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Posts posted by Umad

  1. Okay, so I was doing my thing, hunting ettins, and all of a sudden I see a WW spawn, chasing me, like i was being Tgt'd. Dragon[GM] was the only one online at the time, people can confirm it. I called him a piece of shit, he muted me on both chars, abuse or not?









    I'll post a ticket as well, just in case.

    EDIT : oh and the monsters were hitting me while i was invis, as you can see on the screen shots.

  2. NightKill crying to ares to come and kill Godjira and I because his selfish *censored* wanted more ettins for himself.




    After a few minutes, he got pissed and logged his friend toneeh's character and came with ares after him, he pfa's us, and starts shooting us, helping aresden to get ek.






    I would have sent a ticket, but there's no ticket about violation of the game rules, so i posted here instead. I believe it applies to whatever Doraemon posted too.

  3. All servers are up and running. It can take up to 20 seconds or longer to initially connect to the game. We have a fail-over system fully installed which we tested during the beta. This system will reroute to nemesis servers after 20 seconds of not being table to connect.


    It reroutes us alright, but it says connecting please wait, and it just stays like that long as you leave it like that, nothing happens.