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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    New Command

    me siento alagado ^^
  2. Exec


    true last 2 days i got some lag spikes, kinda weird, cuz when i had em most ppl had them too
  3. Exec

    Account Blocked..?

    haha what a noob you are :lol: but teh noob went in through elf defences first!!! that was my only held as war ;P i was told by elv friendz that they shittalking me when died, and when i went into they all curse me ;<, tho was funny having 15 mages blizzing me XD
  4. Exec

    Account Blocked..?

    baned for shittalking me at held when i died wif Gimlin :<
  5. Exec

    Ball Event

    i guess balls cant be under other items aight?
  6. Exec

    Beware Rep Scammer

    do lvl 20 cahrs and rep- him till u get sick :>, i did once wif a scammer, till he whispered me "oh plz stop ill have to make new char"
  7. Exec

    Hi Gm Pls Check Log

    hajajjaja u are kinda stupid icy, u get help and now say they dun listen >.>; and if u loose GBH cuz of this LoL at u
  8. Exec

    General Warning *scammers On The Loose*

    Sard scamed me ma30 hose M and cakez haz my hp84 cape bout topic: i was told also that they scam, but true, ppl shouldnt lend items/accs to some1 that they dun know
  9. Exec

    Make Quests Useful

    too much exp, i mean, id rather kill 22 frosts for 200k exp than same amount of exp at ww or ogre xD remember that questing u get exp also
  10. Exec

    Foto Pollerudos Guild

    che sin ofensa, pero veo a Poker y parece el hermano menor de los otros :P
  11. Exec


    dk15=lot time of training dk15=no strip dk15= lower critis dmg than blacksmith bbh so blacksmith bbh > dk15 i think its overpowered or dk sword sux too much
  12. Exec

    Righteus Please!

    so if u have +1 rep, righteous is useless vs u, so will be usefull vs only a few ppl xD but i think it will r0x in PL, cuz most ppl there crimis (rep-) to loose exp fast ;)
  13. Exec

    Im Making A Come Back...

    am i wrong or u are who called every1 sp!c?
  14. Exec

    Pvp Rules? My *censored*!

    i agree with some things, but i also think a dk15 war has no chance to win vs a bbh war in pvp (with armors) for example, becouse even though more vit/hitting prob, armor stars stripping, and thats the end. also its true that it will be too long. In my opinion i like duels, but the main problem in duels is that items has a lot of influence, for example someone with a dm3 and dmg ring, will do mass damage on some1 naked, and if that guy has no items, then hes the free ek xD. but i also think there are 2 types of "pvp": - the one where u are peacefully training and some1 jump u blizzing, u react running and pfm ofc and u read in global "OMFG NOOB PFM IN 1 VS 1, GO GET SKILLS", well u should get skills first, if u just know to go invi and blizz when mobs has lowered my hp xD. - the other kind is the real pvp, a pre established 1 vs 1 fight, where rules are set AT THE BEGGINING OF IT, and NOT during it. well who knows, every1 choose the fight type they like, but 1 thing only: IF U JUMP SOMEONE TRAINING IS NOT A PVP, ITS A DAMN TRAP :D, so dun cry when the other pfm, after all u invied first ;) xD PD: white im arg and i dont have that lag, Peruntium 1900 + arnet = not good XD sardina down in pvp while he was trying to recall haeoheahaeahaeo crimi+1
  15. in the end they got sick of me and they clicked me all, even enjoy life critied me :P
  16. Exec

    Podrian Probar Esto??

    siempre me tira palos el hijo de puta este jajaja te voy a cojer jajaja confeso su homosexualidad y te propuso sexo!
  17. Exec

    Podrian Probar Esto??

    agree+1, aunque para mi calu entro y le edito el post por lastima
  18. Exec

    Podrian Probar Esto??

    saquen los eks en city, somos siempre los mismos 5 boludos q peleamos en middle, el resto ekea en town, y dsp lloran xq perdemos sade, si lo unico q hacen es clickear blizz afuera del shop -.-
  19. Exec

    Nemesis =

    ppl see crusado as a way t get free heros, thats why they just raid; disable eks at towns and see how ppl will atack enemy base
  20. Exec

    Aresden Needs More Ppl

    we need mythfate
  21. ares + elv = wont work
  22. Exec

    Me Robaron La Cuenta Ayuda

    pero comparten cuenta, en realidad SnowyJoe no es el user posta; y ahora q me acuerdo, no se si fue ayer (domingo) q taba bludeando en elvine q lo vi logeado a Bu (quizas me confuno y era Vu), era uno de capa rosa creo
  23. Exec

    Merri Berri Day Perun

    perun ur an homo emo, go cry to corner plix, and ur ugly. demen <3