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Everything posted by Umad

  1. Lmfao, thats hilarious, hahah.
  2. How will you skin an ice golem ? o.O ;D
  3. Umad

    Week #1 Scavenger Hunt!

    I agree, we would need the item for more than 20 hours, and as for your scavenger event, it's a good idea, but it would take way too long to get all those daggers, even with if we have the pits to actually finish it, might as well make it a little easier, cause, in my opinion, i doubt that anyone will finish this one.
  4. Umad

    Umad's Trade List

  5. Umad

    Umad's Trade List

  6. Umad

    Umad's Trade List

    DE bow added, bump.
  7. Umad

    Sell 2 Chars 180 With Dk15 War Cheap

    Yea, he did that and more, he hacked my irl friends, CrazyLegs and Akari, lol, and he justifies his actions by saying that i ruined his game play =D , typical gypsy junkie talk, damned thief.
  8. Umad

    Sell 2 Chars 180 With Dk15 War Cheap

    The only thing I can understand from the things you've posted is that you were talking about yourself only, since you were the one who stole Jess's Ice sword and sold it behind her back, not even cutting her in. And after that trying to justify your actions such as hacking and stealing Crazyleg's and Akari's items and trying to sell them on the Auction House. You have no shame whatsoever. And more than half of the people you named above hate you, because of the shit you pulled. Everyone distanced themselves from you and your retarded actions, you better change your nickname if you're planning to play any helbreath servers in the future, 'cause I will be there to screw you right back, you two faced *censored*. P.S. your shitty chars aren't worth even 1$. GL ; )
  9. Umad

    Umad's Trade List

    get off my post you junkie gypsy piece of trash.
  10. Umad

    Esw Mage

    LoL i see some of my former items in your list, haha, now i know where they went ;D
  11. Umad

    Umad's Trade List

  12. Umad

    Auction House Update 6/11

    I'd also suggest a Cancel Auction feature, in case someone posts the wrong price of an item, or simply changes his mind about selling that certain item.
  13. Umad

    Spooky News...

    It would be nice for those champion monsters to do more damage when they explode as well, that would catch people by surprise and knock them outta their boots, haha.
  14. Umad

    Ah Commision

    ese porcentaje es de 20% cuando haces cash-out.
  15. Umad

    Spooky News...

    the map looks great, can't wait to murder ppl in it =D
  16. Umad

    Spooky News...

    looks good, keep it up.
  17. Umad

    Beloved Noobs

    IMO nothing should be changed, taming is hard work, hard working people who actually have time to do it can be rewarded accordindly by the skill, such as raping a pit with the monsters that person can tame, if it's going to be nerfed, people are sure going to be unhappy, especially the polish guys i know that spent a lot of time and money to click that shit up to 90-100%.
  18. Umad

    Spooky News...

    Sounds like we got a little Haloween treat coming up, looking forward to it! ;)
  19. Umad

    You Should Rename Hbnemesis

    there's two only.
  20. Umad

    [Fixed] Dungeon Level 2 Down ?

    SErver needs a restart, asap.
  21. NightKill crying to ares to come and kill Godjira and I because his selfish *censored* wanted more ettins for himself. After a few minutes, he got pissed and logged his friend toneeh's character and came with ares after him, he pfa's us, and starts shooting us, helping aresden to get ek. I would have sent a ticket, but there's no ticket about violation of the game rules, so i posted here instead. I believe it applies to whatever Doraemon posted too.