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Posts posted by alkaholik



    Being active doesn't mean you have the right attitude to be gm. Look at alkapone, he ain't no gm anymore due to attitude.

    Being a gm is more than just making events in the game.


    due to attitude????? laugh my fking a$$ off.

    You both took my GM coz i used log checking tool to see who stole a 50k GOLD POCKET IN A WYV HUNT and when MaynarD asked me who stole his zem from an ek (Dragon[GM]) at early stage of N3, damn hypocrit, let it be known the truth, at nemesis 2 when i lost a mp56 iron at garden you USED LOGS to find it and tell me where it was, you should had your GM taken away for that then? why you lie while im here to read it? see why ppl hates you? PPL LOVED ME man and i took SS of everything, want some? dont be a fu.cking lying hypocrit dude...u always trying to be the omnipotent king of the freaking hill, we're all tired of your damn sh1t




    - 543941 chat messages were spoken

    - 35458 of these messages were spoken by Game Masters.

    - 17979 by Alka[GM]

    - 8996 by Farjat[GM]

    - 7303 by White[GM]

    - 202 by Jing[GM]


    Exactly what I'm saying... attitude... as a former GM your attitude dropped even lower going down to the " laugh my fking a$$ off." kind of attitude. With the kind of language you use and the way you behave you can't expect to be taken seriously.
    If you like a show-off of screenshots or evidence when people say "you rock", then I'll dig up the log files back to 2008 when I joined...
    Also I don't understand what the chat lines topic has to to with it... it's just statistics... the amount of chat logs doesn't show the amount of time spent on the game, I've spent FAR more time in developing than playing or being in-game as a GM. It would be the same then me comparing the number of lines of code you've written, vs the number of lines I've written... it's a comparison that makes no sense, because I have 100% and you have 0%... same goes for this chat log count, you have the majority, but that doesn't mean anything... it only shows you talked a lot (of bullshit?) in-game while I spent more time developing the game... both are important.
    Oh, your attitude did play a role your GM removal, your attitude was good when you joined until somewhere during N3 beta you replied a post ( ), back then I talked to calu about it and didn't like the way you behaved.
    And then slightly later you used the logs tool to obtain info that is not rightfully yours to obtain. Looking up who picked up a 50k gold bag from the floor is abuse as the gold bag has NO OWNER. You can know that info as a GM because the tool is available, but can't interact on it. You retrieved an item (with the use of log tool) from a player who obtained the item legally, and that's the mistake.
    If you're talking about stolen items, they belonged to a player, so I looked up where they are, tell them who has them. Because the item vanished from the owners bag and he just likes to know where his item is.
    Yet from that point I no longer interfear, the player knows who has the item, it's up to the 2 of them to discuss to return it. It is only in the case of a PROVEN hack that there is another GM interaction involved.
    Back in early neme2 my friend dropped a shared IP neck because he forgot a zem, he dropped it cuz he died from being EK'ed. He didn't know what happend, I looked it up using the tool, knew he died from an EK, dropped it on the floor, knew who took the item, yet in the end I NEVER retrieved that item, because that would be GM abuse.


    BULLSHIT YOU SAY? you dont even know who i am, neither where i come from or how many ppl i helped, so dont dare questioning my attitude coz you DONT KNOW that, its your own personal FAULT for being offensive 101% all the time of seeing me behaving like this now even tho i dont like not behaving like a gentleman.


    regarding the topicmute: was about he demaning in a bad manner gold from my GM which i couldnt create coz i didnt had admin-user-level=5 so i had to wait for farjat or you, guy went mad and i muted him (read MUTED, not ban) it was a perfect mute lol


    regarding the attitude: im always nice, not like you...the difference between you and me its that i agree when i make a mistake, but you dont, you just keep counterattacking ppl's opinions and saying you're ALWAYS RIGHT even when you're not. I WAS MISTAKEN at using the logchecking tool for that, but you used it in the same way ;) i died, droped the ironshield, you told me where it was and i went there and picked it. PERIOD


    regarding the chat statistics: i was there the whole time :) working as a channel between players and Nemesis autorithies, it only means that.


    how u say i cant interact with the tool if i used it alot of times to check ek lammers and such? lol you're stepping on your own foot...


    know what? im tired of you :) even AmonAmarth (a very knowledged, well-known nemesis supporter and respected enemy) said so, we all find the same answer when talking to you: a butthurt GM...its sad coz you code well but you cant interact nicely with ppl, a shame! GOOD LUCK



    edit: its not all about being serious, they know they can take me seriously in any matter, but you cant be that bitter all the time, sometimes in life even if you're a president you gotta be funny to your fellow citizens to create a nice climax, just a suggestion.

  2. No deberias discutir con el dueño del circo alka y mucho menos asi por que tanto a ellos como al resto de los players les chupa 3 huevos todo fijate que somos los mismo 7 u 10 personas en el foro posteando ideas o tratando de remarla y nadie mas.


    les chupa 3 huevos bro, pero por lo menos dejo esto asentado aca para que vean que no fui un forro y que siempre hice las cosas bien

  3. Being active doesn't mean you have the right attitude to be gm. Look at alkapone, he ain't no gm anymore due to attitude.

