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Everything posted by Shiver

  1. Shiver

    El Server Muere Malamente

    suerte adri... :(
  2. Shiver


    Best of luck with ur guild wuta... ill logg iPod in some sades and some weekends to ek some... or even some days to rush!! :P But not gonna lvl no more or what ever... not for now, cya
  3. Shiver

    Lorraine-give Me Access Please

    WTF bro? Tyrone GM? *censored* him!
  4. Shiver

    Leaving For Now

    EVERYBODY LOVES iPod!!!! :D:d:d:d
  5. Shiver

    Leaving For Now

  6. Shiver

    Lorraine-give Me Access Please

    Hunter for PRESIDENT!! oh sry.. i confussed thread... LORRAINE GIVE HUNTER ACCES PLS...
  7. Shiver

    Why Most Ares Are Sooo Noob?

    Do you fking know what does JOKE means dude? or IRONIE?? or SARCASM?? I dont think u r that retard to not knowing... so dont try to be smart and STFU if u dont understand someones joke...
  8. Shiver


    if any1 wnna post whatever he likes... then be it... dont insult him for no reason Dark kiddo Farewell Ruutu... thanks for ur eks :D
  9. Shiver

    Why Most Ares Are Sooo Noob?

    scofield nice? all he does is put his mr set n run and then talk sh!t... get autta here!
  10. Shiver

    Why Most Ares Are Sooo Noob?

    LOL! BUSTED! SnowyJow was a pl raider at the biggining of server... but i think hu must have left... cause i hadnt seen him for a while.. Scofield betraitor... he takes advantage of lower lvls and talk sh!t when he ek a mage lvl 80... /ban Scofield
  11. Shiver

    Leaving For Now

    Just when I forget how stupid you are, you have to go and refresh my memory with shit like this. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OMG u made me laugh! no regrets ronnel...
  12. Shiver

    Bug Trackers

    i didnt ever missed a blizz to monsters... and it happend too regulary... but i havent noticed that for a while... maybe i was just crazy1 :P
  13. Shiver

    Leaving For Now

    Look... i understand u take as an ofense what Mclara or Cassey said... the way they said those words was unnesessary, but the point they wanna reach, is that it cant be possible that in all looking-items events a Damnation (B0RG when they were in ares) won something... thats where they wanna go on what they say.. I stay on my neutral possition and i say a good solution coudl be NO MORE HIDE N SEEK... if that brings problems... Im not saying hunter whisper u, giggs, n told u where it was hidden... just saying in stead of looking for items... made a pvp event... dunno or something else where it wont risk or put u all in a bad possition... Anyway... i dont see why u leave... if u left couse of Mclara or Cassey's word... take a seccond thought couse yo`'ll find them in every server... even payed servers... Just think about it peace...
  14. Shiver

    Summons Event In Game Now

    OMG didn know that :o... u learn some stuff from forums :P
  15. Shiver

    Any Advices For Different Stats?

    garch y have a serious doubt.,.. WHO ARE YOU IN GAME?!?!?!?
  16. Shiver

    Any Advices For Different Stats?

    the best option is like vaivai said... get a flam+3 n put zerk on ur char... n i say 25 mag so u dont have to get any cp wand n use a common ms20 to save more mana and less pot... regenn more mana and cast faster than others... may save u against some mages ;)
  17. Shiver

    Merline Is Back :p

    .... And wellcome to The Godfather.... ...Make ares death look like an accidet...
  18. keylogger or brute force. HB isnt all that hard to brute force if you know someones username. it doesnt keep kicking you out of the client if you enter the wrong pw so you can just macro their pw till one fits. dont share your username. F*CK im scared now.... i sahred my user namw in global by a drunked accident :D
  19. Shiver

    About Pvp

    TOTALLY agree with sid... every word... thats real HB for me players!! :lol:
  20. Shiver

    Merline Is Back :p

    Nice toy have u back fede... i would like to see sor- in action now!! how about if we meet here now ur in arg?? :o
  21. Shiver

    Whats Going To Happen?

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ROFL! i thought on Telletubies when i read that...
  22. Shiver

    About Pvp

    Yhea thats right... now i see what r u all talking about.... :lol:
  23. Shiver

    About Pvp

    Haha are you kidding me man? If two people meet randomly you can do whatever you want. If a mage pops out of invis and attacks you with blizz and you don't pfm then you are truly an idiot. Random meeting = no rules. Arranged PVP = You make the rules with the person your fighting. If neither of you says no PFM then you can use pfm. If you starting fighting someone and they run away it isnt breaking any codes, they're just a pussy. Just because you fighting someone doesnt automatically make it a "PVP" (and yes smart asses im am fully aware of what PVP stands for) I agree with your 2nd paragraph. P.S. The solution to your whole first paragraph is timing. :D I agree Garch... you're totally right... i see i was confused though :rolleyes:
  24. Shiver

    About Pvp

    I agree with some things u all say... But some things are certenly other way... like... i think in PVP it isnt "everything goes"... dont know... its boring if your gonna pvp some1 and he start using pfm.. or shield or a mage starts walking... thats trully Horsesh!t... i mean if u r a mage... n u pvp a war... and he starts pfm himself... i mean COME ON!!! a blizz dmg with soem pfmed takes about 32 dmg TOP! and it consumes toy over 140 mana... (i really dunno, im war :P), n for a war... if a war pvp a war... and he goes on n on pfming himself... dude... for WTF i put 36 int to my war? to have lize... n u goes on n on pfming urself.. OR USIING SHIELD!!! or recallling or running safe...e tc.. and some other stuff like cancelling during duel... if u agreed dueling, then dont cancell n leave... there are some coeds U CANNOT BROKE... because if you dont want to die ever... then dont play this game... because certeinly some day u shall fall
  25. Shiver

    Bug Trackers

    Is blizz working good? Lately ive experienced with my mage when i blizzed some ares (n they werent running, thy where lized n pfa) that they didnt touch em... So as with monsters... It happend the same with ice strike... pls check!