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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    About Selling Accounts On Forum

    i remember a shity game i used to play (Runescape) where there was a p2p option, and i think that game moved/moves a shitload of money lol (ya this is completely offtopic but i remembered it suddenly XD) anywho, i dont agree selling should be forbidden (although i would never sell), but yea should be forbidden at forum edit: is J power's avatar having sex with a J? LOL
  2. Exec


    try killing someone with a XR without activating (or even activating, prolly wont get urself the ek) those items r just to activate lol
  3. Exec

    Drop Jumping?

    dun feel like reading all posts jus giving my opinion: get better fps or learn to jump drops, this way sucks, as for example in abby hunt stealing drops is funny :D and this is MMORPG, cant expect to have everything served, just keep an eye on ur drops
  4. Exec

    Jugadores Del Server

    yo vi un rep15 medu neck... excesivamente fruta
  5. Exec

    Kill The Gm Event

    plz tell me elgusano GM number so that i am him :> te voy a clickear los 18 mati
  6. Exec

    Jugadores Del Server

    yo no se ni como cambiar el sprite del cursor jaajja
  7. Exec

    Que Queda Mejor?

    capa stated, sino ni rinde, prefiero 1 pot y la capa hero es asquerosa, sea +0 o +1
  8. Exec

    Jugadores Del Server

    eh para christian esa vez no cuenta, me mori xq tenia a 5 magos q miraban mientras estaba para y pfa xDDDD todos sabemos que cacha fue el mago mas agitador de elv !!!!!!!!; y nadie nombro a El_MaGo todavia
  9. Exec

    Que Hago Con Los Ek?

    respecto a los eks, te podes hacer un enema, o simplemente aparecer en top eks edit: o podes sacar de nuevo hero armors... en war vs war pvps tener 2 hero plate es la posta :D
  10. -121, rogm dk15 no FH 200 mag, to a vit mage vs wars plenty 100+
  11. Exec

    Restart Server

    fu, thats all im gonna say
  12. u lucky i wasnt on djhones, i would ve taken plate and fu u all :D
  13. Exec

    Jugadores Del Server

    Divoom, braian, Cintia, Jairo, Inkisidor no puedo decidirme
  14. Exec

    Truth Or Legend Of Gbh Drop.

    but im not fat, but i remember that u were named The Fatty =OOOOO
  15. Exec

    Truth Or Legend Of Gbh Drop.

    srry i dont understand ur joke :(
  16. Exec

    Truth Or Legend Of Gbh Drop.

    i think Kelly got all his stuff dropped from Western Union pit
  17. Exec


    o por otro lado, reseteas el arg, y los pocos players que hay quitean aparte cuando el arg empezo de 0 eran banda, pero se terminaron yendo, que te hace pensar que no va a pasra eso de nuevo?
  18. Exec

    Character Stuck- Need Help Asap

    u downloaded latest client?
  19. Exec

    Pvp Evento Una Super Ideasa.

    el problema que yo veo con todos los eventosde pvp es siempre el mismo, es fija q ganan gente q ya de por si esta cagada de items... pero bue, peor es nada, +1
  20. Exec


    its fine how it is also snakes and zombies drop medu neck, and they are easy to kill, and only 2 medu dropped lol, so we got to raise rate? leave it how it is!, with the amount of items at this server u can easy solo wyv being 3 mages, would fruit up server
  21. Exec

    Pedido Evento

    supongo q te estas refiriendo a un dm+5 neck, y la verdad me parece un premio demasiado alto, dado q hay 1 solo dm5 en el server y que el crafting esta duro, un dm4 podria pensarse
  22. Exec

    Me Da Odio

    helbreath-cabronasoo 24 / 7!! me mori con ese JAJA si el arg levanta, sepan q voy a volver xD
  23. Exec

    Me Da Odio

    de hecho yo siempre jugue int, no vine aca ni con 400 on, y empeze a jugarlo ahora al final con 50 on, y ahora toy de nuevo en el int, pero por el hecho q aca ya saque fh, y la verdad tener fh y q no haya agite me parece al pedo, asi que prefiero el int q agito
  24. Exec

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    feded wants to steal my prize :((( MJ, whats time diff respect to brazil, think we got same time so..
  25. Exec

    (Sunday, After Held) Hammer Time

    off: some1 knows what is time difference between server and arg? never knew