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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    The Next Update

    +3ing is stupid, there would be way too many high ++ weapons/armors
  2. Exec

    The Next Update

    naiz features, i cant believe ur saying htis valkyrie, ur a war with ie neck and 2 rares and a shitload of items, u perfectly know an item whored war is way harder to kill than a mage, any mage probably dies alone if he gets iced or parad Gamny down pvp for acc and didnt pay, 2pid lizard
  3. Exec

    Server Caido ?

    posta que debe ser divertido empezar a tirar servers de otros abajo jajajajaa
  4. Exec

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    i wonder why always god gives bread to some1 without teeth
  5. Exec

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    trading ie neck for efreet... *cough*
  6. Exec

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    the other way, its an ares guy char who i play lOl anyway i kno u want to see davinci with HF
  7. Exec

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    davinci wants the hellfire i think, contact him!
  8. Exec

    Hellfire Ftw! Fresh Drop From Gg!

    inhi and hf drop to ares in few weeks... mmmz
  9. Exec

    Another Suggestion

    medusa bow + xelima boots plz (ofc we should be able to activate both at once)
  10. Exec

    Sobre Windows 7 Y Helbreath

    yo tengo geforce 8500 GT y tmb me tira 1000-1200 fps cuando hay angel, tenes q configurarla
  11. Exec

    What Type Of Pvp Event Do You Want?

    yes farjat but u forget the detail that most active players at this server are item wh0res (and im quite sure any reasonable guild would join 1 or 2 teams, and mass gear them with guild items) and it would take way a lot more of time to down em that at arg server i think 5 vs 5 is best option, and i think that if its 5 vs 5 we should allow amp and pfm, but if its 3 vs 3 dont allow em
  12. Exec

    What Type Of Pvp Event Do You Want?

    i think its quite hard to gather 8 players from same guild to be able to play a pvp event (which usually lasts 2-3 hours) in a determined hour id stick to the 5 vs 5 guild pvp
  13. Exec

    Evento Pvp 2 Vs 2

    tanta buena onda sin tener otras intenciones no podia ser por parte de un argentino!
  14. Exec

    New Dk Retrieval Method

    the thing is when GMs give a new dk set, they ban the previous one this way ppl would have more than 1 dk piece
  15. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    becouse they r whiny bitches, if we play elvines, they are too many, or either they complain cause we play ares, but then run away f we log elvines! back on topic, i agree 2 disable slates at abby
  16. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    cajun mojo is going to leave our server... ill go cut my wrists ye its good idea to disable hp slates, but then the only slate worth something would be mana (and exp in less amount), and i guess u should make impossible to create hp slatse, or they would be a waste
  17. low rares? omfg... wont even bother asking so u want to hunt lets say 3 wyv hunts and get an ie neck, roam and SB drops? lol... this is a balanced server, its fine how it is, and besides on last upgrade some rare drops % chance ahs been increased, try out HB Peach if u want mass rares imo...
  18. yea lets assure that every rare drop is a pr0 powar rare, and lets get server fruity!!! worthless rare has a function..
  19. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    disable hp slates or LIVE WITH IT, as i said before, u need like 20 ppl to kill abby, its so hard to fill all the drop spots?
  20. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    its that hard to leave 4 wars and couple of mages blocking bridge? for christ sake...
  21. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    i only use them at abby xD
  22. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    i didnt whine becouse we had to camp u for 30 mins till slate was off, and the diff is when XR dropped we were 4 of us standing on drops, and was the first think we picked up, and we had a wall of koreans blocking bridge as i said, get over it, idk if anything valuable was stolen, so far the best drop stolen i heard of was gold
  23. Exec

    Hey Noobs!

    dude, i cant believe this lol; ur a fcking iron man, and u got it in the latest stages i guess, seriously every time u wake up u should thank that u have this extremely pro health dude, and u have a really strong will to get over this things, and thats admirable, most ppl that gets this things just gives up, so congratulations for the effort, u deserve this =) nice to see u back, Gimlin
  24. Exec

    Abaddon Drops

    im lazy to read all the previous post before ill give my honest opionion: stop whining, if u get abby drop stolen, its either becouse u are too noob to kill the thiefs, or becouse u guys are just too slow ,being "20+" ppl hunting, to fill all the drop spots, so live with it...u got tons of ways, gettinga all drop spots, boxing thief if he used hp slate, blocking bridge, goddamit lol... at least in the elv abby hunts i ve been we never got drop stolen, i wonder why is that...
  25. Exec

    Dk 6 --->dk8 Wand

    at least i can say dk15 has more hp than dk0, idk if every upgrade adds more