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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Wats It Worth :s

    mp... i would give u max mp56, but as i said before, only if im going to use it as a mage :P, and i must have another mp leather same or better than the one im paying u, would be stupid for a mage to exchange mp for hp =p i didnt mean to say its a crappy item, but dont use it if ur pfad, would last 1 min XD. Also its not good to get parad with it on u XD
  2. Exec

    Cash Shop Fund Raiser Event (target 500$s)

    i have a question that is non related to cash shop, but it is to its objetive :P do u raise programmers to code for server? who are them?
  3. Exec

    Cancellation Droprate

    becouse his mum affords the server :) ye eldon i have known this for long ( idk why xD) but looks like lot of ppl dont, but i think i heard sometime loooong time ago it was going to b like that...
  4. Exec

    Cancellation Droprate

    2 ares with cancel? i think its baned 1 of em also i think cancel has been taken off from cyc second drop, so the only way to get it its via liche/beholders xD
  5. Exec

    Wats It Worth :s

    ur only chance is to sell that leather to a mage, but for a war that leather is useless unles u run around... =/
  6. Exec

    Cash Shop Fund Raiser Event (target 500$s)

    when u say mp and hp stones u mean tablets right?
  7. Exec

    (Server up now, 3:01pm) Server Down

    god bless the maintenance if it kills fibertel's lag rofl
  8. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    me pregunto se habra algun grupo de facebook que sea "fibertel y la pu** madre q te pario"
  9. Exec

    Warrior Stats

    u need 20/25 magic if u are bbh in order to cast zerk with 100% chances, and 30 mag is mostly for regens
  10. Exec

    Warrior Stats

    182 str only worth if u have an anc bh, even sharp sucks, it dont hits so good and the stripping rate blows bbh is way overpowered in strip/critical aspect, although swings and hitting sucks, bbh its the best for eking ( trust me i got 130 str and dk15 and i was item whore, and eking was fuxing hard) if u want easy eking, go bbh, and id say 25/30 mag should make it. But be carefull cuz bbh with magic and zerk means kind of low vit :P
  11. Exec

    Ek Announcer

    its fun and can make ppl to see when some1 is laming but on the other hand it also might start shittalking...so i rather leave it like it is now :P
  12. Exec


    raiding is part of the game, live with it :P ( from my raiding experiencie i would raid toh for ex, so u can train there :P)
  13. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    mi vieja es profesora de informatica y no tuve muy buenas experiencias con speedy en los colegios, y tampoco como es el tema precios, pero dsp me fijo
  14. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    es q la verdad si llamo no se q decirle, o sea: "hola si tengo una duda sobre el servicio" "q pasa se?or?" "no puedo jugar HB, sabe q pasa?" xD la conexion esta, internet me anda bien, el problema es con el HB nomas xD
  15. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    o sea, el lag de fibertel siempre estuvo, pero desde q cambio el hoster es INJUGABLE literalemente, no aguanto 1 mintuo logeado en ningun lado, aparte es raro, porque cada vez q me lageaba antes, gralmente tiraba dc, o me tardaba como 30 secs en caerse, ahora apenas me lageo, en 3-5 secs se me crashea solo
  16. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    a mi tampoco me funca, se me cae cada 20.30 secs, incluso paradito en shop sin gente :S
  17. Exec

    Got Virus In The Client!

    nothing to worry about, always happened that the client looked like a virus for Norton, nothing to worry about
  18. Exec

    No Life?

    PL is already kind of a hero maker map, maybe making it bs would give every1 the same chances of getting hero, becouse i tried also carrying all my items to PL, and eking that way is almost a joke lol :D, was funny for like 3 days tho
  19. Exec

    Something About Drops

    i saw a dragon ring drop from wyvern ( was after Dragonia map) so i think they are enabled...
  20. Exec

    Post Our Pics With Your Rl Hb Friends

  21. Exec

    Cast Delay

    arg players also have this delay and still own USA players :P anyway, even tho it has its bad sides, it can be usefull for ex u cast and get hited, and ull still cast :P
  22. Exec

    Ice Rapier

    yea!!!! then we could also make criti15 or rep15 dk sets what u think??? Anyway imo HB Watermelon has this item, u could try it!
  23. Exec

    To All.

    omg u guys so stupid, it was way easier to send 1 ticket saying email change that now all his trouble ( i didnt read what is posted up there, im too lazy, srry if im repeating)