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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Mai God Raiden- Hits Hard

    raiden isnt fh, and he said he has ogre ring XD
  2. Exec

    Mai God Raiden- Hits Hard

    if raiden is a flamb warrior and he hits 101+ thru a dex mage shielded it is weird XD
  3. Exec

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    eldon we are intersted in z wand and merien shield from autumn, and segfault's GBH =) tbh why would we bet a ressu wand for... honor? we killed ur guild 4 vs 4 and we have nothing else to prove... ur guild wasnt able to do a single para/pfa (u only pfad me cuz i crashed nearly 20 times in event, and i ended full pot) PD: u starting to piss me off, i have been polite so far, but this is getting sick, cant u get over a fcking loose?
  4. Exec

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    i repeat, actually would have been the same if u would use legal chars..
  5. Exec

    Crusade Accolades

    top clicker = player with most blizzards/criticals thrown
  6. Exec


    btw argen has 3 ressu, not 2 =O
  7. Exec


    if SLYONE wouldnt have edit items like cancel and medu, or if at least REAL USER WOULD HAVE PLAYED IT, we wouldnt have complained. And if u were a normal mage, not a cancel , even with z wand and all that things, but without cancel and medu neck, i think result wouldnt have changed. Btw Dissident died, and he had rod/dm5/abh rep++, so even tho hes not a mage, he was a high damage, im 130 str and my dmg sucks, so does SB damage while running, so we had low dmg on wars also
  8. Exec


    eldon, i didnt want to say this, becouse tyrone is a good guy, and even tho he has edited items ( which i dont complain about), i think James makes his chars/items a bad reputation, becouse i have never seen him acting like a d1ckhead. Anyway, about what u said, i think argenlandia will acept a 5 vs 5 vs ur guild, and if u dont use a cancel edited mage, i d like to see the result, but as u lost 4 vs 4 without edited items involved, i think we have more chance of winning just to make things clear, im not saying ur guild cant beat us or some flame of that kind, my point is id like to see a 5 vs 5 with legal items, and see the result, i think it wont change
  9. Exec

    Toma Blok Wh

    omg are u 2pid? how many times ppl has to tell u that a ss proves nothing and even if u want to complain based on it SEND A TICKET
  10. Exec


    i think this explains this wasnt a bug, was an unlucky factor in a unlucky moment =O
  11. Exec


    we didnt want to restart becouse out tactic was to take off cancel mage, and we did that. if u died becoue of lag or bug or smt... well bad luck, sh1t happens, but lot of ppl used to loose in pvp events due to mass lag/crash or something similar =/
  12. Exec


    im wondering, becouse as far i know, SLYONE entered in ur guild for pvp event right before it started, on same day, and it looks like all ur pvp event strategy was based on him, how can be possible xD
  13. Exec


    u know... elite goes direct to final ;D ahjajajaj nah it was a good fight, and was my first pvp event in a reduced group, i enjoyed it :D
  14. Exec


    there is a math law that is like this: if A > B, and B > C ---> A > C so if Argen won vs > Inevitable, and Inevitable won vs > Surivors ---> in theory Argen should have won > vs Survs ( even tho i think Survs would have given a better fight for sure, and i doubt they would have lost without cancel against em) final pic of event: btw if some1 is interestied in trading for a ressu wand, contact argen, we have 2 for trade, 1 is booked for bib but u can offer for the other!
  15. Exec


    http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13720 RIGHT HERE A PIC WHICH IS SIMILAR!
  16. Exec

    Chat Log Event

    not allowing a group of players to be insulted in this thread edited
  17. Exec


    u dont leave HB, u take holidays ;D
  18. Exec

    100 Rods = 1 Ice Sword

    or u can go to a TW hunt, kill 1 clairo frost that was annoying u, and get ie droped like me rofl XD
  19. Exec

    100 Rods = 1 Ice Sword

    I offer 101 rod take? deal
  20. Exec

    100 Rods = 1 Ice Sword

    trade ie sword for 100 rod + 50 rogm
  21. Exec

    Color Wars! Event Prize

    hero counts as colored armor? :P
  22. then ill make a 99% mag diamond and trade it for 90% diamond + stuff saying its better MUAHAHAHAHHAH
  23. Exec

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    how many/what guilds in so far?
  24. Exec

    Guild Vs Guild Pvp

    no africans and no survivors, i believe there is only 1 guild that can win now... but wont say it, tho every1 must think the same
  25. Exec

    Josh Is Banned.