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Everything posted by Exec

  1. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    yo intente hacerme a FriEca en ares para agitar, pero me sacaron barracks 180 y ni me da limar un mago sin items 40 lvls xD copense y pongan barracks 180 de nuevo =D
  2. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    el unico tema q para mi puede ser es este: o sea si se plantara rezpekt solo en ares, no seria desparejo, pero el problema es que los ares para mi ESTAN ahora, pero no buscan agites... a ver en estos dias de raid no vi 1 ares en elvine, pero habia 5 o 6 raideando d2, como es la onda, tonces si de golpe saltan todos los ares, ahi puede ponerse desparejo, pero fue, mejor q ahora va a ser
  3. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    si obvio en fin, que se yo, a mi tmb me parece q le falta un poco de huevos a ares... he visto 7-8 ares raideando cray fish, xq esos 8 no pueden ir de raid, lo mismo hoy estaba audi y air supply agitando y aparecieron como 5 ares a dar back, pero apenas los 2 primeros se fueron ellos desaparecieron.
  4. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    pero lucas te estas contradiciendo tonces, xq teoricamente entonces si pasaramos a rezpekt cuantos quedarian en elv q saben jugar? casi nadie, y ares tomaria la delantera entonces
  5. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    para mi argenlandia tiene q ir a ares
  6. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    yo si tengo q agitar con letrita en ml le pongo un para aunq sea ares... :P
  7. Exec

    Cambio De Ciudad

    si se llevan a vazkito con uds para q pueda matarlo, de una na = posta, ares da asco (sin ofender :unsure: ), manden a gente q juegue
  8. Exec

    Barracks 180?

    ya se acabaron? o soy yo q no se por donde se va? (xq me dijeron q era por ch y no veo nada). Me queria armar un char traitor en ares, pero ni da limar un 180
  9. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    after the time i played this server, i dun rly need eks, i just like pvping cause its the only part of HB that entertains me, and with recall spell, its frustrating
  10. Exec

    Eventos ?

    sabes que si... y encima empiezan a aparecer TWs en shop y wh :D, re forro el pibe jajajaja PD: revisa PM sure?o
  11. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    and if u miss? (quite common vs dex mages) and if ur zerked? (ur swing will prolly do 40+) and if u got delay and he can still cast?
  12. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    and from my int/arg server experience, 100 archery is usefull only when u are low ping (aka american in this server), for ppl with 200+ ping archery is useless to stop any cast
  13. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    cons: - goldies will have less chance to escape goldie killers (IF they do know how to recall or chug) - leave it the way it is? - its part of the game, get over it, adapt to it - loose more zems (lol) pros: - more pvp action (this will attract more players) - less 180's with items being cowards (its just a zem...) - more fights, more deaths, more fun
  14. Exec

    Eventos ?

    Gimlin GM! se que todos aman al Ninja Supremo (obviamente estoy siendo sarcastimo, dudo q farjat ni mati siquiera me consideren JAJAJAJAJAAJ)
  15. Exec

    Make Gold Useful.

  16. Exec

    Make Gold Useful.

    x neck dropped from lucky prize, i think gold is usefull atm
  17. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    i dont get it, its a retarded way of thinking, what skill is involved if u have a war with 200 dex casting recall with m shield in front of u, u cant do shit to stop it
  18. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    dude, we said that before, free eks will STILL BE free eks, as they dont know to recall now main problem is 180's with items and that know to play, but they are pussies and recall at once, THATS the problem
  19. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    make recall a rare manual drop lol... its way overpowered
  20. Exec

    Event At Shop In 15mins

    wtf is wrong with these stupid retards that whine in forums that there are no events, where is hunter bla bla bla and then when an event happens all u do is just *censored*ing up things and starting to pk over a stupid HC drop? edit: ty for ending event -.- and ty hunter for the event
  21. Exec

    Monday/tuesday 5' Raid

    due to the new locations of d1, i think 1 min raid now is quite useless as u cant really reach anywhere before u get forced, so i think it should be modified to 5 mins (also with these locations, 5 mins raid are also quite short, as u loose at least 1 min running to d1 or rml and then coming back, so it wont be much diff)
  22. Exec

    Monday/tuesday 5' Raid

    u cant do sh1t with 1 min if ur not able 2 retime
  23. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    from my goldie killing experience, none of em even kno to chug pots, less to recall, only players who DO KNOW TO PLAY but they are pussies abuse the recall spell
  24. Exec

    Make Recall Have Delay After Taking Dmg

    or instead we could make that 40+ damage also stops recall cast...