    Being a gm is more than just making events in the game.


    due to attitude????? laugh my fking a$$ off.

    You both took my GM coz i used log checking tool to see who stole a 50k GOLD POCKET IN A WYV HUNT and when MaynarD asked me who stole his zem from an ek (Dragon[GM]) at early stage of N3, damn hypocrit, let it be known the truth, at nemesis 2 when i lost a mp56 iron at garden you USED LOGS to find it and tell me where it was, you should had your GM taken away for that then? why you lie while im here to read it? see why ppl hates you? PPL LOVED ME man and i took SS of everything, want some? dont be a fu.cking lying hypocrit dude...u always trying to be the omnipotent king of the freaking hill, we're all tired of your damn sh1t




    - 543941 chat messages were spoken

    - 35458 of these messages were spoken by Game Masters.

    - 17979 by Alka[GM]

    - 8996 by Farjat[GM]

    - 7303 by White[GM]

    - 202 by Jing[GM]











  4. @White[GM]: talking to Shakugan on facebook, he says he didnt lammed and he didnt knew that killing the same person 3 times was considered laming, if he knew he wouldn't do and he didnt even got a warning for this, i told him to send a ticket so please check it, thanks, bye.


    and me??? haha...dragon didnt even logged as much hours as i did when i was GM here, with much luck he logged 1-2 hours SOME TIMES while i logged 6-8 hours EVERYDAY not counting helping at forums as mod and resolving alot of tickets lol...


    I'm not taking part in conversation to who should be GM, but to be honest Dragon[GM] has been most useless GM so far, I have seen him _ONCE_ in game. Only thing Dragon[GM] ever did was moving Argenlandia to elvine, balancing server with moving 65% of another town to another, yup - great idea. Yeah, he didn't do the transfer, but don't tell me he didn't play huge role in it.


    Nemesis could really benefit from GM who actually plays the servers.



    we all play'd huge roles in that decission, its not just Dragon or Argenlandia guildmaster who just were the ppl who had to say Yes its the admins who actually agree and all that, ppl at the forums discussing alot of matters for the well being of the server and mostly the ppl who complains from time to time coz of unbalance or any kind of sh1t (which is normal, wether from Elv or Ares towns) we discuss everything and YES a GM who actually PLAYS the server would be awesome. Dragon is just not present at the moment


    Dragon GM has been not active, useless is not the word that should be used.



    But he did set a pvp tournament once with reward of ogre rings as far as I can remember,


    sadly it was like 5 ares vs 15 elvines that day, it was fun, something no other GM has done up to date.



    at the times of my GMing i did some personal events like "Find the GM" in X map coords, some summons events and random help, i re-actived the Good-Behaviour Nemesis Program (a hidden section of the forum) which i myself rewarded players for good deeds and actions inside game like helping a n00b, giving directions or just for being nice (which KeNZo would get 1st prize on the matter nowadays ^_^), those actions took time from me and gave support to newcomers to STILL PLAY the game making them feel that theres someone watching from above for their security and helping them in any concern they may have.

    Would be nice having another active TRUSTFUL person to take the hard role that is being a Game Master to deal with players nicely, seriously and most important being NEUTRAL (as a real-life judge) but also being able to take part if someone breaks a rule which IN MY opinion should be like this:


    1st rulebreak: warning (whisper, or if needed, general chat warning)

    2nd rulebreak: low punishments (mutes, locking to Jail for X seconds)

    3rd rulebreak: medium punishment (ban of 1 to 3 days)

    4th rulebreak: high punishment (1 month ban)

    5th rulebreak: ban 2040


    being BAN a 100% sad and avoidable word for the GM and the measure only needs to be taken in a really serious matter. (even day-bans)


    edit: i use caps alot but im not yelling :P sry for misunderstanding :)



    Uno se vuelve forro juntando las bulbs es verdad, al final casi no respondia cuando me hablaban , modo zombie :D

    Que buenas pics, esas capas con stat son de antes no?


    sip la MP7 la sacamos con la guild en neme2, matabamos todos los bichos y dejabamos que solo 1 haga la quest (competiamos contra HighHB, los de HHB le daban las balls a Aman, nosotros a ]Lord~Mag[ ) hicimos el fg entre 7 y gane yo :lol:


    la HP7 de KeNZo se la gano ahora, en neme3.



