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Everything posted by crowmaster

  1. crowmaster

    My Goodbye

    Yes well it was fun for the most part just want to say thanks for the fun 3months i guess anways have fun i wont be playing anymore since im not Getting my items back anyways see u all and have a great time on a server where obivsily they dont care about thre players but if i was Ruutu got his items back even though he was scammed inst being scammed also agianst rule #2 and Rules #9 anyways most likely this topic will be closed and il be banned but anyways was fun and all of u enjoy the server and have a great time crowmaster-Boned and owned and now Retired
  2. crowmaster

    My Goodbye

    i wont ever come back unless my items i deserve are returned to me like Ruutu got his back after getting Scammed but thanks for the support raMz
  3. crowmaster


    il give u 4 zems for 4 dm1s wisper meo n crowmaster
  4. crowmaster

    Extra Guildmaster And /summonguild

    2nd one is most Retardest ideal ever say u pvping agiasnt soemone they say in guild /summonall im dieing help im boxed type it come on bam they out anothr way to lame agiasnt it
  5. crowmaster

    About Heldenian

    yeah i was wondering why the droprate for winning town isnt Fixed correctly its only like 9% this is from the HB int site Benefits to winning nation of Castle Seize " Teleporting feature appears in certain area. * Defeated nation doesn't get this teleporting feature * Teleport to Middleland, BattleField. " There is no price change in winning nation. But in defeated nation, price of all items sold in the shop will double. " The chance of getting an item for winning nation's characters is increase by 150%. " Winning nation can enter Heldenian even not during Castle seize, but defeated nation can not.
  6. crowmaster

    About Heldenian

    here i have researched and came across this to prove my point Heledians: Requirements and Opening time of Seize Warfare Requirement Anyone with Level 81 or higher can participate in Castle Seize. In Helbreath, we consider those below 80 as beginning players, thus they are eliminated from this event. *Plus if the character's status is citizen, can not participate in Heldenian. The concept of Heldenian Heldenian: The Hidden Castle Concept in the game: Located west of Middle land, it was built by Gods of Helbreath. The Castle (Heldenian) was disappeared during the war between Gods, so-called the Prime Event in Helbreath year 2192. Later, the castle was found by the princess of Elvine, Helien. Heldenian : Located on the west of Middle Land and some says ancient Gods were dwelling in the castle. Heldenian - Features The Core essence of Helbreath The core essence of Helbreath is mass warfare in the game, such as the Crusade. Heldenian is enhanced version of current Crusade system. There will be new NPCs and Units with Artificial Intelligence that it will be like whole new experience for our players. Utilizing Units used in Strategic Simulations Games Like in the Crusades, you will also see special Units and Towers during Heldenian However in the past, only certain players were authorized to purchase those Units. In Heldenien, anyone can purchase any units without restriction, and players can actually control those units they summoned Following condition must be met to win Castle Seize Type 1 Whoever destroys opponent's guard tower first wins Heldenian. If Guard towers were not destroyed in a certain time (in about 90 minutes), the following conditions will be used to determine the winning nation. Condition numbers represent the priority in winning condition. * Winning condition 1: Number of remaining towers. * Winning condition 2: Number of flags put on fields. * Winning condition 3: If above 1 and 2 are same, whoever destroyed the first tower wins. Type2 * When the flag inside Heldenian is replaced, the Castle Seize ends. * Only guild master is eligible to replace flag inside Heldenian. * When the flag was not replaced in a certain time frame (in about 90 minutes), defendant wins.. Heldenian-Castle Seize Components of Heldenian Map1 Name: Battle Field (Outside Castle) Map2 Name: Heldenian Rampart (Outside Castle) Map3 Name: God's Heldenian 1Floor (Inside Castle) Initial stage of Castle Seize There are two types of Castle Seize, Type 1 and 2. In Type1, Heldenian is in neural status, and any nation which destroys the other nation's Unit wins the battle and acquires Heldenian. In Type2, Heldenian is owned by one of the nations, thus there are defense (Nation who owns the Castle) and offense (Nation who wish to capture the Castle). Offending nation must get inside the castle and put their nation's flag inside Heldenian to win. To give both nations equal opportunities on benefit of owning Heldenian, the ownership of Heldenian will be reset in every two weeks. Week1: Type1 Week2: Type2 Week3: Type2 Preparing for Castle Seize Participating in Castle Seize You can teleport to Battlefields of Castle seize by clicking NPC in Command Hall (New building for Castle Seize). When Heldenian is owned by one of the nations The defending party starts the battle inside the Castle and offending party starts outside the Castle When Heldenian is in neutral mode Both nations start the battle in battle field Rules of Castle Seize!: " During Castle Seize, PK is also allowed for the same nation's characters and those who kills will turn to criminal status and will be sent to prison in Village. " During Castle Seize, players can use recall or other scrolls but when they are disconnected from the game, they will be restarted in village. " Regular Magic can not be used to summon monsters " When character dies during Castle Seize, its exp will be reduced as usual. * When character kills opponent nation's character, it receives EK point. * When EK Point is obtained, it will receive 3 times more than EXP. " Regardless of Summoned Unit System's HP, it dies when character who summoned moves to village " Characters will be given 300 summon points Per one CHR Point(ex: CHR 10 = 3000 Point). " Only guild member can get summon points. " Characters cannot get more than 12000 summon points regardless of CHR points. Limitation: Regardless of CHR points, only 4 can be summoned per a Castle Seize * Only 4 scrolls can be bought per a Castle Seize. " In Castle Seize type1 : ! ? * Getting the flag: Can be obtained at defendant's Castle with EK Point * EK Point 10 per 1 flag * Effect of the flag: When the flag is used in the field, corresponding nation's attack ability increase by 1.3 times. * Flag disappears when Castle Seize is over. * When flag was not used, it can be used in next Castle Seize type1. " PK is enabled only during Castle Seize. " Can not use the Units inside Castle. Benefits to winning nation of Castle Seize " Teleporting feature appears in certain area. * Defeated nation doesn't get this teleporting feature * Teleport to Middleland, BattleField. " There is no price change in winning nation. But in defeated nation, price of all items sold in the shop will double. " The chance of getting an item for winning nation's characters is increase by 150%.? " Winning nation can enter Heldenian even not during Castle seize, but defeated nation can not. dont Cristize me its just something i think should be reworked/revamped
  7. crowmaster

