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Posts posted by Stang

  1. This happened last time there was server difficulty.


    However for you things to check are:


    Is the GM char over level 140.


    Do you have 20 charisma.


    Are you putting an illegal character in the guild name (particuarly at the start of the name).


    Try relogging.




    The guy is 180 20 chr, and not ilegal names

  2. Ok so i just canceled my guild 2 make a new one and it says "Fails making a new guild, guild name already exist." It not that the guild name has been taken ive tried names like e5yghretf and dthr6trsf but still says its been taken. Any one know why?

  3. Would be helpful if you actually posted the names of the characters on your account (I prefer it if you do not enlist your account name on the forum). Your forum name is unrelated to any ingame information we have.


    In regards to security we've obviously disallowed the use of certain characters. I want to know which character (in your character name) is giving you the specific problem. Let's see what we can do.


    My character on the account is Stang.