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Posts posted by Umad

  1. alright, ill try now. I think i'll download netframework 4.0 first cause this seems to be the obstacle in the auto updater's path

    No. try the "setup" it will give framework 4 for u already!!


    i had to use WIC in order to install net framework 4.0 cause the one you guys put in the auto updater isn't working without it, at least not on a 32 bit win xp OS, it's working now, just struggling with the slow download atm, ha.

  2. In my opinion, the gems should stay, just make the percentage of merging the gems lower, such as 70% success rate instead of 100%, as well as adding the gems into the armors, drop it to 70%, but don't allow the item to be destroyed, if that would happen, the player's morale who would get let's say a 84-91% armor would drop to the floor if that armor would be destroyed.

  3. Hello MaryJane


    As a fellow english speaking player, and out of the HB loop for some time I was wondering if I could join your ranks. I played under some of these alias's on various servers... crunkjuice, boozjuice, Bell, MGD, Asshat, Tiddi, Finite, Tidus-, tid... Eager to get back in there and smash some kids


    Shiiiiiiiiiit asshat, long time no see broski!