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    man im really getting tired of all these argnetina /koreans/ everyone but Eurpoans/american who every they are Like 3 times slower than me but the moment u Cast pfa on them Poof u dont see them for 20 mins cause they already to outside of map This Speed Hacking Shit is getting retarded im sry but if u guys live in arengtina theres no way u guys should be faster than me with my 20 ping to this server i live close to this server and get owned bye people who live 204820482024 miles from it with Pentium 1's u Gm need to hoenstly look into this matter its getting lame
  8. crowmaster

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    Its easy to determine if they Pull or it lag 1. when they pull U dont see damage above there head 2. when they lag u Will see damage above there head this will help u on your Discovery of who pulls/lags out
  9. crowmaster

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    Yes Something Needs to be done but then agian like they said i doubt it will they will come up with some excuse and btw no its not hard when a player pulls they Recevie no damage above there head When they Lag out they still received Damage above head anyways just little u know u can Easyily Detect if it a pull or not
  10. crowmaster

    Picture Of Me (aealy/yarones)

    yes thats my fat *censored* in the blue running me on the far right and if anyone remebers TheDude hes in Middle yes im fat so what? and yes farjat i finally found u some Grade A American Pussy wheres that SB now =) jk u and most likely only u and me and a few others wil understand
  11. yeah was just wondering if u guys decided to release this weekend and if so a time?
  12. crowmaster

    Dragonia Tp Award

    Selling pics of Dragonia =)
  13. crowmaster

    Hi From African.

    i get random bumps and i live in Illinois so i live pretty close to the server
  14. crowmaster

    About Heldenian

    how about frost droping zwands?
  15. crowmaster

    About Heldenian

    From what i was told bye Jaapy its 9% no if and buts that what the coder told me
  16. crowmaster

    About Heldenian

    it does work but its only 9% drop rate increase
  17. crowmaster

    Server Is Gettin To Be One Sided Again Gms...

    here il some it up for all u want your Bottle and Blanky Milky? i even got a nice nipple for u to suck on if u want
  18. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    was the daggers taking out of ettins?
  19. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    another words there working on Redoing the C drive it should be ready for him to fix the crap now but could take another 4hrs like farjat said he has to fix the stuff so server runs smoothly its just another day its not like its crack or something
  20. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    im a big complainer but hell its only 2 days without HB i been banned longer than that on most other servers
  21. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    im waiting for my cubs game to start
  22. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    cake wheres shroomz at?
  23. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    its not letting me read the 2nd pagei dont know why
  24. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    comeon sugar lips farjat your able to join in the fun we can even have a circle jerk if u want
  25. crowmaster

    Server Manteinance.

    bag a weeda 7pack of hienine and a Nice freshly Poker Tournament at my mits