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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. upup




    jajaj zarpada zona para vivir ! yo vivo en moren y chaco nose si te guias ! es serca dentro de todo del centro ! vicio con otro compañeero del laburo , cuando pinte si qeres hacemos una lan y te sumas con nosotros..un sabado temprano y a la noche salimos ovio a qemar neuronas jaja


    hahah pr0 idea! :D vivi mucho tiempo en avellaneda y chaco (no es tan cerca del centro) pero si me ubico, dale dale arreglamos! te whispeo a Fox12!

  2. ugh i wanna go vomit...disgusting to see a macro set user hahahahahahaha better buy some hands dude!!!


    i once met the worst mage in neme2 called AlkiMiA... macro set user also hahaha reminds me alot to you, damn free ek even with mass items... ahgahahahahaha


    you're just a DISGRACE to the community, PVPers and the whole game! thanks for showing! :D now everyone can clearly see what type of brahmin load of crap your guild is! ^_^ nice!!!!! hahahahh cant stop laughinh!! thanks! :)

  3. Alka te qise mandar mp pero no me deja ! yo tmb soy de mdp viejaa, de qe barrio sos? xd!


    kiace! je soy del centro, vivo a 3 cuadras del casino central :D vos? saludos!



    alkaaa dame dex+2 y rodem y te consigo lo que quieras!!


    q me conseguis padresanto!!!!!! dale q va rodriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


    Ares has a lot of work to do in terms of cooperation too. 2 wars with bow and 1 mage with amp and para towers can do a lot to win sade.


    Try tell it to aresdens :D Ppl just want get eks...



    ya, some aresdens behave like savages in fights, 0 teamwork and mutual cooperation, they just need some lessons...

  5. Yes! rewards having some kind of incentive also would be awesome


    Something like "Mine 50 coals+irons" ---- Reward: 1 anvil (which is expensive if bought) + 1 gold nugget + 2 silver nuggets or i dont know hehe but im not much into manu ^_^ imo your insights are great jesus!

  6. Sup everyone!


    I had an idea a while ago, what about making SKILL QUESTS so the skillerz can get a little more benefit from it.


    Something like:


    Fish 40 fishes -----> 40-50k exp, 30 contribution points, 1.5k - 2k gold


    Pick 60 coals and 60 iron ores in Dungeon 1, 2 and MLM -----> 60k exp, 35 cp, 2k gold


    Tame 200 mobs -------> 40k exp, 30 contripoints, 2.5k gold


    Farm 30 melons/tomatoes -----> 40k exp, 25 contripoints, 3k gold


    Manufacture X X X weapons/armours -----> 100k exp, 50 contripoints, 3k gold.


    Ideas pl0x :lol:

  7. Define skilled please... lol...


    Clearly SasFour are NOT skilled, everybody can see it as in battlefield all you do is blizz, mim, blizz, mim, blizz, mim and it keeps going forever... you never time your enemies, you don't even time your own MP regens, i keep hitting your MP set with my BH all the time, and after 15 seconds you realize you gotta swap to the DK set coz im stripping it away.

    Sometimes when i'm amped you keep blizzing me, seeing you're not doing any dmg on me, but y'all keeping ongoing, like some idiot who doesn't understand anything.

    I've gotten DSED/PFA'd twice or thrice since the start of your guild.


    You CANNOT call another person "unskilled" if you totally suck and you keep dying coz of zero teamwork and own gameskill.


    Ninja is a good and very honest guy, a good Aresden helper, he may need some PvP classes but yet hes doing GREAT playing warrior, he is quite fast, in fact, he could rape your butt in pvp with a decent mr / ma set, 5 ogre meats and 2 spgp.


    I would recommend you shutting your mouth becouse you're being a disgrace for the whole Nemesis community acting childish like this.


    I don't always want to comment in cases like this one, but when i do, i state my facts clear and straight coz it makes me kinda mad seeing this stupid topics between you and your in-game actions.


    Hope you get the point dude, keep up the "good" work and stop the trashtalk in the forums.


    For a better PvP knowledge:

    Regards, an old all-time warrior.