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Posts posted by Stang

  1. Ok well i dont know how this would work out, but i think ip should be set so u can only use 1 town, k think if ur a elvine u shoulsnt be able 2 make ares, and vis versa


    I hate the idea of a spy, and now that i was on a fw hunt, and maynard and gamny would snoop so low 2 log ares and try and steal drops. makes me wish they couldnt


    I wish people here has a contience


  2. i had a plate mage on nem. and will be making one again here once i get my war to DK+15 (one of these days) but if you know how to play they are pretty effective in pvp but not much else.


    130 str. 50 dex 195 int 140 mag the rest vit.


    GL they are tough to play.


    The problem with that is you will only have 80 vit, a few blizses if your amp runs off, ur SOL

  3. MY OWN business? guess you have to stfu eventually. Lets wait farjat post here then u'll see whos lieing. ty 4 read


    Im not lieing at all


    why are u posting , no one is talking 2 u please stfu


    im not lieing thats why elvine is siting in farm shop, elvine is protesting. its lame


    i wont stfu, keep trying. Im free to talk here same as you. Mind your own business? GG

    Have your whole town lost an Held? no, like 20 elvs were raiding aresden. Call they lamers and stop cry over and over.




    Leave no one is talking 2 u, ya im sure ur glad ares has twice as many , helps u out


  4. MY OWN business? guess you have to stfu eventually. Lets wait farjat post here then u'll see whos lieing. ty 4 read


    Im not lieing at all


    why are u posting , no one is talking 2 u please stfu


    im not lieing thats why elvine is siting in farm shop, elvine is protesting. its lame

  5. Yes A GM killed me, didnt even say move or anthing


    Then i askeed why and Mute+1


    Lame they interfear with heldenien, oh loook ares won, i wonder how


    Lame, yes i know i dont own this server or can run it, but i promise u know one will play if this continues



  6. OK no need 2 ban me for posting this, im asking


    OK so GM kills me for sitting at a speceific area in held


    Then i ask why, i was killed bam, im mmuted


    Is there a reason , very stupid 2 do this(be nice 2 say why u muted or 2 say dont do somthing)

  7. Yes i think quest should be more rewarding , or now with the gold how it is, more finacial


    Yes doesnt have 2 be at the top of your hard working GMs and Coders(Jaapy) just a sujestion being thrown out there.