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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. Jaapy

    Server Down?

    Should be up now. *) Fixed zem bug now. *) Fixed battefield TP exploit. *) Warrior rings droprate in HC/TW adjusted slightly.
  2. Jaapy

    Questions On Fps And Detail Level

    Currently Helbreath is a game that is mostly run on the CPU. Therefore it is the biggest bottleneck for good FPS. Upgrade your CPU and you will notice improvements. Graphics card will not matter much beyond a certain quality of card. I'm in the process of rewriting the graphics engine for HB, so that it will run hardware accelerated. Also looking at the possibility to run some parts of the game in multiple threads (like a network thread, a game thread, etc) so that people with Core 2 Duo or Quad cores have speedups. Most people nowadays have a multi-core processor, even if it just HyperThreading.
  3. Jaapy

    I Think Gms

    We saw it and I'll fix it asap. I'm staying somewhere else and so is farjat so we both can't access server right now to reboot. I'll be back tonight so I'll do it then.
  4. Jaapy

    Dk Armor/weapon Attributes

    No, because there is no extra hitting probability involved. As I wrote before, +0 +2 and +4 are MS25. The others are MS28. Hero Armor has 45 defence and 48 physical absorption. But, a full set gives you +5 damage and a 50 hit ratio bonus. Dark Knight Plate Mail has 53 defence and 55 physical absorption. If you wonder what the best Plate/Armor in game is, it's obviously the Merien Plate Mail with 60 defence and 45 physical absorption. It does give you higher hitting probability! It adds +50 to your hit ratio.
  5. Jaapy

    Dk Armor/weapon Attributes

    To answer all your questions I had to look things up in the code. This is as official as it gets, 100% accurate. A standard, unupgraded DK wand gives you 25% mana save. The +2 and +4 versions also give you 25% mana save. Yes! +6 and higher gives you 28% mana save. No, +6 through +15 all give you 28% mana save. No wand surpasses the mana save of the MS30 LLF wand. The standard, unupgraded DK Flameberge has the following dices: S/M: 4D7 L: 4D7 S/M stands for Small and Medium sized monsters. L stands for Large monsters. Very simple, I give the damage dices below. The first one is S/M damage, the second is L damage. +0: 4D7, 4D7 (Flameberge) +2: 4D7+2, 4D7+2 (Flameberge) +4: 4D7+4, 4D7+4 (Flameberge) +6: 2D10+2+6, 2D12+2+6 (Giant Sword) +8: 2D10+2+8, 2D12+2+8 (Giant Sword) +10: 2D10+2+10, 2D12+2+10 (Giant Sword) +12: 2D10+2+12, 2D12+2+12 (Giant Sword) +14: 2D10+2+14, 2D12+2+14 (Giant Sword) +15: 2D10+2+15, 2D12+2+15 (Templar Sword) DK weapons and staffs do not increase PHYSICAL hitting probability at all. They have the same hitting probability as a normal Long Sword type weapon.
  6. Jaapy

    Who's Your Favorite Gm Of 2008

    farjat 100% :rolleyes:
  7. Jaapy

    Amazing Lag

    OK, all you guys need to do is wait it out. We can't help it.
  8. Jaapy


    I will lower the droprate for the rings a bit. I did 50/50 for both rings at first but I agree it's a LITTLE too high, but I will divide it something like 75/25 or 80/20, makes it a little harder to get them, but still doable. Cool?
  9. Jaapy

    Amazing Lag

    From what we can see in the trace route your computer need to traverse 30 "hops", these are devices like switches, routers, etc etc. The last one should be our server machine (though we cant tell right now). The first hop: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms mygateway1.ar7 [] Is your own router probably. It gets the very fast of course as this is local LAN to you. The second hop: 2 15 ms 14 ms 10 ms Is either some cable modem or already some kind of device likely to be in your street somewhere or around your neighbourhood. The third hop times out: This is probably the first entry into the realm of your ISP. An extensive firewall could be blocking tracert traffic here... Your problem seems to be starting at hop 3, which means the problem lies very near to you. Since ping seems to work I suspect your ISP blocks traceroute ICMP messages (tracert is a little different from ping and can be blocked seperately). It can also indicate that hop3 is taking a very long time. Also 30 hops is the default limit so it's seems to stop at hop 30, but maybe its longer. Let's try again with: tracert -d -h 100 -w 60000 This will allow us a max of 100 hops, each may timeout after 1 minute and -d tells tracert not to resolve DNS hostnames, which may result in better tracing. Also try to do it a few times more (try like 20 times), because ping tells you 31% loss and tracert packets may be lost also indicating the timeout. Post output here again, let's hope we can see more now. Altough I think output will be same (just cancel after one timout occurs, it wont show more anyway). ------------------------ So you have 500ms latency, which is not too bad.. should be playable. But with 31% loss... this is VERY bad... 31% is high! It is the reason you have so much problems. I don't know yet what causes this. You need to go through each of the hops in the tracert output and apply a ping to it and measure packet loss seperately to find the source of the problem. We have a strong indication it's hop 3, which may likely be your ISP. But we aren't 100% sure yet. From the website http://www.exit109.com/~jeremy/news/provid...traceroute.html :
  10. Jaapy

