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Posts posted by Asadituu

  1. Dama, hacelo el mismo dia 5 minutos antes de empezar el mucho mas facil. Separas a ambos lados a las parejas resultantes y despues que empiezen los pvp nomas.

    Es mas para mi tendria que ser con espectadores.


    OFF : no voy a responder a este puterio, si queres wispeame in game y arreglamos un pvp.( para el que quiera)

  2. como dije antes me prendo.


    OFF : xq en todos los threads tiene que armarse un puterio desvirtuador que nada tiene que ver con el topic original?.




    EDIT: El fg por los equipos comviene hacerlos el dia del event

    por si alguno falta asi no ahi problemas dsp (y si puso los zems q se cague :) )



  3. Yesterday i was testing the dk+15 of Jelly-Bean, and realize that the dk+15 hit less that +14.


    I have 200 STR and jelly pass me his dk+15 and i started to dash him.


    These are the hits with dk+15 zerked :







    After that i get my dk+10 and dash him the same way


    These are hits with dk+10 zerked :







    This difference is notest not only in players but also in monsters, my hits with my dk +10 with no FullHero and no DM neck are 60+ and with dk+15 didnt hit over 60.


    The whitness of all this was Squall[GM] so please... trust me on this one


    I hope you can fixe it guys


    PD : Sry for my lame english

  4. Exp x 25 server should have raid time everyday, i know u all gonna think that ur not gonna be able to lvl or whatever.

    This is a pacific post, what im trying to say is that any "violent" post attackin me , or the idea of the thread has no room.


    Is only a thought.




  5. first off. Its (RAID), not RIDE time. Second off, the server sets it, and the server must not be ready to set it yet. And i highly doubt ppl care about ur 2 day loss of raid time...



    its not about my 2 missing days


    what do u mean that, "the server must not be ready to set it" time was always from friday to monday...


    today is saturday and there is no raid time...



  6. hello, im Assasin.


    I dont like ppl who talk and talk ,but dont know what they are talkin about.


    Today in d1, i get Forced recall.


    I dont want to write anymore cause my english is so poor so , i will rigth in spanish.


    Ruutu, hoy en d1, no fue pull ni dc, fue Forced Recall, o sea que una vez que pasan 15 minutos que entre al d1, me recolea a Elvine ok?.




    I didnt pull, not today, not yesteardat, and during the sade i use de TP once....ONCE..why dont u ask all ur Noobs mages of ur guild who took the same resource when i was chasing them?.


    men, u talk talk talk and i hear...: bla bla bla bla