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Posts posted by Stang

  1. Im making this thread for people 2 post there thanks for the GM's and there time they spend 2 help make the this server what it is.(Im Not trying 2 kiss a$$)




    I want to thank all of the GM's for the time they spend keeping the server awesome.


    I want to give a special thanks to Hunter[GM] who does all these special events for us, and has 2 put up with ALOT of bullsh!t, 2 just make this server fun.


    Also Farjat[GM] for keeping the people inline and GM's honest.


    Id like to thank Jaapy[GM] for the long nights spent making the server better, with all the hard coding.


    And of course Sexy[GM] for paying the bills and keeping a great server running.



    Thanks alot GM's and Everyone who has donated


    This is a special Drunk Saint patties day thanks from Wrigley/ Orbit.

  2. You can spot me wearing that womens shirt with a flower in it.

    IPB Image


    haha so many wiggahz there even a chiggah! :lol: :lol:




    hahaha sardina emo <3


    bueno esta es una foto de puerto madrird, cuando nos fuimos a ver las ballenas, yo soy el de la derecha


    this is a good photo port madrird, when we went to see whales, I am the right


    IPB Image


    there holding hands


    afirmados de la mano


    p.s tienes una cara de croata!


  3. that farm exp can be changed


    But id like 2 see better pits in dungeons, ml, ib,


    Ones like u can train in, Ml skellies blow, so do dungeon skellies, along with ib skellies


    But pl skllellies rock there for everyone with uber items makes pl raiders and kills noobs, witch is lame as hell.


    Same with all the ml, ib, dungeon pits, None you can get legit expereince in


  4. Milk is a one of a kind guy.. he was a awesome player, his aim was awesome, and he would never brag, he let his actions speak for them selfs


    Not one have i ever seen him post ss of eks or call people noobs, he was a honest gguy


    That was the best part of him, he was just a nice man, i love him more than anyone and wish the best for him


    If he ever need helps im always there for him, i love him 2 death Milk i hope u come bak, ill never trade ur items away, always be waiting for u