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Posts posted by Stang

  1. why dont we make item selling ilegal then?

    something like, u can advice that u are selling items ingame/forum, so it will be way harder to contact ppl to buy/sell items

    Making selling items for real money illegal isn't going to stop people from selling items for real money. It will only make people sell their items "underground" if you will. Those people will diverge to different means to trade their stuff. Of course this might be better, as it will possibly relieve the GMs from some of the work involved in solving real item trades that went bad. But it will never fix the problem at hand completely.


    To ban item selling for real money effectively, we need a way to detect it basically. Right now, we cannot reliably detect if you sold your item for real money. You might as well have given it away for free! We can't tell the difference! This makes things really hard for us. So we have look into non-HB related things.


    If you have an answer to that problem, let me know!



    Dont do that, i wanna be able 2 sell my items when i quit =p.


    Just dont advise it, but dont ban for doing it. IMO


    Thinking i banned them for item selling its too easy. And its much more difficult than that.


    whatcha mean farjat

  2. why dont we make item selling ilegal then?

    something like, u can advice that u are selling items ingame/forum, so it will be way harder to contact ppl to buy/sell items

    Making selling items for real money illegal isn't going to stop people from selling items for real money. It will only make people sell their items "underground" if you will. Those people will diverge to different means to trade their stuff. Of course this might be better, as it will possibly relieve the GMs from some of the work involved in solving real item trades that went bad. But it will never fix the problem at hand completely.


    To ban item selling for real money effectively, we need a way to detect it basically. Right now, we cannot reliably detect if you sold your item for real money. You might as well have given it away for free! We can't tell the difference! This makes things really hard for us. So we have look into non-HB related things.


    If you have an answer to that problem, let me know!



    Dont do that, i wanna be able 2 sell my items when i quit =p.


    Just dont advise it, but dont ban for doing it. IMO

  3. make hero chain 1000 eks and make it have an extra bonus


    also create hero horns for warriors for 1000 eks

    that would be fun and not every1 would have it

    (atleast yet)


    LOL only u would be able 2 get it maymay.





  4. 3 of us all together, 1 mage in full mp kit, 1 tank using m.shield with 200 dex/vit and 1 DPS with dk+4.


    EDIT: We didn't kill any and were stuck on the same one for 25 minutes lol..


    ya u need more =p, at least have the one war not tanking 2 have dk 15 rod and dm5 for it 2 die within 30 mins lol

  5. Update:


    Ok just tried and the results are staggering!


    Our first drop.... wait for it (no pun intended) and we would still be WAITING now.. We were there about 25-30 minutes before running due to our tank going through all his shields (2 towers).


    Our tank was fine and could take the damage, often swiching from m.shield to a hp war axe when he was full, then switching back at half hp. Releasing crits with a war axe all 18 at a time.


    Our mage never went oom with his mp kit and kept poison up and GDR all the time.


    Me (DPS) kept zerk up on both myself and the tank, I was hitting it on the diagnol and virtually never too aggro, I'd say I hit it about 35% of the time with the dk+4, releasing all crits from 2 spaces directly behind the Helcalw.


    So we would like to know where we went wrong and if there is any other things we can try, we love the challenege but are left scratching our heads after this attempt.


    Yall didnt kill any?


    How many of u were there.

  6. actually no, theres more than one to skin a cat so to speak.


    maybe if you dont kill me anymore ill tell you how to do it, see ya around wrigs.






    I gues if u got some hp gear and can time ur hp gains and switch from dk set 2 hp set.




    Or be fking awesome like timma and solo it <3

  7. Im only going to comment on the dk armor and I would make it a bit diff.


    Dk armor would still be black, w/ alot more end the BS armor (goldy armor) but

    it would give the same def. pa ect...


    Then there would be no issue of shields or mSheilds.

    Also would help ballance the game between wars and mages.



    Ya dk needs 2 be same defence as knight armor.

  8. Is it possible for 2 warriors with 200 dex/vit and a mage with a full mp set to some how down a HC?


    We would love to be able to hunt but have no idea on any tactics or strategies to down one so here we are asking for any tips, tricks and advice.





    Yes it is posible, it will be hard and probly need 2 summon on a war so the sumon prevents him from flying.


    Best 2 have a few more wariors tho.


    Have one warior tank with a m shield wand and tower shield, and have 3 or 4 wariors in X position.


    The mage would just gds the warior (great defence shield) and heal him.


    Get the wariors 2 zerk themselfs, if the tank is strong enough the mage can zerk.

  9. Dont like any of the ideas but increasing ls dmg, sorry. The game's fine just the way it is. I even think it's been altered way too much on this serv, but as there isn't a better alternative for me, I'm fine with that. Applying ANY of those ideas in my mind could greatly alter the gameplay here & I hope the gm's aren't up for anything quite this radical yet.



    The only thing thats been altered way 2 much is warrior dmg, Its lower then on the original servers.

    It needs 2 be what it was orginally

  10. The reason dk armor is freee 2 repair is.. If it cost money people would just drop on floor and go to city hall and just type /dkset


    I agree with most of what u say. hero robe blows.. wariors need a litle more atack dmg(just put dmg how it should be ........) M shield wants need 2 be lowered drasticly And MS and LS need 2 be spells worth buying


    I dont like..


    Dont want a spell in circle 1 2 do thatmuch dmg. Id become a 50 mag, 200dex,200vit104 str, 36 int mage(havent calculated just made up stats) All mages would be vit/dex whores. Or just all be wariors who cast mm alot.


    dont change speed of running, Even me slowed down by 10% with a shield on i can still run faster then most people n e way(this will just help fps whores and hurt bad fps people)



    Dex angel is 2 much math envolved for me 2 read lol


    Not 2 crazy about king/queen unless during sades.. would be cool during a sade 2 have a townmate 2 help organize everyone

  11. it's not a dumb idea. facebook/myspace/twitter is an attempt to revive the hb community. helbreath is a dying game everybody knows that because there is no advertisement for it and no way for new generation of gamers to find out about the game. at least having these up will promote new gamers to a certain degree.



    ^^^That guy is a genious^+1




    And timma i am Wrigley, not armin