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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. Mim has never been a rare spell among the spell-list, neither in Nemesis 1, 2 or 3.

    You have to learn to play when mimed, i know its a pain in the butt but you're going to sort it out.


    I aaaalways played warrior so i understand your feelings, its just a matter of coordinating both left and right mouse buttons.

    The Angelic Pendant of Lucidity is indeed a rare item but ITS NOT so hard to find.


    The Elvine Commander of H w a R a n G guild in Nemesis 2 (yes, i have superb inner memory) had one and it was damn hard to MIM him! Also mim consumes a huge amount of mana when used, so if a mage decides casting it he prolly gonna run out of mana very quickly, making him VULNERABLE if you paralize him, not being able to free himself (coz of no mana)

  2. lol, i trying 2hour edi,server full?cant suport?wat hell = =


    We're getting attacked by some envious rats, thats why we had to mount an Arbor TMS mitigation system to prevent the DDoS attacks, depending on the country you live it MAY take a little MORE OR LESS to connect, but its always between 21 and 42 seconds! you can try downloading the Leatrix Latency Fix program that can be found here:

  3. Ya know, you guys didnt do a very good job updating the website to address what phase we were on, started phase 3 late as shit, and told everybody you would let us play with rare spells during the last part of beta. So what happened to all of this exactly?


    213 don't be lazy and log once or twice at least to see the fruit updates farjat made so you can use and test

    the rares, don't rush posting things that aren't true.

    And regarding the date, we can't keep an exact track of the date's schedule, we wrote the schedule air-minded so we could start testing, if we didn't started a certain phase at a certain date its neither Admins nor GMs fault, as we can't predict when a bug is going to occur, delaying the bug fixing.



    yo estuve testiando el delay con mati ( Dakkar ) en city, ml y d2 a la tarde... Nos fijamos y cada uno tenia 2 cuardrados de delay lo que hace casi imposible meter un lize...



    Quizas sea la costumbre, pero yo no noto tanto el delay, estoy lizeando entre 3-4 cuadros, algo a lo que muchos estuvimos acostumbrados en Nemesis 2 (no varia mucho con el actual)

  4. Oh ya thats a common problem sometimes with the event participants, not enough chars for mobappear also.

    At like Demon stages, some of the mobs randomly "explore" the city and you have to spread and search the place in order to kill them and wait for the corpse to dissapear so then the summon waves can continue.


    Also i think we need to lessen the amount of chars outside CH needed to spawn at least normal wyvs.

    The other day some ppl was asking me for an Abaddon, a thing that cannot occur unless there's 40 chars minimum around AT LEAST or something like that, but we were like +10 ppl and the ice wyvern did not appear (amount for HC and TW are PERFECT imo, dunno waddaya'll think)


    for example yesterday at the summon event, it summoned 3 times in a row


    How was that? i dont understand, 3 times how?

  5. It's very simple to reduce delay... a couple of options:


    1. buy normal internet like everyone

    2. make sure you don't live in a banana country where internet runs through tree-roots

    3. try a lagless server, it could reduce lagg because of the distance

    4. move to Dallas, USA. you'll get 1 ms ping.


    To be honest, there isn't much more we can do from our side, we've optimised game code and have a gigabit ethernet card installed... not much else that can be done from our side, unless you got a crazy idea?


    5. Get a good coder like HBOlympia


    LOL OMFG olympia coding sucks, already tested that crap and it looks like a watered down remaked version of the original HB files.

    Running sucks, chugging sucks (u can chug at extremelly high speeds) even casting seems to be different, those little font letters are n00b as f.uck, damn man you can't even compare at all the goddam sick updates we got.

    If you dont understand nothing about anything just dont talk man, no need to.

    Better ASK and someone's gonna answer you