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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    now that m shield thing is fixed, this should be reconsidered again
  2. Exec

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    sum bans incoming ontopic: i think arg server will end up reviving, and ganksta i think u dun kno the amount of items korean guild has, which i think its already more than arg server itself lol
  3. Exec

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    i still think u shuld make a char n play, ull eventually get itenz somehow
  4. Exec

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    there are 2 common ways to get items: 1) nerding pits (what most guild like NS did to get items) 2) ripping off tards that dont know to trade (this is how arg got the items) personally, i think in 2-3 years i play this server i got 3 good drops: mp70 leather M, ie sword, ip neck. Ie was killing a frost blocking a bridge on ib, ip was doing 20% on djhones to finish off a maj. How i got all the items i have now ? (which are quite a lot), i got no idea, most of em ripping off ppl, thats the truth
  5. Exec

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    besides i dont rly see the point of this topic, are u whining cause int server doesnt have as many event prizes (im sure most ppl would agree that giving away pr0 rares in events sucks and *censored*s up server), or do u want to get hb arg closed so that int has more players (fyi, most ppl at hb arg wont play int, EVEN if they get their chars moved, cause of delay)
  6. Exec

    I Wonder What The Difference Is....?

    dude, my sharers and i (jimis, MJ, cor3a and me) have 2 or even 3x items (sets and rares) than hb arg, arg has many items for the time it has been on ur right on that, but int server is nearly 15x item whored than it
  7. Exec

    Summon Spell Upgrade!

    most strong mobs dont have alchemy parts, and ppl wouldnt waste time to summon a ww or smt like that
  8. Exec

    Summon Spell Upgrade!

    yea but summoning an HC/TW/WYV would be retarded i think a powerfull monster could me something like a minotaur, ettin, frost, demons and it shouldnt be an activation, should be a spell like ressu wand but without a limit, costing lets say 250 mp? and it should required 195 int so that only mages can use it PD: also summoned mobs shouldnt drop still i think this is kinda fruity :P, but i agree summoning is only usefull to box or tgt
  9. Exec

    So What's Up

    GIMLIN ELV LEADER!!!!!!! we need arg back 8(
  10. Exec

    So What's Up

    hey dont steal my joke of WU pit :angry: anyway its probably true that he bought it from Myron edit: it is true, there is no cancel manual at item rarity anymore
  11. Exec

    Why Lag?

    yep, im lagging badly also, and i never have lag
  12. Exec

    Farjat, What About Town Balance?

    Gimlin might be back (REAL USER NOT THE FREE MJ) and everything will be normal again B)
  13. Exec


    no es por tirar abajo la idea, pero seria mucho mas interesante poder salir a ml y encontrar gente predispuesta a agitar q tener q programarlo. Aparte q pierde la gracia de ser un agite si fuera algo arreglado... seria como un evento mas bien
  14. Exec

    El Retorno Del Rey (?)

    le gane al char DamaBlanca pvp por acc, gracias por el mago dk15 para traiciones
  15. Exec

    5.20 Lista!

    me parece q el mini map ares lo q tiene es q ponele, en vez de decirte las coordenadas viste cuando te dice el nombre del building, te tira el nombre de los buildings en la posicion del mini map anterior, no del nuevo
  16. Exec

    5.20 Lista!

    che, es un efecto de las fotos, o las distancias son mucho mas grandes? si, se q es mas facil q entre y me fije, pero no se q chota le agarro a mi conexion que me baja a 4 kb -__-. asi q si alguno me contesta me saca la duda :P
  17. Exec

    Se Viene El Update.

    bueno, sale Gimlin 70 magic victor ;D
  18. Exec

    Happy Bday Juli Gm!

    japi berdey puto juli's hangover will be gone tomorrow probably, so u can post untill then :P
  19. im not supporting ppl who insulted hwarang, but we cant say that they were "quite players" neither... i think i got nearly 1000 different insults in korean from some of them whisping me lol
  20. yo te hago el aguante victor, hasta q no volves yo no vuelvo
  21. Exec


    ah es ares? flan spotted
  22. Exec


    pero ahi vale mas la SB
  23. Exec


    si das abh rep4 por SB te falla la cabeza... con todo respeto
  24. Exec

    Mass Illution

    try getting invi, if the guy can still hit u hes illusioned :P
  25. Exec


    te va a andar de una u otra manera ok otra cosa: ponele q yo sin tocar el dxdiag me tira 300-400 fps con angel, y si lo cambio me tira 800-1100 con angeles; este update tambien afecta al dxdiag?