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Everything posted by Stang

  1. Stang

    Trade Mp W

    ancient flam?
  2. Stang

    Crusade 13.09

    +1 If one Europe time zone guild switch to aresden and one usa time zone guild switched to Elvine it would be perfect.
  3. Stang

    Make Fencing A Class Of Its Own!

    no thanks! Just one more way to make playing a mage suck
  4. Stang

    Old Warehouses

    been so long, someone put a pic up
  5. Stang

    Is The Server Down?

    yes, they are fixing a bug
  6. I think its funny that the post below this one is saying PL is full of elvine and that they need aresden...... sounds like yall need 2 convince your massive amounts of PL raiders to lvl up.
  7. Before Rezspect was moved farjat said server was balanced 70% to 30% in elvine favor, and possibly even higher in favor of elvine. I dont think that moving( at the time a 25 man guild) swung that number into aresdens favor let alone making aresden numbers alot higher than elvine.
  8. You sure? thats what the title and original post are talkign about.
  9. no one will be happy unless there side is winning, people will always complain about server being unbalanced. Elvine won last held, ares won last sade..... wtf more can you ask for. Not ever sade/held/ fight will be even, get over it.
  10. Stang

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    And how many people play Olympia now?
  11. Stang

    Remove Mim From Magic Shop!

    90% of time in mass fights all wars get amped and mages can do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING to warriors.... yet you want to nerf the mages even more? How about you cant be amped without 112int, bbh doesnt strip, arrows dont stun and zerk doesnt increase damage then we can make mim a rare spell....
  12. Stang


    something needs to be done about invu, its being abused way 2 much. Lets go back 2 safe zones plz.
  13. Stang

    Handshaking Failed

    ya bro your good
  14. Stang

    Handshaking Failed

    Ya same here man, I cant log in.
  15. Stang

    [Event] Spring Guild Vs Guild Pvp Tournament !

    Guild/Team Name: Enemy Kill Team 4 Online Time: Mon - Fri not available, Sat - Sun 7am - 11am. Team Leader: Burned Team Member 1: N/A Team Member 2: N/A Team Member 3: N/A Team Member 4: N/A Bench Member 1:N/A Bench Member 2: N/A
  16. Stang

    Helping New People More.

    Ok well just gonna share a few idea i have of helping new characters. #1)Yesterday i talked to 3 different sub 180 people, all 3 of them had no idea that you can lvl very fast in bararcks untill your 180. Maybe some how we can make it so these new players know. #2)I think now that you can get to lvl 180 fast that untill you reach level 180, when you recall it sends you to the farm. And possibly to help with my "#1" idea that when your sub 180 when you recall it flashes at the top of the screen saying " the best place to level before 180 is barracks" #3) Instead of have a rev pot in your bag when you create a new character, how about a spg. #4) I always see new mages begging for money, maybe have the spells cost nothing or possibly reducing the price severly. what do you guys think?
  17. Stang

    Donation Idea

    bad idea
  18. Stang

    Happy Birthday Magicjoker

    happy b day brother
  19. Stang

    Safe Upgrade Quest

    i want my z wand +4!
  20. Stang

    Summon Event !

    well normally u dont make a thread for a summon event... so i bet this is gonna be big =p to bad im at work =(
  21. Well clearly having edited sound packs ruins the game.... seems nowadays that everyone has edited sound packs so they hear nothing but feet.... it make it IMPOSSIBLE to sneak up on them. i am so tired of walking into a pit... not even being close to the person.... and them instantly knowing somone is there. Its almost like haveing a beholder neck Is there a way we can make it so that NOONE can edit there sound packs?
  22. Stang

    Editing Sound Packs Ruins The Game!

    when u say "well add running and walking" making me think we arent on same page. there not editing the way running and walkking sound (or maybe they are as well) but just making it so nothing else make a sound, so only thing they can hear are feet
  23. Stang

    Best Place To Hunt For Items?

    wow never knew that.... still woudlnt mind pa/ma 21 shields when do mobs start droping 91 shit?
  24. Stang

    Best Place To Hunt For Items?

    THATS ITS ALL THE TRUTH No, not slime pit. slimes drop shields... pa 36 targ plz