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Everything posted by Exec

  1. idk ramz ill see, but after 47 fps even 100 fps is fast LoLZ
  2. ty elgua the only 1 who staid ontopic xD
  3. Exec

    Question About Login Problem

    it will come when its fixed lawl
  5. windows XP; i especially asked not to install Vista xD
  6. Exec

    Pvp Training Grounds

    wat rule?
  7. Exec

    Why I Can Log In Hb?

    read previous topic... server logging is down
  8. dale ey no me spamees el post/ che pero ahora te kb ban por tabear -------------- che gente yo me acuerdo q una vez uno habia dicho de un comando para poner en ejecutar... 1 guy once said a command to execute... dun remember which was
  9. Exec

    To Hunter: Exp Event

    ppl like the 2 guys who posted before ruins town events and makes ppl dun want to go to them (i particulary dont go that events, why? first mages takes most exp so pointless as war; second? cuz it takes out all the sh1t of townmates, who they kill every1 like if they have never seen a drop in their HB lifes)
  10. Exec

    Pvp Training Grounds

    true, how are coders suposse to reproduce an human player? =S PD: i miss GM Fight Club, that was nice to practice pvp, no fags shittalking when some1 loose
  11. Exec

    Change The Raid Days

    this is not exp1, this is exp25 or so; u wont be lvling at city for long, so get used to it till u get 180 and u can handle it, also its true that most ppl can play only on weekend ---> not only trainers, also ekers, so it would be selfish if we dont let that ppl to have the chance to get eks
  12. Exec

    To Hunter: Exp Event

    fags are everywhere
  13. Exec

    Bans Of January 2009

    guys i think most of u dont understand... GMs that check logs arent like "oh he killed this guy 4 times, lets ban him just to be sure". Gms do hard work for this server, and i think this thing of "oh cmon hes my friend and hes a good gyu, cant be possible" its pure bullsh1t; a friend of mine also got baned for laming, he did like 400 eks and lamed 10 lawl, and i was like "wtf" when i was told, but well this is a game, any1 can lame lol, and laming has no connection with "being a good guy". So imo u should stop annoying the GMs, im sure they do their best and dont do stupid things to server ._.
  14. Exec

    Bans Of January 2009

    lawl hes a good guy white, he just eked himself 21 times by accident... BUT HES A GOOD GUY!!!!
  15. Exec

    Bans Of January 2009

    lol jjang check other posts of ppl baned, i have seen many koerans name, beside si got many koreans using hacks/pull plug vs me or my guildies..
  16. Exec

    Bans Of January 2009

    wow ruutu u surprise me, many koreans have been baned before for laming/hacking rofl
  17. Exec

    Hybrid/battle Mage

    a 130 str blizz mage can be naiz, tho u need good fps/skills to use, or u will be a ek with legs
  18. Exec

    Bans Of January 2009

    so many idiots =) gz white btw wasnt littlefox a dk15 mage? :S what a waste..., and Payne lol :)
  19. Exec

    What To Do After Getting Hero Set?

    what about if instead damage the angel add hitting prob? that woudlnt make a MASSIVE diff in pvp like 6 damage bonus, but would be awesome for hunting :)
  20. Exec

    Server Cleanup

    check mythfate i suspect she lames with millie!!!! also shang tsung lames with etafhtym
  21. Exec

    Bai My Fellow Frens

    dont be idiot and quit cuz of 1 item -.-, its not worth of it
  22. Exec

    Server Cleanup

    white teh cop 8)
  23. Exec

    Cya All

    oh cmon ek-1 :(
  24. Exec

    Pl Dk Items

    its kind of dumb to bring dk items to PL -.-, i mean im a lvl 180 vit warrior, and still using 1 hero piece in hotkeys the hp goes down and its annoying, i cant imagine a 70 vit PLer with a dk wand/sword ( not to talk if bring armors xD). angels arent that bad, they need a lot of training to make them usefull PD: blizzy dun haz a 180 so cant bring dk to PL hauhahau
  25. Exec

    Dual Clients

    actually most ppl has 2 PCs or more... guys, u cant trade rep with same ip (or i think so) so that wouldnt be a problem ;P the camping thing... well its the same running somewhere or having a spy so...