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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    What Is Rep?

    http://helbreathnemesis.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=22058 ;D!
  2. Exec

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    a point i forgot to mention
  3. Exec

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    what can i say... get amped
  4. Exec

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    i dont want to flame, but why since SLYONE moved to elv survivors are whining so much?! i could see that at flame chat, some survivors saying "omg when is slyone getting esw?", "omg now they have inhi!", "omg why he gets all items" (naming survivors becouse they r the players i most see complaning, and doing this posts, maybe some other ppl also complained) CMON elvines have fought against slyone for way more time than u did, we also had to fight static, so what? u saw any elvines crying in forums becouse ares had esw + cancel? answer ---> NO to farjat: i agree with the other players, giving a cancel away isnt the solution, but if u want to use cancel, do it, u dont play 24/7 so it would be balanced. And not using cancel on helds is fine too and i repeat, tyrone is in his right to get any item he wants, so is sexy to give items to her son. Solution for ares people ---> instead wasting ur time complaining at forum, try doing some teamwork and take tyrone down, SLYONE/Boy are not inmortal at all. And in the worst case, what can u loose if u get canceled + inhibed? a zem? i bet thats a terrible problem...
  5. Exec

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    this will surely bring flame... ontopic: CMON PEOPLE LET THE GUY BE HAPPY!!!!!! if u dont want to him to get items, why dont u afford server every month?... besides the fact tyrone isnt even an active player so i guess the fact that hes at every mass fight during the week, and plays every weekend (which isnt a flame by any means) means that hes not active. hm, what seems off there? u should know that who mostly plays on slyone/boy is James, not tyrone, and thats a completely different topic. It has been already discussed about james accesing boy/slyone i think, but i repeat, we are playing becouse sexy decides to afford this server, i dont think we should complain about her son getting some beneficts. Besides, i wonder how much affording server costs, 300 U$S per month? u could get almost the same items as tyrone buying from others plays if u use 300 dollars per month :P
  6. Exec

    Inhibit And Cancel....

    this will surely bring flame... ontopic: CMON PEOPLE LET THE GUY BE HAPPY!!!!!! if u dont want to him to get items, why dont u afford server every month?... besides the fact tyrone isnt even an active player
  7. Exec

    Upgrading Tower Shields

    but x stones dont add endu to weapons =/
  8. Exec

    Poll: When Do You Want Team Pvp Event?

    i know i prolly asked this alot, but some1 knows which is time difference between arg and server so i can decide? xD
  9. Exec

    Bugs Bugs Bugs Help!

    sometimes u also crash when u get into DC
  10. Exec

    Safe/recal Etc

    tbh i do quite a lot and looks like u didnt get my point, MMORPG anyway im off the topic before i get more warn lvl bai! offtopic: HI COWBELL!
  11. Exec

    Safe/recal Etc

    sure lets 1 vs 1, u prefer mortal kombat or street fighter?
  12. Exec

    Safe/recal Etc

    u know im kind of tired of this polish players, all day crying about Nemesis players , always arguing "omg at hb polska every1 dies with honor, no matter 20 vs 1 they fight, no1 recall safe or pull there", always saying nemesis players are worse than there, when i have seen polish players do the same or worse, so i dont get why u complain so much, get over it btw who are u ingame? jinxzi? i agree with maynard, ur no1 to judge the others and i dont see why u need to make this post, just do it, i bet no1 will notice, and if u hate players here so much, why dont u just quit?
  13. Exec

    Bugs Bugs Bugs Help!

    esto no se si es bug o ni idea, pero a veces me pasa que abro la lista de shop/bs para comprar algo, se me tilda la pantalla en blanco y me sale una ventanita de windows, que "hb.exe no puede seguir ejecutandose...etc" y se me cierra el client ( lo raro es q me pasa a veces nomas)
  14. Exec

    Zem Rarerity

    no, also u should remember that if ppl starts playing without zems, a mage with dk15 even itemless will have a lot of powar compared to a warrior with dk set.. ( bringing unbalance) oh and btw, u should try raiding some particular guilds, lots of ppl drops items becouse they dont carry zem....
  15. Exec

    Am I The Only One?

    am i the only one that knows that james accesed both slyone and boy since i have memory? dont start the old argue plz... boy and slyone always had 2 users
  16. Exec

    Bugs Bugs Bugs Help!

    i dont remember if this bug its still ingame, but for example with Gargoyles, u could aim 1 or 2 blocks over dead body, and it would aim the body -------------------------------------- lo digo en castellano a ver si se entiende mejor: Cuando matabas una GG quedaba el cuerpo muerto (las cenizas), pero si vos querias aimear 1 o 2 bloques arriba del cuerpo, el cursor te marcaba el bloque donde estaba la GG muerta --------------------------------------- y si no me equivoco tambien hay un bug que si te equipas un angel upgradeado ( +1 o mas) y sos menos de 180, o siendo 180 usas majestics para cambiar stats, si tenes el angel equipado, no te deja agregar stats o algo similar --------------------------------------- y no se si esto es un bug o no, pero me parece q si tiras MIM y lo casteas sobre alguien de tu misma ciudad, no surte efecto en los enemigos ( no se si deberia ser asi, o es un bug)
  17. Exec

    Problemas Con El Cambio De Host!

    arnet no te lo recomiendo...
  18. Exec


    a question that has been going around: clops still drop cancel???? if they dont, only liches/beholders drop it?
  19. Exec

    Omg White Is Coming

    i didnt kno no1 has ever seen sexy's face lolz oh but white ull prolly meet tyrone and james then also, post a pic of em
  20. Exec

    Random Ranting

    besides server usually reboots at sundays and yes, apoca shouldnt be open at weekend
  21. Exec

    Happy Bday Funnygirl

    AHAJAJAJJAJAAJAJA q grande este flaco xD
  22. Exec

    Happy Bday Funnygirl

    ya soplaste la velita juli? ;) q na? malagradecido ni paso por el post
  23. Exec

    Sheild Skill Resistance Decreased

    have u ever tried playing a dex mage? 611 max hp and regens without hp set are LOW. Besides the fact most wars in this server are clickers, so a sec u dont have shield and u get ur hp eaten, its fine like this. And i believe shield skill is worse in war vs war, 180 war vs 180 war, if the othr towers and m shield u cant kill him lol
  24. Exec

    Happy Bday Funnygirl

    AHJAJAJAJAJAJAA correntino logger feliz cumplea?os hagamos una colecta para un regalo