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Everything posted by tbone

  1. tbone

    Forum Contest 1

    Ok contest will be closed in approximately 3.5 hrs time, after which I will post a new topic for you guys to poll.
  2. tbone

    Summon Spell Upgrade!

    Yeah, my point exactly. It will be capped at mostly ogres, trolls and ww. And if players work hard enough, demon and uni are available.
  3. tbone

    Summon Spell Upgrade!

    My suggestion: Add on to crafting menu. Get all the body parts of a mob, craft it and 10% success u get a summoning wand for that mob in ur bag, which is deleted once u use it. Not too fruity, and less chance of ppl abusing, maybe.
  4. tbone

    Forum Contest 1

    Kindly stay on topic guys. Fyi, you can submit as many entries as you like, so keep em cmin.
  5. tbone

    Forum Contest 1

    I wont participate in my own contest, but here is 1 from me, just for fun. Helbreath Nemesis is so OWNAGE that YOU COULD REPLACE 1337 with NEM.
  6. tbone

    Forum Contest 1

    Keep it going guys, I will let this run for a few days, pick the best 5 and we will poll for the top 1.
  7. tbone

    Sade Day!

    1.5 hrs b4 and after sades (as scheduled currently), exp *= 2. Players will then make it a point to log b4 sade, play the sade, and the exp bonus after sade will ensure they try to end sade asap.
  8. tbone

    General Chat

    if im not wrong it takes 3sp for every line you speak, except normal & whisper chats. 1 more option would be to make it 3sp per letter you say in global (red) chat. every time someone chats globally, get the length of sentence, *=3, and remove that amount from his sp.
  9. tbone

    Demon Hunting

    Hey guys, Are there players who can solo demons with just dk set items? I mean just using basic not so rare items. ps: pls dont flame me, i've been off nemesis for a long time, have little idea what its like now.
  10. tbone

    Demon Hunting

    How long u guys take to kill the demon? Do u chug loads of pots?
  11. tbone

    Screen Shots

    you might be using vista. if so, turn off user account control. next, right click ur hb folder, click properties, select security tab. give urself full control over all functions, eg : read / write etc.
  12. tbone

    Anotha Fully Shick Idea

    quite cool, but would be easier to implement with a default message. like b4 u afk, just type /afk. then when ppl whisper u, default msg is sent to them. "player is afk, pls try again later"
  13. tbone

    Dark Elf Bow

    sprite change takes some effort, i reckon a color change would do just fine. simple edit if memory serves me right.
  14. tbone

    Hero Cape

    if im not mistaken, hero cape was meant to be a trophy for the good pvpers back in the old times when hero armor wasnt out yet. thats what it was, thats what it still is. no reason to change. though i might be completely wrong.
  15. tbone


    from what i understand, 100% shield means that ALL of the physical damage you get is reduced by the defense ratio of your shield.
  16. tbone

    Trade Eks

    players in this server already got mad sets, i think if this suggestion is implemented, we gonna have unkillable characters walking around haha
  17. tbone

    Trade Eks

    is this from hb usa?
  18. tbone

    M Shield Wand (require Int)

    roflmao im not drinking water from the tap anymore.
  19. tbone

    M Shield Wand (require Int)

    it is possible to kill a full dk warr who has mshield+tower on. helbreath is not like street fighter, which is 1 v 1 and u dont wear armor. helbreath involves alot of ppl at once, be it raiding or hunting. im sure with mass ppl ard u can kill just about any1 wearing anything.
  20. tbone

    Why Server's Down? (its Up Now)

    server reboot. i think will be up in 20 mins
  21. tbone


    simple fix to this actually. after cast, include a timer. eg : cast recall, then on ur screen shows : Recalling in 4 secs Recalling in 3 secs Recalling in 2 secs Recalling in 1 secs Should any damage be taken during countdown, the spell cancels. Its same principle as logout or restart on death timer. I think this is an easy fix for the skilled coders this server has. Heck, with some luck i might be able to do this myself lols. EDIT : I think recall shld be left the way it is now though, recall having a longer recall timing would affect the newer players.
  22. tbone

    Just For Reference.

    honestly i think that farjat is doing the right thing. ban both sides. ban the scammers for coming up with the idea, ban the victims for accepting the idea in the first place.
  23. tbone

    A Few Questions For The Players/gms

    since this server has got people from all over the world playing, setting a rule to be nice is impt, hence no cursing etc. you never know if som1 might just take it too hard, or if they get offended in terms of culture / religion. Nothing wrong being nice to others. about the player edit. pls, just imagine he gets his items from drops and not edit. you wont whine about any1 who gets ESW if its a dropped manual right? there, case closed.
  24. Hello, Should any new players going for a warrior build, please approach me in game, i'll help you out with a couple of items, and gold. Items currently are flamberges, warXs, ms10 cp wands. My character is Amidamaru, aresden. If you are elvine, use a traveller or we can meet in BI. Best Regards.
  25. tbone

    Items For Beginners

    u are the ares mule? can any gm verify this please? thx.