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Everything posted by Stang

  1. get 112 int, leave us mages alone! Wars can use ginseng, anti freeze, amp themselfs, or get amped by other mages. What can mages do to an amped war except wait another 60 seconds.
  2. Stang

    I Wonder How...

    /tgt MooMoo
  3. Stang


    Bro it gets abused by all. Why would you think this is a mage only thing?
  4. Stang

    I Wonder How...

    are you implying that the GM's are abusing there powers? 2030 for you!! By looking at that ss seems like you didn't quit, you changed towns.
  5. Stang

    2Nd Sb Drop?

    are you sure it isnt just the drop list thats bugged? did this when somone passed ie sword to somone else... said was two of them
  6. Stang

    Crafting Magingems

    30+ fails, 0 success
  7. Stang

    Crafting Magingems

    OK so wtf is up with crafting magingems. I have tried now for the 13th time and have failed everytime. 13 m stones down and have failed everytime. this cant be just unlucky, whats is the % chance on crafting it.
  8. Stang

    Ninja Pro Eker ! Jajajajajjajajajaja

    hard 2 tell if laming, TOM is a freee who runs around combatant. 6 times is alot though, especially when the cords arent that far apart. Make a ticket tho, forum is not the place to report ek laming
  9. Stang

    Server Monotony - Short Game

    I think that the hero system is what ruins the game. Before you think this is fruity hear me out.... Hero armor was created when there was 500+ people playing a server. So to get full hero you wouldnt have to keep killing the same person over and over. Now with 100 people playing everyone is just tgting the same few noobs over and over again all day untill that player quits or loggs off Now lets say if it took like 150 eks for full hero. People would just get there hero armor and fight with other hero's/180 instead of tgting every noob under the sun and scaring them away from the server. In return instead of the noob quiting the server he/she will get lvl 180 and join the fight as well, making the game play even more fun. I believe this would change the game for the best.
  10. Stang

    Survivors Suck

    haha this is awesome
  11. Stang

    Just In - Poseidon Pulls

    That has nothing to do with it. The only thing people have problems with is becuase he pulls... end of story.
  12. Stang

    Another Rare

    I enjoy when stuff actually drops. Gives me hope
  13. Stang

    Poseidown Vs 140!

    HAHA nice. im suprised he didnt call BU. Both times ive tried to pvp he call BU after just 1 or 2 minutes.
  14. Stang

    Pro-Tips Aresdens.

    I play at work and at my home, it doesnt make a difference. When i blizz it hits my own town even when im home.
  15. Stang

    Lf Diamonds

    whatcha give for 100% ware
  16. Stang

    Two Ie Swords One Neck

    Ok so just looking at drop list and noticed that two IE swords and 1 IE neck have dropped in the past 24 hours.... How did this happen?
  17. Stang

    Mim Poll

    I have already seen a couple luciduty angels drop, get one and quit bitching about mim. Get 112 int and quit bitching about mim. Get mr set and quit bitching about mim.
  18. Stang

    Two Ie Swords One Neck

    Thanks farjat for the clarification. i was getting nervous, i dont like to turn blue.
  19. Stang

    Pvp Con 313

    funny POSEIDON wispers you cause he has called BU in both of our pvps
  20. Stang

    Ruth's Warehouse!

    I will buy diamonds form you for 10k.. when ever u get
  21. Stang

    Crafting Magingems

    20th fail, goodbye 100% emerald 96% emerald and m stone.
  22. Stang

    Crafting Magingems

    dont lie, i know u know every single code by heart. :wub:
  23. Stang

    Crafting Magingems

    what % chance is it for success? thanks!
  24. Stang

    Player Count

    I just want to know what is going on with player count. Was like 250+ last week and now doesn't seem to go much beyond 150. Anyone know why