansan, son siempre los 3 o 4 mismos pelotudos, q se la pasan bardeando y armando pelea siempre en el foro, y esto viene desde hace a?os. Si no te jode, yo hago peticion de ban... la idea es q se queden con los panchos calientes, bann o boludeo :P angel: no t sientas ofendido, 1? q el mensaje no va para los mexicanos, los yanquis son racistas con los mexicanos , pero ese mensaje va para el sur de america no para el medio. 2?: son yanquis = egoncentricos = "yo soy el centro del mundo" q se le va a hacer, cuando salgan de su pentium 4 y sus bludeces electronicas al mundo, q hablen ahi. 3?: son 4 gatos locos los q joden, q se caguen, ekialos y postia la foto poniendo Mexico 2 own y me cago de la risa.
  25. Exec

    Para Farjat

    pongamos todos un mapa de USA bardeando, total Sexy es de inglaterra :>