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Posts posted by Stang

  1. This gold problem has NO effect on 180's all it is doing is chase new players away


    We need to put the gold back pronto, the server has been going down for a while, and now it just started it climb back up, put gold bak to how it was while the new players are still coming.



  2. Yes i played on my gis warior, and figting bbh wariors are almost impossible, cant go 5 mins without being naked.


    It makes it so bbh wariors are the only build u can do, witch is lame and boring


    I bet 99% of the wariors have exact same stats, aka boring

  3. We want people to manu. Right now, behind the scenes, there are discussions going on between myself and Scatterp on how to make manufacturing and alchemy extremely viable if you want the top end items and to make magic items. Mind you this is still in the beginning stages of discussion and nothing that will be rolled out any time soon. But, this is something both he and I are on the same page on.


    Hard 2 make all that valuable when,SLYONE has 100% everything, if u ask for sex pot bam its there


    I like SLYONE but no way that stuff will be worth it when some one is given 100%

  4. Ok i hate this new gold drop, all it is doing is chasing new palyers away from nemesis, i cant even aford 2 tp 2 d2


    And all the new players cant aford any spells or weponds, the gold drop should be what ever the lvl increase is


    I can get max in 3 days, but it would take me a week 2 buy energy strike


    I don think anyone likes this new gold drop, and all i have herd is "ima quit if it doesnt change"


    I think we need 2 change it back and im sure everyone else will agree.



    Post what your opinons are



  5. Guys i would apreciate it if eveyrone would take 10 seconds of there day everyday, and vote for HB nem2


    Lets put this server back up at #1 and bring some fresh blood into the server.







  6. Ok im having same problem as cakes


    If yall had read one of my topics my pc crashed and came back with amazing fps even with angels around, well i restarted my pc and now im back 2 my extre,mely low fps


    I did everything yall said in topic and none is working


    Cakes how do i disable my driver, and what are the pro and cons of that




  7. Guys i would apreciate it if eveyrone would take 10 seconds of there day everyday, and vote for HB nem2


    Lets put this server back up at #1 and bring some fresh blood into the server.







  8. I think it should do a litle more dmg but not a huge increase.


    It would be nice if it would be a affective pl raider spell.


    As of now its a rare pointles spell, with no dmg, and no value in my mind, except 2 show off that u have a rare spell.