    Extraño tener una guild : /



    teniamos una guild bastante organizada, se re extrañan esas epocas papa... :)


    by the way: ]Lord~Mag[ was DamaBlanca ;) B)

  7. personally i dont like your attitude toward players, but you code well, imo the only thing you lack is listening oh yes, listening to the old players who actually PLAY THE GAME everyday and know every secret of it, you know who they are, i dont have to yell out names... dont treat players like garbage, be more nice and kind...its something i learnt over the years... also i know you're working and studying alot, thats why u cant play and you would if you could its ok! its understandable we all are old and got works + wifes/girlfriends/children + family + friends and all, thats why u need listen to us coz we can separate some time from our lifes to still enjoy the game and report back issues, bugs, ideas, changes, bear that in mind! keep up the good work at the pvp tournament, i know its gonna be awesome dude, just try to be more nice when answering (like you did just now) :)



    3. Server used to be player friendly, now all players are "whiny idiots" ;)


    definetely! we were talking about that today, some % of the community just turned out to be a bunch of idiots (luckely the quitters) but i feel theres fresh blood coming!!! B)


    he's not calling the playerbase whiny idiots, he's quoting.



    nono...we were talking about that today, there were some idiots at 120-150 onlines times who were whining all the time about this and that and not understanding some clear facts (example was at the start of Nemesis 3 ppl whining like retards about low gold droprate instead of picking every single garbage in pits) :


    1: cant ask for much, its a free-to-play server with free-of-charge updates (wether we like them or not)

    2: as much as i dislike white[GM] attitudes he cant be 24hours coding, things take time to complete.

    3: nemesis is known as a long lasting server (which legion and olympia ARENT) but those stupid players didnt saw that point either


    excuse my ignorance, not being ironic or anything but where he was quoting? i couldnt see the quote :P

  9. would love to have the asians back...they were a really big bunch of nice people for the community :lol: but sadly they cant play with 1k ping...dunno why u dudes had to move the server to a farther location...coz at last its was great Siementech (asians) who made this fu-cking awesome game, we need them but its far too late now...we could try to i cant think of any way to do it but lets just stick to the program of the pvp tournament for me hope, we know that most of the whole Hb community relies on this game about pvp so we still can get ppl back with that update :) as Riku and Ray say, yes, there was definetely a bad demeanor coming from some douches but i know that when the time comes they will quit those retard servers and come back playing here ^_^


    3. Server used to be player friendly, now all players are "whiny idiots" ;)


    definetely! we were talking about that today, some % of the community just turned out to be a bunch of idiots (luckely the quitters) but i feel theres fresh blood coming!!! B)

  10. Only 1 Duel or best of 3 , some 1 can record that? :P


    hmmmmmm dunno if it can work like that, a GM witnesssing would be actually legal and trustful, preventing from both sides to break any rule or statement (like MJ[GM] did in the pvp of Julieth vs Djhones^^)

  11. 10 Jan 2014 11:21 PM turrin (155) p1waN (115)Icebound (230,119)


    I always had faith :o


    i need to kill turrin he is pro now


    arghhhh i was heating up a milanesa in the microwave!!! saw the chaos 7 meters from the pc hahahahahaha!!! he will be happy for sure :) long live turrin!!!! :D :D :D


    so excellent server, full of so many things awesomes and taste of play , however people do not choose , where is the error??? sry to say needed publicly :(


    ontopic: server started with 320 onlines but they didnt liked the invulnerability thing and the safe zones removal so they quited, also the mass DDOS attack that Nemesis got at that moment caused massive lag for the remaining players leaving the population in the actual state :(

  12. ayer 2 horas en ig1 me tiraron ocho armors, OCHO! todas ns (endu14...light 16..) ni sp14 caen... lo podia creer pero bue, personalmente creo que la cagaron con el invu al principio, la gente venia esperanzada para jugar el tan amado HB CLASICO pero se encontraron con cambios de mierda en la jugabilidad como sacar los safezones, la gente se quejo hicieron oidos sordos, me sacaron el GM por una boludez (hasta el dia de hoy que no se porque fue) y de a poco se fueron todos (la peor perdida fue la guild 2-13 eran LITERALMENTE 70 pibes contados) despues vendieron los Rezpekt, despues se fueron los polacos macrousers, por ultimo los Anonymous (el leader era Divi9ne el que saco la medusa sword en neme2 con un bug), Survivors esta casi muerta, timo ya quiteo (slowpoke) y riku (pwnagedo) apenas entra, argenlandia esta muertasa tambien, Hachis ni hablar (solo lo veo a Alegro, kauay y a D1N3RO) Natural Selection es la que verdaderamente sigue en pie, que les puedo decir, hay que CONSULTAR con los players antes de hacer cambios, DE ELLOS depende la popularidad del server, hay que hacer un consenso entre la mayoria votando lo que la mayor parte quiere y NO hacer lo que a uno se le canta porque a fin de cuentas un server puede durar 10, 20...30 años pero sin gente es solo bites de colores rojo y azul separados por un rio en middleland

  13. 820545ed8a5df5a5f372bd814d75717fo.jpg

    esto es 1 vs 1 noobs only me thxs for pvp


    da pero ese es un jugoso barbaro camilo jajajajaj no podes... :D :D



    I've always loved this ss but have never shared it with you guys, until now.


    So this was a few weeks ago,


    I had asked X for a 1v1 pvp in d2 and he accepted.


    I never trusted him or anyone in his rank of noodleness but whatever, I decided to go anyways.



    I knew something was up so I threw invis on myself before going inside d2,


    needless to say i found myself surrounded


    and ended up like this :P



    So he shouldnt really cry about the rape he got a few days ago, as you can clearly see he abused it way more than Alkapone did.


    he got what he deservedddddd ^_^ :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: