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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. ACTIVE Aresden guilds at the moment are:


    Survivors (15-20 onlines most of the time)

    Natural Selection (10-12 onlines most of the time)

    Anti K (8-20 onlines most of the time)

    FNDA (4-5 onlines)

    YOUR MOM (new guild, 3-4 onlines)

    Heroes of Justice (new guild also, 4-5 onlines)




    ACTIVE Elvine guilds at the moment are:


    HARAPEKO LEGENDS (when all of them on, they're between 8-10)

    Hachis* (not many onlines lately, i've seen only AmonAmarth and Alegro around)

    KukaManga & Co* (7-9 onlines)

    ¥Eureka¥ (new guild, very few 3-4 i think)

    The cat likes Kira (only saw 1 in this month lol)


    5: i think not...PL raiders / hunters need sometimes a totally safe place from 180's and if they want to keep training or raiding there just let them, otherwise it could decrease the sv population


    I don't understand what you're trying to say. "PL raiders / hunters".


    hunters don't use /blockexp, they are trying to get 180 but PL raiders disrupt that. PL raiders need protection why? So they can kill new players over and over until they quit? PL Raiders contribute literally nothing to the game, you don't seem them outside of Promiseland where they are scanning pits and keeping new people from getting 180 so they can contribute to the game.



    by PL hunters i meant ppl who want to farm for stated items by /blockexp coz they just randomly prefer PL than the outside world (which i dont like) maybe they just want to get some basic gear before reaching 180 and not only having the dk set and weapons that that moment (there are trolls and cycs at middle of pl)


    i mean some pl hunters want just to hunt and grind for items there and other pl hunters are just passing by and they keep going for the 180 way :p

  3. dunno if ur ready for dubstep alka but i like instrumentals wen playing helbreath youtube these brother


    ital tec - archaic

    ital tec wind tunnel

    foreign beggers - no holds barred

    jay z and kanye west - Niggaz in paris

    Zed Dead - all tunes

    Adventure Club Remixes if u want more dubstep holla me ill give u some names


    nice ones :) Ital Tek was too trance-like for me haha but Zeds Dead are damn nice especially White Satin theme :wub:

    Adventure Club: Superheroes Anonymous Vol.2 i liked alot :D alot samples well placed + fancy bpm :lol:


    Some justin beiber =p


    no pl0x xD

  4. Heyaaaaaaaaaaaa







    (damn klepacki is a *censored*ing genius)






    Act on Instinct


    Just do it up



    Hell March










    Some Uprising soundtracks (they rock as *censored*)





    MF Doom (sick producer and MC, search more in youtube u gonna like it)


    These are some instrumentals made by him kinda elevator music, hes a weirdo.






    Got some Thief themes as well but gotta dig and cant do it now :P


    Theres alot more ost's, gonna add them later



  5. 1: cant clearly understand why u need a //// in the ek counter.


    2: yessss! but keep the sensitive case for /tgt + /pf


    3: i could agree on upgrading the party max cap until 20, but not infinite party members coz it can be abused in some ways..


    4: if manu wasnt so hard to lvl up yes that would be a good option, that or decreasing ONLY A LITTLE BIT the pa % for dk armours, DR of them is ok for me


    5: i think not...PL raiders / hunters need sometimes a totally safe place from 180's and if they want to keep training or raiding there just let them, otherwise it could decrease the sv population


    6: if you're 140+ get eks starting from lvl 90-100 chars ( kinda average overall stats)

    if you're 180 get eks from 150 chars+ :)


    7: well, if they train there on mondays tuesdays and wednesdays they cant get raided becouse of the little raidtime i guess, on raid days they could train somewhere else but i kinda agree in some parts of this argument


    8: yeeeeeeah, make mages look like MAGES, i mean ITS A TOWER SHIELD and a mage can wear it with so low str lol make the game more real


