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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    African/trojan Men

    still no1 answered my question, there wasnt a rule that said for ex if u are in a pit and and some1 from ur town comes, and u log enemy town to kill him was ilegal, or am i wrong? im lazy to look for it in old posts...
  2. Exec

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    for prize or honor?
  3. the bad side is that ppl who have some brain ( like that guy skoran seems to) ends up quitting :/ anyway its always funny to flame, specially if some1 flame u and hes really angry 8D o, and /tooff is a nice tool
  4. Exec

    African/trojan Men

    some1 realised this post was to answer my question and to see players opinions, and not to start a mass flame? doh -.- id rather GM to close this before some1 starts insulting more lol...
  5. Exec

    African/trojan Men

    definetly no1 gets my point... 1) im not whining about stealing drops 2) im not shittalk african 3) im not asking ban 4) im not flaming/want ppl to flam some1 in fact, i did this post becoue my friend dont knows how to, actually i wasnt even in that hunt, its just thats some ppl got baned for logging an ares to kill an elv that was training with him, and as i heard too much about this, i was just wondering. and i even said at beggining of post this wasnt flamming, looks like u guys like fighting lol...
  6. Exec

    African/trojan Men

    i doubt i ruined my town hunts anyway, also that i help ares in mass fights, so dont rlly know what u talking about. besides i give a damn bout african/trojan men, actually i almost dont hunt wyvs, but today a guildie almost quit server becouse hes pissed of this happening, and hes way better player than most ppl
  7. Exec

    African/trojan Men

    actually IT IS against rules for ex if ur training in a pit ( imagine ur elv) and another elvs comes, and u log aresden to kill him, that is against rules ( or at least it was, only chance its that GMs changed them and i dont know...) second: this is not a whiny post, i want to know if other players also saw this, becouse at least I think this is against rules.. edit: and agre with pucho, u also help ares sometimes
  8. Exec

    Dk15 Templar's

    if u get a magic esmerald,emmy ring and a ma helm ( even better if u have ip/ie neck) + dk set and tower/mshield = no1 can kill u except mass boxed or smt like that xD even with 50 magic u even have 158 vit lol :x, and fast casts/regens makes a big difference... but yes, if u like criticals aka clicking, u shouldnt be 130 str if u get 130 str, u must have dmg items for sure
  9. Exec

    Dk15 Templar's

    dk15 130 str war is for pvm/hunting i have dm5, rod, mag diamond, full hero with dk15 templar, and yes, dmg sux ( besides its damn hard to get hero compared to bbh... tho u have 50 magic and mass vit, and hitting)
  10. Exec

    A Welcome To Our Chinese Friends Players

    a new chinese guild? =O i thought there was only korean/japanese guild
  11. Exec

    Force Log-out Change

    i discovered most pullers actually use the ultimate pull plug program... the foot!!!!!!! o ya men kicking internet cable or modem its the ULTIMATE fashion pull
  12. Exec

    Lost Items

    did u ever heard GMs saying "DONT SHARE ACC ITS UR RESPONSABILITY"? besides, if u get items back, would be unfair for ppl that lost items this way
  13. Exec

    Best Exploit Ever :)

    changed pak name? xd
  14. Exec

    Can Any1 Explain Me Plz?

    no the wand doesnt affect dmg imo, if u wanna check get very laggy xD (i always see 1,1,1,5,1, like that xd)
  15. Exec

    Boy's Sb Slyone's Zw

    yes i also remember this topic, but never talked about it... anyway its true, imagine he drops an edit, then he will get other, would be a chaos if he drops/lends em... better to be in 1 guy hands than in more.
  16. Exec


    i wont comment about staff, cant find a word in my low english to express how good it is :D the only thing id like would be change crusades time every 3 months for example, that way every1 could play, just a suggestion
  17. Exec


    es q cuando esta alguien lizeado y le pegas 40+ no aparece el damage, y si esta lizeando y pegas 40+ tampoco le cortas el cast, no tiene q ver con el lag :P
  18. Exec

    Best Guild

    in this topic i realised lot of ppl has ego inflamation and ice in the head =O teamwork mmm... i dont have a guild bout that, but yes many players like zoro/leguason/kefka/synz/some more that know what is mage roll, and not spam blizzard everywhere hunts: id say brothers in blood hunts way too much xD, and koreans has no limit to nerd pits xD best mages: argen best wars: idk fhs: id say argen has many of em, but in the past crematoria also had plenty... tho i definetly dont like at all most of crematoria mages
  19. Exec

    Helbreath Nemesis - The Portal

    similar to hbportal? naiz idea and i never knew about that "hunger status " =O
  20. Exec


    no se si es fibertel o el server, pero a partir de las 11 de la noche es IMPOSIBLEEE jugar para mi, no puedo ni huntear slimes q me crasheo cada 5 pasos...
  21. Exec

    Well, My Last Good Bye Elvine

    jaja marclorc sux u ll never get me and ull die even more as ares xD rngd now we can do ninja team again in ares :o!!
  22. Exec


    a mi me da MUCHO lag a la noche de arg, el resto del dia ta bien
  23. Exec

    Server Offline?

  24. Exec

    Helbreath Nemesis Version 4.66

    the recall thing, didnt get something, it will recall us in ANY map withing 5 mins??? i mean, if u dc in middleland it recalls u ? or toh3? =X=X=X
  25. Exec

    Server Offline For Updates.

    we will have to download new version?