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Posts posted by Stang

  1. See thats the problem though, you are allowing some items but not others. Quite frankly a SB or ie neck would have a bigger effect on the outcome of a 2v2 fight over an activation item, maybe we shouldnt allow IE necks or SBs....




    There is no amp aloud so you can mim, you think ie nek or sb would change the outcome as much as a x item atacking a mimed person




    P.S i say no mim, would be pretty lame 2 use in this event.

  2. The winners will receive a Kloness Esterk MS20 or a Kloness Blade....


    You mean Kloness Wand or Sterk?


    He's been saying Kloness Esterk or I changed it to say that. :P



    You never know, might have created a new esterk that can also cast magic :rolleyes: lol

  3. u say u will try 2 match up mages vs mages and war vs war... id like it random.


    Like GM's just pick 2 random people then tell them 2 get there partner's,(reguardless of your build) Instead of trying 2 match up people.



    Edit: P.S Imagine how long some war vs war fights could go on for. A couple 130str vit wars vs another set of 130str vit wars, both with hps sets... No one would die lol

  4. Ok so as any person who has played a warior probbly knows that warrior vs warrior is terrible, Takes for ever to kill each other in pvps, not even 2 mention that all a warior has to do is put on m shield wand and tower and he can survivor just about any amount of warriors.


    I think to help improve the warrior vs warrior fighting the m shield wand should have a int requirment 2 be able 2 hold, maybe 125+ or maybe more int. I believe this will improve this games pvp dramaticly



    I also believe Dk armor defence/dr needs 2 be lowered as well.

  5. should i remind you hb is a incomplete game?


    why would you even ask something like this to our coders, i understand your problem but you can just dual boot or run virtual machine or more.




    What are those

  6. I really want to fix this. But it's really hard. HB code really sucks and it's just like spaghetti like I've said many times before. It will take a good amount of time to fix this. I don't know if it's worth it.


    there already has been a server that fixed the problem with vista. from what i've been told, it took them one day to do it.




    You dont know if its worth it....... I gues u dont have vista. XP is old and is gonna be outdated soon. Think its rediculious to think its not worth it. HB needs 2 move forward not stay in the past.

  7. yeah u see lots of players called d1 full heros ... :lol: seriously how can u see that has any relevance?



    Cant tell you how many times while raiding ares i go 2 retime and d1 is boxed/blocked. But i was just using that as an example 2 show that each town has pros and cons.


    In d2 the third cy pit is very close 2 ares d1 ent, but takes forever for elvine 2 get there. So ares can train there in peace.


    Each town has pros and cons, if u dont like ur town... switch


    Most scorp ek's die in 2-3 crits, or 1 blizz.

    Aresdens boxing their own d1 to kill noob 180 elvs that raid is quite different than picking off helpless scorpers.


    Logic has failed you sir.


    Good day!


    Kill noobs get pots and eks, kill 180s get zems and eks.


    Each town has pros and cons like i said, logic never fails me


  8. yeah u see lots of players called d1 full heros ... :lol: seriously how can u see that has any relevance?



    Cant tell you how many times while raiding ares i go 2 retime and d1 is boxed/blocked. But i was just using that as an example 2 show that each town has pros and cons.


    In d2 the third cy pit is very close 2 ares d1 ent, but takes forever for elvine 2 get there. So ares can train there in peace.


    Each town has pros and cons, if u dont like ur town... switch

  9. made 2 reboots and mistaked on both. I dont want to reboot more today. Ill wait tomorrow. SHIT!@#$%^&*()*&^%$#


    1) Fixed Unicorn spawns at gardens (still need reboot)

    2) Event scheduler fix (sades fail to start sometimes) (aded)

    3) Battlefield Type heldenian Dummy Blocks at bridges (npc to destroy now 53) (still need reboot)



    Will you reboot before or after sade? Got a estament of when u will be rebooting

  10. or lower the str required for using b axes so there would be a bigger variety of warr builds in PL.


    perhaps nice idea, but also i think maybe swing should be a bit faster to allow crit dmg to multiply a bit. having someone para/bump and putting 1/2 bbh crit in them is nice, but would be better to put 2/3 axe crits in same amount of time if that was an option.


    Ya, lower str 2 156.. and bump up swinging speed.


    But then you reduce GiS to a peice of garbage.



    No i think those 3 items should have same str but do different things.


    Baxe :should be good dmg for 156str but, No strip and Short crit range

    Gis:Good crit range, good hp



    It will be a choice between 3 different types of wepons with EQUAL but DIFFERENT Abilities

  11. or lower the str required for using b axes so there would be a bigger variety of warr builds in PL.


    perhaps nice idea, but also i think maybe swing should be a bit faster to allow crit dmg to multiply a bit. having someone para/bump and putting 1/2 bbh crit in them is nice, but would be better to put 2/3 axe crits in same amount of time if that was an option.


    Ya, lower str 2 156.. and bump up swinging speed.


  12. made 2 reboots and mistaked on both. I dont want to reboot more today. Ill wait tomorrow. SHIT!@#$%^&*()*&^%$#


    1) Fixed Unicorn spawns at gardens (still need reboot)

    2) Event scheduler fix (sades fail to start sometimes) (aded)

    3) Battlefield Type heldenian Dummy Blocks at bridges (npc to destroy now 53) (still need reboot)



    Is it one of those kinda days farjat lol

  13. Ok so today during sade i started noticing a huge drop in performance on my computer,it was laging when alot of stuff(people,sade buildings,ect,ect..) was in my screen(It never has done this before).


    It is now doing this with no one in my screen. I cant even move with out my whole pc feeling like it is laging, cant even hit my hotkeys without it laging.



    I did move my pc from one spot 2 another, but i dont see what that could have done, it worked fine for about 3 hours after i moved it.


    I wasnt in any storm or anything where it could have been struck by lighting.


    Anyone know what could have happned? :unsure: Any educated guess or input would be appreciated




    TY alot :wacko: