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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. Ponele precio al rogm y al FOT . O sino esperame a enero y me escapo a mardel y te pago unos vinitos con un minino :P


    ya tienen precio pero no los puedo publicar aca por las reglas, the_garron xD

    que grande Enero bolooo vamos a buscar garotas por la beach! con un branca bien frio ! y con el maconhado de la muerte jaajjaajjaja tu ere lokooooooooooooooo

  2. EWWW NVM, i logged ingame to find only 67 players, damn this server has died.



    I didnt read all you said, but your second post was already a failure and an stupid attitude. Keep those kind of shit for yourself and not to make this situation worst, because theres ppl wasting their to make it better. If you dont want to play just logout and stfu.

    It's shit talking trash attitude players like you Dual why people dont want to play helbreath anymore. you people have ruined any kind of sportsmanship or honor in the game. your prob not even old enough to remember helbreath like I did. Before hero armors were even invented, and people actually had respect for others opinions.



    You're DEFINETELY wrong pal, Du4L a.k.a. Marcos is a straight up devote to the well-being of the server from years and years back, you misunderstood his attitude towards the actual server situation (which is coming along well at least if we can say, getting better) and your words on your 2nd post. There are a bunch of trashtalkers, trollers and flammers out there but only a few honourable and respectful fistful of players and they're those who are still playing and keeping Nemesis 3 alive so please wash your mouth before judging, observe the general area prior-posting. Welcome back and regards!

  3. Spanish translation:


    Las hunts Scavenger semana.les de Jing[GM] ! (doesn't let me write and it applies a censure haha)


    Es hora de empezar las hunts de tipo Scavenger semana.les de Jing[GM]! Cada semana, en algun momento del Domingo o el Lunes, Jing[GM] posteara una nueva lista de scavenger-hunt y sus respectivos premios en los foros. El primer premio va a ser uno de los siguientes:


    - Limitado / Limited (desaparece automaticamente despues de un cierto tiempo de tenerlo en el BAG)

    - Corrupto / Corrupted (desaparece automaticamente despues de cierto tiempo DESDE que te lo dan)

    - o Fragil / Fragile (cuando el Endurance llega a 0 desaparece, es imposible de reparar)


    El tipo de premio sera listado en cada evento o se podra dejar a eleccion de cada jugador.

    Los premios para el segundo ganador seran consumibles: pociones, boosters o quizas alguna que otra tintura Dye.


    Para ganar, deberan recolectar todos los items de la lista y ponerlos todos en un solo personaje/char - en su Warehouse o Warehouse de la pagina web (web-warehouse) - . Luego de hacer esto, postear en los foros el nombre del personaje que tenga los items (es la mejor manera) o sino postearlo en una de las paginas de Facebook de HBNemesis con el nombre del char que tenga los items.


    El primero que postee con los items sera el ganador, sin embargo, una misma persona no puede ganar el premio 2 VECES.


    En caso de empates, el staff de GMs se reserva el derecho de checkear los logs de items para ver en realidad quien recolecto los items primero.


    Buena suerte para todos! La primer lista va a ser posteada el Domingo 24 de Noviembre o el Lunes 25 de Noviembre


    Las reglas del Evento estan sujetas a cambio en cualquier momento, sin necesidad de notificarlo y a la discrecion de Jing[GM] o cualquier otro miembro del Staff de GMs.

  4. I dont like:


    1: invu buff (i personally hate it, I LEARNT how to fight with it, but it just complicates things, keep the good old way pls)


    2: primary droprate is super low really, ppl dont have time to grind half a year for a 49-56 armor and if GMs raise it a little bit i think alot of ppl would considerate coming back (as this is a PVP mainly players needs AT LEAST 28-35 armors which should drop often thus helping them for incoming PVP's)


    3: barracks until 180, same reasons from point "2"


    4: raise Shields STR requirements to make HB more realistic


    5: change MiM so if you're pfmed you CAN get mimed but you only get affected in a 1x1 square (forcing mages to actually AIM the target once in their lifes) and if you're NOT pfmed then you would get the normal big area effect

  5. The fact that you could choose the LVL gap its just awesome idea coz if not then 100+ chars would be like sorta pissed off xD so thats definetely a must, im not so good giving more like supporting and adding counterparts.

    Maybe could create like 3 types of Arenas so its not so complicated to code


    1st one for 161-180 LVLS

    2nd one for 141-160 LVLS

    3rd one for 80-140 LVLS


    THEN can press on this button called "Look for a random fight" and the server could detect if you're in party of 2, 3 or 4 persons (thus making viable the 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4) and if you're solo it justs looks for another person to hook you up with into the arena (let the fight begin!! :D)




    The "getting an ek if the other guy recalls" its clearly abusable, a punish to the recaller could be applied, something like -20 or -30 rep points.

    The "(PLAYER) HAS PUSSIED THE FARK OUT OF FIGHT AGAINST YUCKY" could promote a little more flaming tho, but its a decent idea, maybe using less mean words :) something like "Player Alkapone has recalled from a PvP against YuCky ! ! !" :( ^_^ (you will never see that! haha)


    Also if the PvP's last more than 1 or 2 hours, ALL OF THE PVPERS (being the losing or the winning team) could get a +5 or +10 reps in their char, no matter if they lost or won ;)


    Kinda tired today, i will try to think cleanest tomorrow, laterz.

  6. The deal was that Elvines had already numbers to fight, they just lacked a little courage which is a normal thing on their circumstances, passing FNDA would had been way better coz they're less ppl but they could had gathered the same elvs that are fighting now and join forces, but no, they passed Anti K which they're faaaaaar far more ppl and ofc KukaManga and others joined them making elvs appear in hordes of 15-20 ppl, sometimes 40 elvs counted at heldenians and just 7-10 ares AS MUCH to counterattack.


    NOW: to fix this issue it would be good passing a SMALL Elvine guild to Aresden, would balance things perfectly, just gotta see which one is the best for whole timezone fights.



    Today aresden are 12+ players vs 7 argenlandia (elvines)

    they die and loss the fight , ares have more people than elvs but still continue dieying

    not is problem of balance or gms problems, aresden dont have a good teamwork and loss the fights

    OR what is the excuses now , we fight alot times with low pvp vs alots aresden and we continue killing somes ares

    Others elviens now fight because we help all players at fights , and they fell safe to fight.

    I think get back anti k to aresden and move fnda dont change nothing . Anti k + Survivors

    vs fnda and some elvs u think this fight are balanced???

    survivors + fnda loss vs only anti k members , what u think about antik+survivors?? LOL

    please stop cry and go TeamSpeak and get better teamwork, and maybe can kill alots elvines :)

    Good Lucky

    MaynarD the only pro at Argenlania Fan+2 jajajaja


    What a load a crap. There's been an overwhelming number of Elvines fighting with anti-k vs. half as many Ares. Why do you think I made this thread?

    The original imbalance was a recent thing, and a sufficient number of original Elvines are now fighting, which would have happened all the same if FNDA switched.

    Troychiss, MacQueens, -THOR-, Bulma, CuntSucker, GLORYHOLE, and the list goes on, I can't think of them all now. These are all elvs that have began fighting again because of a guild switch. All these original elvines + FNDA, yes... that's obviously balanced against Anti-K and Survivors.


    we've been fighting long before anti-k showed up in elv... lol



    CuntSucker and GLORYHOLE both always fight, they don't care if they're outnumbered :) i really respect that, few ppl has those guts, the others (troychiss macqueens thor and bulma) just came outta the cave coz they have a nice backup now...period

    Dont lose focus on the real thread of this topic gentleman, i would love to see opinions of Harapeko's and KukaManga & Co. GuildMasters (we already have Natural Selection and Hachis* GuildMasters here :D) can anyone give them a holler and make them reach here? please ^_^

  8. my regular headset has 2 plugs, one for IN (mic) and another for OUT (any sound coming from your cpu) i think that your main problem is plugging them in the wrong spots :lol: mine's a cheap one (around 3-4 usd, its like 20 pesos, crap one but works real good) no need a super high-tech ancient wonderful hp105% headset for teamspeak, just a normal one which comes with a mic, holla at me in 3-4 hours and i can help you out :)

  9. -1 to the "Bring sas4" idea, i will never fight back to back with those cheaters, and they cant outskill no-one ever lmao... :huh: (BRING BACK OLD Polish Hussars Guild!!!! lol those were good polish fighters :))

    would be good having other guild here like KukaMonga, they're some fellas and we could teach them how to fight at bi... :) another option would be Harapeko's or Hachis, which main ppl there already know how to fight very very well, but i think they will NOT agree lol :lol: they're more grinded to ETown.

    Damn we need everyone here at the forumssss, its the only place where we can have a clear and quiet conversation and agree or disagree!


    So what happened was exactly what I said? And exactly what has happened on every server that has ever done a big guild move? Got it.


    yea! :lol: :lol: :lol: happens all the time! its almost impossible to balance a perfect 50% 50% in helbreath for his PvP uniqueness, but can achieve a 60% 40% or 55% 45% easily if everybody cooperates :)


    WE (as Survivor member) dont possess those "mass items" you mention, also we're not ALL in teamspeak as you all do

    Members that i talk in TS are my guildmaster (Slowpoke), ThinQueen and EnjoyLife, also there are more hunting related persons than raiders in our guild, you all are raiders, the 80% of our members have slowpaced reaction infront of several fighting situations but we ek Ninja, Mindreko, mFs in even fights, sometimes Harapeko's and Hachis members join you (dunno why they do if before they didnt) but doesn't matter, seems Elvine Town got more "courage" since the recent Anti K guild change.

    Just to clarify:

    Been several times my guild is mentioned as being suddenly active in fights. To be honest, I dont know why. We have 2,3... 4 as TOP active "raiders", being one of it myself whenever I have time to log in. The movement of Anti-K to elv didn't make any change towards my guild. The ones we fight now, fought before, and will continue to do whether if Anti-K goes back to ares, or stays in elv. Quit speaking nonsense. Else, put names and I will gladly tell you if they suddenly had an attack of courage to leave the warehouse.



    Derkses, Bulma, Kim (sometimes hunt sometimes not) Troychiss (not so on lately), Lebron, Domet (which lives taming) Dovah and D1N3RO (which roberto also lives taming but sometimes wants to fight xD)

    Ikr, when theres more elvs on their side to fight they go outta the cave, but when fight's fair like 5vs5 6vs6 we kill 1 and the others start running out to safe and trying to recall, its the purest of truths.


    Edit: also forgot adding yIyA, PinDrop and Fox12

  11. WE (as Survivor member) dont possess those "mass items" you mention, also we're not ALL in teamspeak as you all do

    Members that i talk in TS are my guildmaster (Slowpoke), ThinQueen and EnjoyLife, also there are more hunting related persons than raiders in our guild, you all are raiders, the 80% of our members have slowpaced reaction infront of several fighting situations but we ek Ninja, Mindreko, mFs in even fights, sometimes Harapeko's and Hachis members join you (dunno why they do if before they didnt) but doesn't matter, seems Elvine Town got more "courage" since the recent Anti K guild change.

  12. Aaaaaand for PVP's this ones (best Argentinian rock bands EVER, classics, oldies, damn good-oldies, listen to this IS A MUST while playing Helbreath)


    Soda Stereo (this one makes you freaking fly outta space)

    From this album i recommend this songs:


    Entre Canibales (between cannibals)

    Angel Electrico (electric angel)

    Disco Eterno (eternal disc)

    Ella uso mi cabeza como un Revolver (she used my head as a revolver)

    Paseando por Roma (touring Rome / a tour in Rome)





    Los Redonditos de Ricota (or Los Redondos for short, the best one IMO, creates great feelings)

    From this mix all of the tracks are pure jewels