    Amazing Lag

    Well we can try and diagnose this, but we need some more information. You need to run a traceroute to our gameserver. You can do this as follows: 1. Press Start; 2. Click Run; 3. Type in "cmd" (without quotes) and press [ENTER]; 4. A black window appears. Type in "tracert" (without quotes) and press [ENTER]; 5. The route to the gameserver is being diagnosed it will take a minute; 6. When finished, you can look at the LAST line it printed to see the amount of ms (milliseconds) you need. This is the amount of lag you have ingame. If it's 0-100 it's very good, 100-250 is what most user will probably have, 250-500 is still OK, 500-1000 is laggy and 1000+ is unplayable; 7. You need to copy the entire output to the forum. Do it like this: 7A. Right click the black window and select the option Mark or something like that (don't know the name); 7B. Make the selection with your left mouse button (click and drag). Select the entire trace route text it will become white. 7C. Press [ENTER]. The white marking will go away and the text is now in your CLIPBOARD; 7D. Go back to the forum here, make a new post and to paste the text in the message press CTRL+V (or right-click -> Paste); The below is an example of mine. The last few (12 -> 16) are from theplanet, this is where our gameserver is hosted. If the milliseconds start going up in one of these places it OUR fault :-P Example: 12 154 ms 153 ms 154 ms te9-1.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 13 152 ms 150 ms 151 ms te1-4.dsr01.dllstx2.theplanet.com [] 14 150 ms 150 ms 150 ms vl1.asr01.dllstx2.theplanet.com [] 15 155 ms 153 ms 154 ms gi0-2.car15.dllstx2.theplanet.com [] 16 155 ms 153 ms 148 ms 5a.1f.5d45.static.theplanet.com [] I got latency of about ~150ms.
  11. Now that we did some maintenance we managed to get latest version back running. It affected the following changes: *) Modified Ring of Grand Mage and Ring of Dragon Power droprate slightly in lesser Dragons; *) Added Ring of Demon Power and Ring of Mage to all Dragons; *) Added Ring of Ogre Power and Ring of Wizard to all Dragons; *) Fixed magic damage of the spells in Dragons (like Earth-Worm-Strike, Tremor); *) Removed Earth-Worm-Strike and Tremor from Poisonous Dragon; *) Added Staminar-Drain to Poisonous Dragon; *) Added 1st drops to all lesser Dragons. These items were added: - War Axe, Battle Axe, Hammer, Claymore, Flamberge, Giant Sword - All types of armor, same as TW/HC and added Cape+1. In addition, the following applies: - Poisonous Dragon always drops Poison weapons only. - Earth Dragon always drops Critical weapons only. - Lightning Dragon always drops Sharp weapons only. - Illusion Dragon always drops Ancient weapons only. Poisonous Dragon is easiest, since it don't cast direct damage spells. Illusion Dragon is hardest, it can cast Inhibition Magic, Paralyze, Energy Strike and Armor Break. *) Reduced Hellclaw and Tigerworm 1st droprate from 50% to 40%; *) 1st drop rate for lesser Dragons set to 30%; *) Fixed GameMaster invisibility bug. You now cannot invis or uninvis GameMaster; *) GameMaster can now use Inhibition Magic Casting on both towns; *) Fixed zemstone bug where sometimes an item is still dropped instead of a zemstone;
  12. Jaapy

    Changes/fixes After Maintenance

    Yes! Is back, old version had the old PA workings. The latest has the modifications by White[GM] again. No advantage. It just looks different. It's the longer newer cape, you probably know. Yes, is back.
  13. Jaapy

    No Trees -pak

    No we didn't yet. We are busy with lots of other more important stuff right now. But it looks so simple... u want to allow that or not? make a poll on gm forum... it wont take you more than 10 sec. Well I already said that right now, we won't allow it. Simple enough?
  14. Jaapy

    No Trees -pak

    No we didn't yet. We are busy with lots of other more important stuff right now.
  15. Jaapy

    Gm Santa's Surprise Gift

    Didn't matter VagMite. It was like a lottery: a random pick. If someone wished for an unbalanced item we were already planning to reduce it a little, but he still had a chance to be picked!
  16. Jaapy

    Account Creator

    I notified farjat about this. We forgot to set e-mail in webserver... will come soon.
  17. Jaapy

    No Trees -pak

    No, for now it's not allowed.
  18. Jaapy

    Happy Christmas

    Nee xD Ik koop geen vuurwerk wat een geldverspilling *kots*
  19. Jaapy

    Happy Christmas

    Fijne feestdagen!
  20. Jaapy

    Best Helbreath Drop You Ever Got

    I got MR63 berk M in nem 2 from HH
  21. Jaapy

    Crusade Is Bugged

    Hmm so spawn bug is still here? xD
  22. Jaapy

    Website Back Online

    Guys, website is available again. You can now use it to make tickets, change pw, and so on...
  23. Jaapy

    Website Back Online

    Sounds like the temp page is in ur cache. Try to force cache refresh by using CTRL+F5 instead of just F5.
  24. Jaapy

    Santa[gm] Christmas Wish List

    Dear Santa, I wish for Ancient Battle Hammer+7 HP91% :P MussleGirl
  25. Jaapy

    Reapply All Patches

    I agree, but we having some additional problems with the latest. Anyway, we will soon reapply the stuff.