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Posts posted by alkaholik

  1. Just an old Nemesis 2 footage showing Dullahan boxed and being hitted by summons, after awhile he pulls the farking cable at ERML (prolly realizing himself zemless and having all the rares he had atm inside his bag).


    Credits to Engel (the pr0 recorder).


    Everyone should have this program installed and some hotkey setted for instant use in this type of situations.





  2. CAPES:


    MP7 Combatant Cape :wub:









    MS10 HP70% WAND ;)


    MS10 EXP20% Wand x3






    PA 21% Targe ^_^


    MR 56% Targe







    MP14 Berk (M) TRADED


    MP14 Leather (M)


    MP14 Leather (W)


    MP7 Leather (W)


    MP28 Hoses (M)


    MP35 HOSES (M)


    MP21 Leather (M)





    HP42% Hoses (W) :wub: :wub: :wub:


    HP14% Leather (M)


    HP28% Leather (M)


    HP 7% Berk (M)


    HP 7% Endu70% PlateMail (M)






    MA9% Berk+3 (450 endu) (W) :wub: :excl: TRADED


    MA12% Leather (W)


    MA9% Leather (W)


    MA12% Berk (M)


    MA9% Leather (M)


    Ma9% Hoses (M)







    Critical Battle Hammer Crit+5 NS


    Strong Battle Hammer HP21% ;)


    Critical Battle Axe Crit+5 HP21% +3


    HP70 PD20 Flamberge +3





    Angelic Pendant of DEXTERITY +2 TRADED


    Angelic Pendant of DEXTERITY +4


    1x FULL PACK of Boosters (2 of each) B)


    1x Black + Gold Trim Unique Rare BETA Dye :o





    Blood Rapier +3 (high HittingProbability, for mages chasing other mages in group, perfect for stun, high crit-range radius)


    Ring of Demon Power :ph34r: (+4 physical dmg) TRADED


    Ring of Dragon Power :wub: (+5 physical dmg) SOLD


    Ring of Grand Mage B) (+3 dmg per spell-hit) SOLD


    Fury of Thor Manual :excl: :excl:

    (182 int required, perfect for hunts, can spam like mad and doesnt freeze your party members) SOLD


    Necklace of Fire Protection ( 25% MA against FIRE spells, useful for fighting Demons/Barlogs and for fighting HellFire and MassFireStrike mages)











    Whisper in-game: Alkapone B) The Aresden President

  3. he says "it would be good being able to close the in-game windows pressing the Esc keystroke, they could be closing by priority, just for comfort and not having to second-click all of them 1 by 1.

    Also it could be added to the chat, when you start writing something and u wanna cancel it."

  4. I've seen POSEIDON pulling several times indeed and he was even admiting it on his ares char Troya (not actually pulling but forcing his acc DC from a closer PC (notebook or desktop) but NOT logging (clicking on Account in use ---> Force save data ---> the char disconnects but not clicking the character again) not logging in THUS creating the effect of "running" LOGOUT :glare:

  5. Doing this is just helping make the server last means the longer you train the better the chances at getting nice items, the nicer your angels and ultimately, the sweeter the eks xD


    Am I right Alkapr0???!!!!


    Miss you bro!


    Lol you're definetely right my brother! I miss that DexAngel of yours!! was lovely for pvp :wub:

    Come back buddy! and bring back the NOX! haha


    White, please, put the LIDER PARTY, the ppl is afking all time in the mass parties of d2.

    they run to differents corners and they AFK for steal exp.

    We need a party leader for KICK this ppl, this is getting me angry so much.

    +1 to this and all of the other suggestions he originally posted. These are great ideas

    besides 11, if you want to tgt someone you should have to at least /to them to see if theyre on. it aint that hard



    And after you /to him you can try /pf the charname to check if hes in the same map like you ;)

  7. We STRONGLY discourage FLAMING between members in our forums.


    Yet we encourage funny screenshots, so be kind and nice while posting please. ^_^

    Any material is welcome! EK, sade, heldenian, hunts, raids, post everything!

    Just remember to be nice while doing so.


    I hope everyone gets the point!



    weeks for some 1.. omg... 130 mjp.. 2 weeks to get 160... i will be 90 years old but with angel +16 lol

    I agree with this comment. It takes waaaaaaay too long to get max level, where I agree on the exp gained AFTER lv 180, Nemesis 2 didnt take weeks to max a char. The low exp will detour new players after the bulk of our community levels out of promise land, weekends will become a time where new people will refuse to play. Throw boosters aside because not everybody can donate. I have seen the leveling here, guilds start too small to be effecive until the upgrade the guild, there are no solo options that would provide just as good exp as a max filled party in garden. people are detoured from leveling/hunting in large groups of complete randoms that can steal your drops and prefer to hunt alone. My drops have been constantly jumped from being in these garden parties. Now, after the fact of becoming max level, you can hunt alone or -w- guildies and be safe® with your drops.

    The Majestics required to upgrade an angel are retardly high. This makes Nemesis look more like a server interested in making money off its players rather then providing an EQUAL playing ground for everybody. Exp is so low and majestic requirements are so high, it encourages people to have to spend $ boosters. IDK if this was the goal on Nem 3 but it has seemed more and more everyday like a money racket rather then a fun filled server for all.


    I stressed this during beta where the options available to donaters made the game more in their favor over the casuals but yet, it was just looked past like nobody cared.


    Another thing that I totally disagreed with was the move of Rezpekt to Aresden. Why would you move the ONLY active elvine guild that hunts at night to aresden making elvine a complete dead town after a certain time at night server time. We have 1 American guild in Elvine, the rest are all non english speaking players, and thus night time, elv is dead for the sheer time difference in the majority of elvine players. I also do not agree with the fact that 90% of the language here spoken in global is not english. I am not saying spanish or w/e shouldnt be spoken. But when farjat gets on, he 99% only speaks in spanish, And I for 1 do not understand it as well as many other non spanish speaking people. This isnt Nemesis Argentina.......


    Lastly, I more thing to speak on. Nemesis has lost the bulk of the staff who MADE nemesis what it was and the things that were a credit to the Nemesis name.Hunter (gone), Sexy (who knows) Elguason(who knows) there are no active staff. Joris is doing the coding and farjat handles most ingame issue. the lack of staff is what cause Olympia to fail. Nemesis does NOT need to fall into the same catagory.



    angels are not bound here so u can trade items for an angel and besides their are some quests which give a shit load of exp.. so try doin those with a couple of your guildies and ull be set..





    and the majestics needed to make max an Angel are made that way to prevent fruiting the server, IMO you never held an DexAngel +20 in your hands, its too overpowered, giving you +40 DR points (like a permanent TowerShield which has 35 DR points) and alooot more hitting probability, i fought alot against those angels in the past and i know what im talking about.

    In the other hand you got these rates:




    We still keeping a final not modified X25 experience. But we did modified the multipliers per Level.
    Here u can compare with old settings.
    Nemesis 2 Dragonia
    Level: 0 to120 = x75
    Level: 120 to 160 = x50
    Level: 160 to179 = x37.5
    Level: 180 = x25
    Nemesis 3 the Golden Era
    Level: 0 to120 = x50
    Level: 120 to 160 = x40
    Level: 160 to179 = x30
    Level: 180 = x25



    So lvling to 180 isnt that hard :)

    AFTER that its a pain in the *censored*, but its just a matter of grinding.

    We just want the server to last longer.