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Posts posted by Beetlebum

  1. Do you think the current situation regarding gold is right?


    I don't think it is, I have piles of cash in my wh and nothing to do with it(Lucky tickets are a joke)


    1 idea to give money some value would be to put zem, merien and xelima stone available for money in shop, like 3millions each(that would be approximately 2mil with 200 charisma char) I think that would be fair price and would make the game a bit more interesting! :)


    Your ideas?!



    This is Incorrect. it was not taken away. it was exchanged for a Less "god wepon"



    and again.


    EVERYONE could have Hunted HC's.


    Luck and Chance were what gave Ares those drops.


    it Just as well could have been elvs.


    and we'd STILL be arguing.



    Face it. we Can't keep EVERYONE happy.


    It wasn't luck and chance it was a bug that gave ares those drops and no player should gain unfair advantage over other because server was bugged.


    Yes, you can't keep everyone happy but if you want keep most people happy you delete these items and it makes no sense why GM-s are in favour keeping them and even defending them, I won't say anything for now but it does seem fishy...

  3. I don't undrestand, GM's already did the damage by bugging up the droprates now you guys want to increase it with keeping the drops??? Also farjat you say that you want to keep the server as close to original as possible, think if something like this had happened in HBUSA, would they have kept the drops? HELL NO!


    And also think of the big picture,when the items are kept then think how the vast majority of people feel who didn't abuse the bug (you can't call it hunting) feel??