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Posts posted by Kud.

  1. sango has been ddosing private servers for years.

    every good private server i've played on has eventually been downed by him and his 2 loser friends.

    it got so bad i eventually started playing net overlords cause there were no good servers left

    you are one of his "zoombies" lol :lol:

  2. lo que no entiendo es que el pibe este hace todo esto pero en eeuu, si fuese aca esta bien haces lo que queres, pero pense que alla no era cualquier cosa con respecto a esto y se podian tomar medidas pero por lo visto no :P

    hay tantas formas de ddosearlo xD

    lo llamo a infobugs :lol:

  3. i've downloaded it when nemesis 1 finished

    do i have virus?

    whats the especific name of anti-virus?

    what i just found about the client of this stupid




    so ye is a backdoor troyan or what ever you want it to call it :P




    check if you have some file called bcvsrv32.exe in c:/windows/system32/bcvsrv32.exe

    if you have it del it with killbox and del this other 2 entrys

    in your reg



    * [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Run] "Bcvsrv32"="bcvsrv32.exe"

    * [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\RunServices]"Bcvsrv32"="bcvsrv32.exe"

  4. OH! One more thing!


    Music: Check out these:


    Drag the Waters - Pantera

    I stand alone - Godsmack

    Yesterday Dont Mean Shit - Pantera

    10's - Pantera

    Youve Gotta Belong To It - Pantera

    The Thing That Should Not Be - Metallica

    For Whom The Bell Tolls - Metallica

    Fire It Up - Black Label Society

    Follow the Reaper - Children of Bodom

    Angel Of Death - Slayer


    I recommend you check out these songs.

    IPB ImageIPB ImageIPB ImageIPB ImageIPB ImageIPB Image

    Mentone i see you like good music

  5. yes will be great to find things in wh tabs will be great i mean

    you open you wh and show you armors pots swords and then if you enter in some of those it will show everything you have but in Alphabetic order

    and another thing can you make it for more space couse im always have to be moving thing from one char to another couse im out of space, can you do something about this?

  6. Muy nais


    che calu, estaria bueno tambien si podes poner los paks para subir a la parte de arriba del shop y del guild all


    aprobecho para preguntar, van a poner

    dk cap

    dk wing

    dk horned

    dk robe??

    o todabia ni pensado eso?

    julian barkel eso es lo que agregaron!!hablo de poder ir a la parte de arriba de shop

  7. es asi como dice nando...

    lo del bbh lleva bastante tiempo ya, stripea tanto como un gbh...

    porke alguien se va a matar haciendo temple+15 si con un item choto de bs pega mas, ademas de que si lo haces +2 +3 sos dios

    nada mas que acotar :P


    Saludos y bue ojala lo vean (no lo creo xD )


  8. zerk is 35 secs baa i dont know why im still talking this is not gonna change :P

    they change what they think its needed to be changed not what we think (im talking about nem staff) so there is not point to keep talking about this.