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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Bad Pvp Players

    CAGAMOS DESCUBRIERON LA RED DE LAMEO!!!!!!! pj recall -----> lol a esto
  2. Exec

    Bad Pvp Players

    che ojo q segun mussum quizas gordo sea racismo XD
  3. Exec

    For Gm's

    we should go back in topic line and see, why i think i already saw a post bout ramz leaving ;p. raMz i kno ull be back iinnnn... 72 hours? cya then
  4. Exec

    Mage Vs. Warrior

    remember that with warrior u can hunt big monesters, that as a mage u cant, so u decide what to do. And warrior full hero is kinda more usefull than mage hero, its +5 and mage is +3, and adds 50 hitting prob, which for a war is a big ammount. mage is for eking thats for sure, but with warrior u get lot more item
  5. Exec

    Change Towm

    ya no habria modo traicion =( aparte quiero seguir ekeando a Funny :D no esta mal, pero quizas pase eso, te cagas ekeando y dsp cambias city, o todos irian a la misma xq tan los amigos, como esta ahora, si le pifiaste de city, te jodes y a romperte el culo entrenando/ekeando de nuevo, no se si esta tan mal...
  6. Exec


    suerte q le saque 1 ek en PL jaja
  7. Exec

    The Solution To My Wings Being Jacked

    i kno bout some cases, if luvin is guilty, hes banned, but ur helm wont come back
  8. Exec

    Ban Please?

    old question but, edited skins allowed? never knew the answer XD
  9. Exec

    Aumentar Fps

    cuando pones en 0 la barrita del segundo paso, te desaparece la solapa de Geforce, ponela al maximo de nuevo y aparece. che funny no me anda nada, creo q el problema es la tres, tengo una geforce 2 de 64 mb jajaja ( PC del a?o 2001 lol), organiza una colecta para donarme una compu, me harte q uds me apunten xq tengo 50 fps :P PD: q buen fondo de pantalla de tigres :P, y muy bueno a compu maquina de escribir- tele y el mouse plancha XD
  10. Exec

    So Everyones Asking Pvp?

    UR A NOOD . period =(
  11. Exec

    So Everyones Asking Pvp?

    wanna duel my nood warrior? Gimlin ingame, im a nood at war need to learn too :D
  12. Exec


    funny but some elfs friends told me about another player with same name as my mage ( my mage is demenester), now i think its this kid ^^ give him a candy so he stop bothering :L
  13. Exec

    Wanna Pvp Abaddon?

    if we drop a zem we get it back?
  14. Exec


    japy berday :P PD: Sexy at ur pic it says "onwer" isntead owner :P
  15. Exec

    Happy Birthday Magicjoker

    japi berdey
  16. Exec

    Zerkeds Monsters

    zerkeds monster can be sometimes harders to kill (like nizies, HC) so what about if we raise the exp we get from them a 25% (just to give a %, we can chooose other number)?
  17. Exec

    Oldies Ss.

    los rumores dicen q FunnyFlogger ahora tiene peinado chetito pegado al ojo derecho, usa chupines, va al abasto y vaila electro, cualquier momento se hace gold y empieza a poner fotos aca O.o
  18. Exec

    Post Stats + Bag!

    i dun raid wif items alone :X
  19. Exec

    Post Stats + Bag!

    :o that contri is the result of being veeeery bored xD
  20. Exec

    La_suegra Banned

    wtf why ppl is so stupid? xD
  21. Exec

    Byebye Hb

    bye milk keep my cape as a gift :P demenester PD:how long till u back? i kno u are a adict to HB, ull be back :X
  22. Milk Down. JAJAJJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAA, nothing against u milk <3, but this picture is very funny jajajajajajajajjajaja
  23. wtf, as i said in Elvine, u saying "GMs always favorates ares, this is not about held"; and till now, all the situations i heard were 2: that Survivor wyv hunt ( which i agree wif), and the HELDENIAN BLOCKING DOOR. Cmon wtf, we werent STOPPING u to get into castle, we were making it harder. IF u CAMP TP, then cant get reforcements at our defence at brdiges, cuz when u TPu get MASS RAPED by summons ( the same u complain about) and u are just sitting there eking. And btw, like 7/8 elvs AT SHOP ARES eking, so start shouting ur own town instead of GM team. I have never seen any beneficts for ares, and i dont think the wyvern that GM killed droped SB; ring of dragn, ice storm or any super powa rare. SOOO give more situations about GMs helping ares, or just acept u lost cuz ur own town. As i said be4, change tp into castle, and no more problems about camping it im demenester
  24. Exec

    Held Rules

    a possible solution ---> change tp inside castle. I agree wif no camping tp, cuz defending town (if tp camped) cant get backup to bridges, cuz when they tp they die. I dont think is wrong, u complaining cuz it happened in this held when elv attacked, but when we attack will be the same.