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Posts posted by Stang

  1. yeah we can, we'll embed sounds into nemesis client as we did with other pak files.


    We'll add running & walking sound to the client.




    when u say "well add running and walking" making me think we arent on same page.



    there not editing the way running and walkking sound (or maybe they are as well) but just making it so nothing else make a sound, so only thing they can hear are feet

  2. im just gonan say.....



    5 people said this guy has no attention of getting rid of any items, he just makes these post 2 see what he gets offered.



    so im gonna be the 6th and say they were all right.



    GM's plz delete this guys threads.. its stupid

  3. i did think ur idea Exec was good... but after thinking about it........



    a short mim would help people who are trying 2 get a ek..... but it would hurt people that just want 2 get away.



    sooon as mim ends you run towards the people chasign you, if mim ends faster.... than it would be harder for the begginers to run away.



    i think mim should be deleted from being able 2 buy, people forget that there is a spell just like mim called "illusion movement" its the same spell except it doesnt go through pfm.. I think if you deletd mim and made mim a spell that dropped about as much as icestorm, it would improve the gameplay.



    so.... delete mim as a spell you can buy, make it a "rare" spell that is as about as common as ice storm



    what do you guys think about my idea?

  4. i like what Exec said about mim.. it shouldnt last so long.


    I think invis should stay the same.


    The activation part... ive always said the WEPON should only b abl 2 be activated every 20 mins.... reguardless who uses it. Its nuts when guilds share items..... somone uses ice.. pases.. and over and over and over all dayy.

  5. lets not get into argumens and get this back on to the subject.




    I think we can ALLL agree that we want pullers punished... we just need 2 find a reliable way to get pullers AND ONLY pullers punished for pulling.

  6. Stang, Yes DeepCut is in the same guild, hes also a completely Genuine Player and can be extremely difficult to kill at times. Theres always a chance to escape, even no matter how small the odds are.

    Perhaps He did kick the cable while trying to Escape as a Panic reaction, I know i have, apart from my 1 billion bump dc's. That have been Claimed Pulling due to a bad connection to the US server.


    on an end note.... He moved his rares to a different account because i was lending them to him, and i requested them back. which he did unconditionally.


    Question, If you Accidentally kicked cable or got bumped, DC'd and were surrounded beforehand. Would you risk logging in again immediately? O.o ??????? everyday a spy from ares comes to check if the coast is clear when im in game. and im sure alot of elv does aswell.


    Just seems like you're trying to crucify an honest, well mannered player that has build a successfull guild in elvine with good morals and leading by Example.



    well not every item he moved was yours... thats for sure.



    to answer your question...... if it wasnt becuase of d.c or lag... it was just becuase i "accidentally pulled" yes i would log back in... cause i know if i didnt there is a chance id get banned


    but i dont wanna turn this whole thread into a " yes deep pulled" or "no" deep didnt pull... CAUSE HE ADMITTED TO DOING IT... and as far as im concerend (and all SHOULD be) anyone who is boxed by the enemy with no escape, and pulls power (accidentally or not) should be punished.


    its one thing if u d.c/lag.. but he admitted to "accidentally" pulling. In the end of the day HE SHUT HIS INTERNET OFF, AND THATS ENOUGH FOR ME 2 BE PUNISHABLE.

  7. DeepCut is one of the most trusted and Honest players in Elvine.

    It's sad to see that the Aresden players are quick to make poor judgement of him. Gang him in a corner, which he prob would hav escaped anyway,

    Make an Example out of him? Theres hundreds to make an example of.. Inclusing half the people complaining about Pulling. Why pick on DeepCut?

    Most well Mannered player on the server imo.



    well i knoew your in his guild so i see why u are backing him up.



    Let me start by saying he was not going 2 escape. pretty obvious by the ss that he was going NO WHERE




    He also admitted 2 "accidentally" hiting wireless on/off switch.. AKA HE PULLED might have been "accidental" but what he did was turn his internet off ( thats pulling) while he was in a situation where he would have died NO DOUBT


    Merien shield gave him 1 minute 2 think about... (ok well when this ends i am going 2 die, peole will spam free ek down, this is gonna suck)


    i think there was no "accident" but more of him knowing he was going to die very soon.. and he didnt want 2.



    on a end note....


    he moved all his rares to a different account after seeing this thread, doesnt sound like a inocent guy 2 me.


    somone who accidentally pulled should get internet going and log on instantly.. not log spies and wait for the coast 2 be clear.. like he did.

  8. Well this happened today, he had just retimed.. was not forced.. was not logged on afterwords.


    the time is only 18 seconds different between the 2 ss




    IPB Image





    IPB Image

  9. im just gonna add that..... ive posted ss of people ADMITING to pulling.


    Ticket was closed, no punishment recieved to puller.



    If you can get a ss of somone saying " yes i pulled, so what" i would think that should be more than enough 2 ban.

  10. Well clearly having edited sound packs ruins the game.... seems nowadays that everyone has edited sound packs so they hear nothing but feet.... it make it IMPOSSIBLE to sneak up on them.



    i am so tired of walking into a pit... not even being close to the person.... and them instantly knowing somone is there. Its almost like haveing a beholder neck


    Is there a way we can make it so that NOONE can edit there sound packs?




  11. it would be nice a map guide or something like that with pits, most new players only know a few spots to train, and once those pits r being camped by raiders, they dont know what to do



    thats very true. maybe put "maps" in there bags that shows the pits locations... make it a bounded item so they dont drop.