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Posts posted by chechoo

  1. You guys need to find a way to make people stop mass raiding 100% of the time. You cant do anything without having 10 player from the opposite city on you, today I tried to make an Apoca hunt that finished with mass pvp in Infernia (all recalled and nobody made any eks). Me and my friends just decided to leave because this server is *censored*ed up cause of all the assholes that dont let you do anything. Im not crying, because any of those stupid elvs can kill me, they end up breaking the hunt luring lots of mobs or stuff just to disturb because they cant organize to do anything. We have raiding days to raid and non-raiding days to hunt and do the other 90% of the game stuff, some people dont understand this, the same people that comes here to cry about not getting items while other people gets lots of rares.

  2. Cajun, be patient, this is happening to me too(Sofie) but I'm pretty sure that Milkcow is trying to get all the people into the guild.


    Milkcow, what about creating a survivors 2? there is a lot of people that wants to join and cant cause of limit.

  3. I found some map and PFM bugs in the heldenian. I wasnt able to see bridges and also I was able to see statues where it should be, the funniest thing was to get hitted and paralized having AMP!!!!!





    I dont have a picture of the amp bug because I was too busy trying to save my life to make a screenshot, by the way, I died...





    Voting here dont matter, the staff arnt even considering changing it, according to what was just said in another topic.

    Contrary to what was posted above, we are planning on a change (or multiple changes) to MIM soon.


    Thank you for your opinions!

    Why?? aint Banana Server cmon! are u talk srly? Gonna destroy the game we love : ( , i only see trash talkers and bad skill players! Need learn!! like all do in this 7 or 9 years of nemesis!

    Why is making a change to MIM going to "destroy the game we love"? The reason we make any changes to gameplay is to try to make the game BETTER for the players, not worse. Why do you think this is different?




    Now rares gonna be +3 all totally its "safe" , in this case of mim this i got allways 3 or 4 wars follow me if i get in bad troubless i shoot mim and confuse all ! if u change that big fights dont gonna exist any more! 70% of this comunity are baby crys! Cuz they dont kill no 1 they need "changes" do the game more "easy" and all gonna quit for boring .



    The only thing I see here is a lot of crying mages, you know you dont use it only when there are 4 on you, you all use it everytime you see anybody doesnt mather how many they are or you are. MIM should have low chances, not 100%.


    yeah when I afk sometimes fps drops to just walking around wh and freezing screen alot......sometimes its really great fps 245....and then again it slows again sometimes hunting skeles


    It's random I find.....not just caused by running around

    There should be any clue.

    Like an aura making it. or the lvl up msg. something so we can take for reference?


    I was just running for my life and this was happening all the time. I was poisoned in dungeon, there were a mage casting blizz most of the time and 2 warrs sticking their sword in my *censored* each time I get lized by FPS fall.

  6. Estaría bueno que se puedan cerrar las ventanas apretando la tecla Esc, se podrían ir cerrando en orden segun tuvieron foco, por comodidad solamente y no tener que ir apretando botón derecho sobre cada una. Tambien se podría agregar a el chat, cuando empezas a escribir algo y querés cancelarlo.


    Alguien hagame la traduccion.

  7. Consulta: No se podrían pasar los personajes de nemesis argentina? Eso seguro va a traer gente y junto con la gente que viene por su pj de nemesis argentina va a entrar gente porque ya no va a estar sola en el servidor. Antes el problema que habia para pasarlos era que la gente de nemesis internacional no querían por los items que habían, pero con esto de que se vendieron items, cual sería problema?