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Posts posted by Natanoj

  1. para mi que el loco hiso dc afuera del safe cuando lo estaban atacando y farjat lo baneo por eso, y de paso baneo al otro char de el que fue a atacarlos donde el hiso dc, y si fue por eso me parece bien ya que es re patetico hacer dc cuando te vienen a atacar...

  2. Ok you can leveling fine until lvl 100 in farm and in town, well later you have d2 with lots of pit like Skel, SG, Orc and Cyclops...

    SG pit are fine for warriors and also for mages lvl 110+ you can find SG pit at dungeon entraces only if u go by elvine dungeon or aresden dungeon

  3. yayyyyyyyyyyyyy argentina win brazil 3 x0


    Tomorrow play vs grecia in baket , and sure win, but in next face sure vs eeuu omg ure lost :(


    Futbol and haockey sure win gold medals


    popopopopopop Rast eat it xd

    gold in hockey is not possible anymore :( we got owned by netherland (holanda)

    watching basket, hope we win.. it's being very tied


    yes H, args deserved that

    Messi is great. He is really skilled and fast. our back men couldnt handle him ( both back guys are from my team - Sao Paulo =/ )

    Yet i dont think he is perfect. he is too soft, too small (cant fight for the ball in the air). cant do a strong kick and cant use his right leg.

    Ronaldinho is a genious but he is in bad shape and wouldnt do it alone for sure

    Brazil coach is the dumbest coach i have ever seem. I do HATE HIM. He was a great soccer player but has no skills to run Brazil. He isnt even a real coach. Brazil is his first experience. Can you believe that? a guy with no experience running a national team? that fcking suck

    Diego is bad. he plays like a girl pretending fault all the time. he has no balls to play in Brazil.

    Besides all that Argentina has his stars playing Olympics. The 3 best soccer players of the country.

    Brazil just had Ronaldinho. No Kak? or Robinho . Both in my opinnion gave some excuses to rest and dont play Olympics. Wich sucks more than everything.


    Its shows soo easy how all the ppl who really doesnt undersant futboll are crazy for Messi. He is a good player but if u want to talk about perfect players, u need to watch Mascherano & Gago. There u ll be able to see the best "center field" players of the world.


    And maybe u can learn a simple lesson : Stop talking shit before the games or u ll eat ur faking word nerd.

    3-0, go home fag.

    i like mascherano, he runs like hell :lol: and he plays with his "heart" (y pone huevo, q se yo como decirlo jaja)



    edit: wohoooooo argentina playing final in basket :D

    Argentina play semi final in basket i think with USA


    la verdad que buen partido contra grecia casi nos hacen un triple al final que los iba a poner 1 punto arriba, esto me hiso acordar en el 2004 cuando ginobili metio un doble cuando el tiempo se puso en 0 muy nais

  4. no me acordaba de eso lo que dijo Zariel, los civilian te pueden detectar y vos no a ellos :o


    pero igual sigo pensando que lo peor es estar matando a uno que se hace invi o lo hacen y que por un civilian que este cerca no lo puedas detectar :X