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Muted 4?

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I was muted, that is obvious, and the reason was probably foul language at General Chat, but then why would someone like me use foul language in GC? very easy one to answer... spent 10 minutes spamming with several different ways to ask a very simple question, to any logged user, and got absolutely no answer! :o

I mean, I tried asking for the same thing once and again, on guild, general, town chats, even asked /to Hunter[GM] in a very polite way... he was busy holding an event -which btw is the event i wanted to participate in- so I wont complain about his lacking anything cuz I know he?s overwhelmed by idiots whispering chitchat crap at him, may I be counted as one of them (idiots) :).

Anyways, it would have been nice to be told at least that I was being muted, by whoever GM that actually took the time to mute me... but it could have been more interesting, if ever, if that person would have at least taken the time to answer me that simple question I was asking, that got me muted 4... which was: How do i reach BI?


I now know what to do to reach BI, but I didnt then, and absolutely no one in the server had enough time to answer "go to bs and buy ticket"? DUUUDEEEEEE!!! just where the hell are we living in? Planet Robot? Planet Idontgiveadamnabouttherest? Planet suckmesideways? Cmon guys, it is not that hard to reach out a hand to those who are new, or old but out of the habit, like my case.

thanx anyways...

Just a thought.

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You cannot go and break server rules just because your question isn't answered. No one is really obligated to answer you. Besides, you also had plenty of time to get an answer since this event was announced some time ago. Asking during the event while everyone is busy and then get mad in global chat is the wrong thing to do.


You ask why you were muted, and you answered your own question there.


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