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tbh i have some problems with arg server: - It splitted up nemesis population - Im lazy to start from 0 - Personally, i find an arg server population SUXOR (i played many args/chileans servers, and ppl used to suck, not only at skill, also in the way of acting) - I was expecting that only arg population would leave int (argenlandia wasnt planning to leave it, so i didnt rly care), but now i find out that most players quitted o.O possible solutions IMO: - Change host of neme int to arg. Arg players would join nemesis, yes american ppl would complain and get bad ping, but if we could survive like 7 years with it, why u cant? - Let arg server grow, let ppl get heros/sets, and then move 1 char from each player from int there(id gladly join arg server if i get Gimlin with his items moved there, as i said before my main problem is that i dont have same time/energy to train as before, dun care if i have to wait 1 year or more)
id gladly wait 1 year or so till arg server population gets items/hero sets and then i get moved there, i can survive 1 year less players on :D solrav: this isnt about racism... im arg and i dont want arg server tho it benefitiates me... that has no sense
im argen and i never liked the idea of another nemesis arg server... so ur last sentence is wrong =X i would glady play an arg server ( im sick of high ping), but its just im too lazy to start from 0 :D
then with a mp 200% set minium regen would be 300? no thx!
and since when minium hp regen is 100? ever played with a 30 vit bmage? XD
i still dont get why int host wasnt moved to arg, we would have around 400-500 players on lol :X
if u wipe Hb int i quit HB, i have been saying im not going arg server (tho ping is better for me) becouse im lazy to start from 0, and u want to wipe int? -.-"
what about moving 1 character ( just 1) from int to arg server :P ( if u move my elv war to arg server id surely play it, but im lazy to start from 0 XD)
id like to see Sexy's n Scat's opinion about this, havent seen them around this topic yet PD: less than 90 players on at arg's afternoon =/
stick to int guys, kelbhen is partly right, now every1 is trying out the arg server, in some weeks we will see who is staying there and who is not
not really, u should remember that in hb int, there were a lot of args players in elvine ( from hachis/high HB) who quitted, so now we are way less players in elv, and also there were tons of low lvl goldies args in both ares n elv that i dont see anymore anyway i guess if we survived exp1 times we could survive now, but i dont feel like hunting like then :P
question (i hope this doesnt happen) what if int dies? it will be closed?
yo me perdi eventos de stones, podria tener bbh+7 =(
eh yo q tengo q ver, aparte mira la buzarda q le cuelga al de rosa xD che primero pense q era una fiesta de disfraces... pero la otra gente esta vestida normal XD
money and an online game arent good combo 8( at least now i wont need to pick up stuff from scorps to get pgps And looks like ppl dun learns, we already had many cases of "money stealing", i remember 3, idk if there were more
a mi me tira una media de 15 ping fibertel de Bs As sepan q Gimlin se puede convertir en un deposito para todos sus items si cambian de server!
ese tmb es otra cosa, todos los q probaron con speedy tienen igual o mayor ping q en nemesis int, y yo q tengo fibertel tengo 15-20 xD
pero la cosa de ponerlo en argentina es q farjat vive ahi, y q tiene las herramientas para hacer buena publicidad aca, y aparte creo q argentina debe quedar mas cerca que USA de australia xD
pero igual te digo q me gustaria jugar con 10-20 ping y q los europeos/yanquis juegen con 180+, asi aprenden un poco a no quejarse tanto xD pero, en mi opinion, no se si da hacer un server solamente argentino, no va a jugar nadie de otro pais (por una cuestion de horarios de actividad y lenguaje), y imaginate las sades a las 12 y media y a las 8 de la ma?ana, no creo q las juegue nadie XD creo q si vas a cambiar el hoster, hagamoslo con el HB de ahora, pero a mi no me parece q vaya a resultar fragmentar los jugadores de nemesis :(
pregunta, por que directamente no cambiamos el hoster de nemesis int a argentina? =X no me parece buena idea dividir la comunidad nemesis, seria preferible mantenerla y en todo caso hacer un host arg si queres traer players de aca...ya bastante ahora q tenemos horarios de juego diferente, no quiero imaginarme si los args se fueran de nemesis, y la noche del server arg estaria bastante vacia tmb
otra cosa, en este server nuevo empezariamos de 0? xD xq la verdad ni ganas de empezar de 0 de nuevo... en todo caso prefiero seguir jugando en nemesis int, y asi cuando junten los 2 servers, tengo mi char con todo lo q tengo ahora y poco ping :P
hay algo q no me queda claro, va a haber 2 Hb nemesis? o sea 2 clients/servidores? o vamos a seguir igual q ahora pero con menos ping? no termine de entender xD
yo creo q estan celosos de tus drops, deciles q sigan jugando con dk set y se van a enojar mas xD