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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. i've never pulled in my entire life, i even told some guildmembers do not /tgt some goldies too much coz they get constantly hunted by 180's and they rage-quit lowering the sv population, i wasnt expecting a 2030 punishment coz if that happens there wont be elvines to fight with unless some Hachis (few) and Infamous members appear, at some late timezone theres AriRangs tho but these lasts dont give a decent fight.


    offtopic: im aware that im kinda a trashtalker sometimes but only to the ppl who deserve or start trashtalking me, i always loved to help others, aresdens and elvines (more ares ofc) i love fair play, 0 cheats or advantage in any way, fastpaced hardgames like this one, but nvm, dunno what else to tell ya... kinda tired of this topic...


    This is not a passive macro! IDIOT hahhahahhahahhha



    ofc is not passive you DOUCHEBAG, it's what makes the action worse...








    Macros = skill


    wut???? we're not talking about using macros to raise ingame skills or whatever, we're talking about CHEATING to get own ADVANTAGE in battles for god sake!!!!! SHAME ON YOU and SHAME to whoever uses macroset! need use this kind of cheats to win or evade death! disgusting to see, a total disgrace!


    you are really good at picking up sarcasm and whatnot on the interwebz



    my idiot-detector gone wild when i read your post




    I'd really like to see some GM comment this macro usage. Allowed or not?


    I think it should be allowed


    Advance times, also games, today in any game you can use macros or hotkeys, mouses drivers are already prepared for that purpose also configure them as keyboards.
    and as said fede "Man allow use those macros if they die the same are very bad the kids they only spamean to bliz, this afternoon we gave a beating in ml not stop dying. If they are banned, not fighting anyone in elv are the only kids that you planted in shake stop *censored*ing "



    fede has a point, if they punish this cheaters until 2030 there wont be elvines to fight against, as they're the only ones who really fight back, but IMO this needs to be stoped or everyone else gonna start using macro set and this SACRED game's gonna turn into n00b Leage of Easyhands which u need to spam qwerty and 12345 to kill your enemy (0% fun, super boring, easy game)


    cmon man play fair, why cheat? hard games are funnier! :)


    i once met the worst mage in neme2 called AlkiMiA... macro set user also hahaha reminds me alot to you, damn free ek even with mass items... ahgahahahahaha

    Unfortunely Marcin has no forum account but he just want to say hello to you.






    hahahahaha just came back from an asado meeting, still cant stop laughing! hahahhaha


    tell him he gave me like HALF HERO HAUBERK already :) btw i play for fun, but you? i dont care dying ;) everyone knows how OP blizz is against warriors, at least I COME BACK TO FIGHT AGAIN AFTER DYING hahahaha thats called HONOUR, something you dont comprehend!!!! hahahah cheers LAME MAGE!!!! go use MACRO SET! hahahaha :) :) :) sasfrees: los NEVER LEARN..................................

  4. Sometimes you will face enemies carrying a pa30 shield and you will definetely need an axe to strip that shield, coz if boxed the 1st thing the guy is gonna click is the shield, in fights a pa30 shield (or ma30) can decide between Life and Death :lol: i've seen many BAXE users since this change, makes me really happy, btw you're posting on the neme2 forums :P