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Crap Armor Upgrade

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restarting topic on using crafting, manu, farming. alchemy, and farming to upgrade crap drops into better pieces. White had some great thoughts on this.


would it be possible to also add gold into the mix to upgrade to add value to gold?


My thought on using gold to do upgrades with. I thought maybe you'd have to go to npc to craft new stat.

Say a level 1 stat would cost 1million gold to craft. I know in other games ive played they used npc to upgrade with there still being a chance to fail.

White said there would be ways to increase your chance to upgrade, but the chance to fail would always be there.


The gold cost would go up with the level of upgrade. (ex. lvl 1 1mill, lvl2 2mill, etc.) This would mean that the wieght of gold would have to be removed thou.

Edited by mixtricx

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