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Everything posted by Umad

  1. Umad

    Infamous Vs Desortoes

    Reading this stuff made my day, glad to see that MJ and MGD are making you spics burst an artery, but, don't take it out on cussing at each other, play the game : )
  2. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    From what WhiteFang told me, i understood that my internet speed is faster than the server recognizes it to be, and because of that reason, i keep getting this login error every single Fkin time i get a "network traffic lag" line, it simply disconnects me and shows me this message, sometimes it logs me right back in, but most of the times, it just says char in use...and that it's saving my character data, keeps me out of the game for one - two minutes almost every single time, seriously WTF? Here's a SS of what it looks like:
  3. Umad

    [Not A Bug] Bump Bug

    that's because you're not recieving enough packets from the server host, same thing happens to me, which is why i get dc'd all the time.
  4. Umad

    Shortcut Keys The F's

    Nah, i vote for not adding more hotkeys, it's fine as it is,, any moron with half a brain that has an idea about pvp is and will be fast enough to know which spell is on which page and when to use them, it's all about timing and the speed of the player.
  5. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    what can you tell me about this then? it ocurred to me twice already.
  6. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    Alright, please keep looking into it and try and find a fix for this, i want to be able to play without having to log in every 20 sec to 1 minute, my patience is running out, idk how long i can keep doing it without starting to smash shit around me, lol
  7. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    leaving that aside, is there a way to fix this shit?
  8. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    How ? I had no idea it can be disabled.
  9. Umad

    [Fixed] Login Error

    And another error I have encountered while this was happening, was that if i leave the login opened after getting disconnected instead of logging out and back in, the server would try to reconnect me on its own, and it would not let me log out unless i just remove the game from processes and re-run it.
  10. Umad

    No Damage.

    There is a restriction, yea, Alka held a summon event last night and he forgot to turn off the unlimited crits and mana, and pvp mode back on.
  11. Umad

    [Not A Bug] Bug On Mission

    I had already posted a few days ago, about the lvl 19 quest, that crashes you when you accept it, the level 70-71 one as well, a few other people confirmed the same thing in game, idk if you guys looked into it yet.
  12. You can remove them from your screen with a simple command, you would know if you would check the ingame command system on the website :]
  13. Umad

    Starting Impressions

    The SP regen. should not be touched, and my advice is to not tweak it, i know it's currently in the earliest state as international first was, when people would actually walk to save SP, when people could not afford potions or wouldn;t have enough money to buy potions, the fact that at one point people with 100+ vit would actually be outta SP is great, especially on this type of server. I know it does suck when it happens to you, but it is what it is, as for the monsters hitting so fast, i personally find it kind of annoying, especially when you get your butt kicked by a couple crayfish when you have 200 dex.
  14. Umad

    [Fixed] Booster Bug?

    He only had his bag full, which means that the already eaten booster would have taken 2 spaces in his inventory once he double clicked it, and he did not have 2 spaces due to the bag being full, as you can see 50/50 on his bag, my suggestion would be to make boosters weightless so they wont take any inventory space once you ate them, or easier, just eat a potion before you use one ^^
  15. Umad

    [Not A Bug] Was In Shop Buying Pots

    You got that message once, right? I must have gotten that message like 50 times yesterday after i had dc'd randomly each time
  16. Umad


    Yea dude, i talked to White yesterday, he told me all about it, hopefully i'll stop dc-ing once that happens
  17. Are you aware of the crash caused by the first quest that pops on the screen after you reach level 19? if not, here it is, once you try to accept the level 19 first quest that supposedly gives you 1 contribution, you click it, you crash.
  18. Umad


    he's probably going to show up for the official release.
  19. Umad


    just kidding man, of course ill play elv again with you guys, i was just messing with ya :D
  20. Umad

    [Fixed] Unexpected Crash

    And what's with the dc's every 2 minutes saying "world server is saving your progress, please log in a few minutes", i keep getting that shit, says acc in use for like 2 minutes and then i can log back in just to get that shitty message again, over and over, it's annoying as *censored*. Whenever i lag a little bit, i get that saving shit over and over again, shit's so lame.
  21. Umad

    [Fixed] Unexpected Crash

    Crashed again because of the level 70 quest.
  22. Umad


    Shiiiiiiiiiit asshat, long time no see broski! not sure if ive met any other asshats lol :) your name sounds familiar too... whats good dude Shiiit if i rememember well, you're polish, we used to play together a lot, on olympia and other servers, when the Vampire brotherhood used to thrive.
  23. Umad


    You can use a proxy (such as Lagless) to play... We're considering setting up a proxy server in singapore ourserlves and use the internal network to offer better speed... Yea, i already have lagless ready, i am living in spain at the moment as well, just as aengis, so my guess is that the ping will sky rocket without the lagless proxy, hah
  24. acc name is umad , i have tried to create it like 15 times, lol. when i try to create it on yahoo, it sends the e-mail, but when i copy/paste the link, or double click it, it doesn't confirm it. On hotmail, on the other hand, i don't recieve the account creation e-mail.
  25. haven't thought of that, let me see if this works, ill be back with a reply. Bleh, it says "reset failed". Tried 3 times, just in case, it doesn't seem to be working.