    9: dunno if 21%... but 7-14% its a great go

  6. alkapone if U want to say something about cheating so say something about ur permament recall/safe/remap for this stupid invurnurable buff and other stuff cuz it's cheating. want to use macro use it u can download it from net if not stfu than cuz it's pathetic how U cry. i saw some players from aresden that use macro immidietly when our mages blizz him at once

    cheers and mayby close the topic


    my permanent what? like if i would stand against 10 mages blizzing me saying "come get me, i let you kill me" LMFAO!! imo if you use macroset you dont deserve to fight me and im gonna recall in your FREAKING FACE ALL THE TIMES I WANT coz you just dont deserve it. PERIOD


    u think i cry? i try to make things fair and equal for everyone regarding PvP, just stating a true fact which is the following: YOU USE MACROSET BECOUSE YOU'RE SLOW AND YOU LACK HANDS.


    now i dont care fighting against u all cheaters :D mass items or not, macroset or not I EK ALL OF YOU.


    and no, before all this crap appeared there was no aresdens using macroset, but now you're gonna notice alot of them using it (not me, i dont have respect to ppl who do that).


    like gloryhole wrote, just have fun and play like you want...but later dont expect respect, at least from ME.


    its all said, close this noisy topic before kids fail refuting my arguments again.



    surely fh worthless without the respect


    you only get it once.


    this guy knows :)

  7. alk your rage is kind of absurd. yes, people understand where you are coming from, but how are you supposed to ban macros when keyboards come with that functionality out of the box?


    my $20 keyboard allows me to reprogram all of my keys on 3 different layers, including the ability to set a macro behavior to each individual key. I don't use it for HB, personally, but I could totally understand someone wanting to. with all the possibilities in-game, I seriously doubt Siementech devs would disagree.


    reconsider your standpoint imo


    indeed true mate, i just get angry for the sake of fair play, i didnt knew that there were some keyboards with those functions nowdays :) im gonna be a gentleman and just let them use it without caring, anyways now i know who is respected enough to pvp and who NOT pvp :P regards!

  8. lol @ the idea of banning macros.


    have any of you ever bought a keyboard made in the past decade? they are programmable with macros built-in. welcome to the 21st century.


    MACRO SET its PURE CHEATING man, Helbreath is the only game which you need 4 hands to fight your enemy, its where the fun is...if you take away that "magic" and swap it with this, it becomes YET ANOTHER easy mmorpg, this is an old MAN's-GAME not a kid CoD / Leage of Legends game...cmon man play on HARD MODE, try to escape from a 1vs15 without using macroset like always was! move your hands...observe the battlefield...time your enemies...use your freaking HANDS not a program which makes almost EVERYTHING for you...i beg everyone re-read and THINK DEEPLY about it, it makes things super easy lol and creates a high advantage over others who dont use macroset, 1 mage getting chased by 8 wars can escape easily doing this...macro mpset ---> macro dk set + tower + df neck ---> macro shortbow+dkwand ----> cast mcw on all the wars --> chug invi pot ----> macro dk set again + tower and walking away = ESCAPE


    so why use macro? coz dont want use your hands? ok do it, macro fishing, manu or WHATEVER (u gonna get punished if you do so while AFK) but DONT INTERFERE AND CREATE OWN ADVANTAGE IN A FIGHT. SasFour mages run with mp set all the time and when they see a BBH / BH coming they put DK set time, i cant strip their mp set now coz when they see me or someone else they macro dkset until 2-3 secs before mp regen, macro mpset then AGAIN BACK to dk set and KEEP RUNNING or when mana full spam blizz like a retard, then 0 mana and run all the freaking map for 2 mp regens and macroing like always, it even affects Battleaxe usage on shield-stripping making us wars more difficult to overcome certain situations (i hold 5 differents weapons plus 3 armor sets in my bag and i dont use macro set, so you can figure how hard is to change weapons manually while others put whole sets just by pressing a button)


    please understand my point at least, i dont want everyone to agree me, i just want you all to UNDERSTAND my point of view, so can clearly see the advantages and disadvantages for everyone regarding this program usage.