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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Extra Bag Slots

    no, got the idea from HB Watermelon
  2. Exec

    Had To Be Done.

    im always lazy to right correctly ingame rofl, truth is i've been studying english for... nearly 13 years (this is my last year studying it rofl)
  3. Exec

    Wassup My Dear Enemys And Town Mates

    ur so funny dont forget that U, not marclorc, also scamed RngD items, so i hope ur chars are also baned
  4. Exec

    Ganadores Scavenger Hunt

    Gimlin k axe amp user plx
  5. Exec


    and i heard after u have 7k rep u can dash CRITICAL using daggers... -_______________________________________-
  6. Exec


    i traded my ma for mr set anyway medusa neck does work
  7. Exec

    Had To Be Done.

    im trying to find out what grx tried to say, and if he was serious or sarcastic, unfortunatly his english sucks too much
  8. Exec

    Had To Be Done.

    now definetly KK or NS wont stand a single fight bai PS: ur char is gone or u sold it?
  9. Exec

    Mass Magic Missle

    air neck reduce MMM dmg?
  10. Exec


    maynard down pvp for acc and he gave me an ares repotter as payment :((((((((((((((((((
  11. Exec

    Angels And Skills

    anyway 100 shield 10 dex would be useless as u would get stuned 2 death, same for fast casting with 10 magic =p
  12. Exec


    :D ye is lame how SOME players use recall/safe, tho i dun mind finding a safe zone if im being chased by 10 guys
  13. Exec


    lets erase safes n recall spell/scrolls also add +55 damage to all weapons n magic!
  14. Exec


    goldies that dun kno to recall r0x meng
  15. Exec

    Wassup My Dear Enemys And Town Mates

    a friend of marclorc saying that, funny shit
  16. Exec

    Wassup My Dear Enemys And Town Mates

    Perun quitted u can come back
  17. Exec

    Evento De Scavenger

    3 kloness items es demasiado man... esto es como apostar... en el int perdimos banda de zems tradeando por items y perdimos =... te puede salir bien como mal, si te parece q no podes lograr, y preferis achicarte, no participes, sino ponele pila y gana, anda a todo o nada jajajaj ;D
  18. Exec

    Scavenger Hunt Event. [Finished]

    por amor a dios decime que vas a tradearme 1 de las 2 axe...
  19. Exec

    Selling Majestic Points

    ummm then it could be 1 part change for 700 contri + 50 majs. total : 2800 contri + 200 majs. it will make change a bit harder coz ull have to change 1 part and make rest 2100 contri w/o hero set :) im quite sure i could make a mage with 700 eks and change it to war before making 700 contr (how many frosts quest is that ) and 50 majis per each armor piece LOL i believe we should make hero armors to be changed only as event prize
  20. Exec

    Selling Majestic Points

    max contri is 700, and tbh i think it would take me less time to get fh again than to do 100 majis lolololol still it could be implemented as event prize, etc (bring back scav hunts)
  21. Exec

    Stated Wizard Robes.

    try 2 kill a robe mage in pvp using a mage, they have like 170+ vit
  22. Exec

    Stated Wizard Robes.

    umm get robe n dye black? :D
  23. Exec

    Happy Chinese New Year To All!

    Huat Ah!!! (guess it means happy new year)
  24. Exec

    10 Stats!

    how much damage bonus adds having 10 extra str or magic? i mean, if u have 200 str/magic, and u use angel and get 210, is it a noticeable diff?
  25. Exec

    10 Stats!

    ok, fark 2% damage, i get 10 more vit