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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. Jaapy

    Stupid Idea

    Dragonia Ticket in Blacksmith? 25K? Or what about just making it available in City Hall for 25K? It's not even a bad suggestion. Dragonia is a pain to go to. And this may help to deplete some of that Gold. Price could even be higher. 50K? 100K?
  2. Jaapy

    Download Doesnt Work

    Yep we encrypt the client which is triggered on some antivirus.
  3. Nice!! *Grabs popcorn and starts watching* I love rumours!!
  4. Jaapy


    Hunter already gives them out alot, they are almost not rare anymore already!
  5. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    Or maybe allow TAB key to be used once in a second?
  6. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    I do it without macro and I'm able to run significantly faster with it. I've seen it WITH macro too, and that's just *too* fast!! Wowzzz!
  7. Jaapy

    A Very Good Idea.

    Ok that's enough. I think some people like it, and some people don't. Let's forget this for now, we won't change anything yet. Closed.
  8. Jaapy

    Weekly Ek List

    Yea there are still a few issues with the weekly EK that I haven't bothered yet to fix. Mostly because checking for hero items will hog the DB plenty so I'd rather not do it.
  9. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    As far as I know the examples you gave are doable with just the attack icon. Of course it's not as fast, but it's still doable. You just need to get used to it a bit I guess. So far, chances are good we are disabling TAB hotkey during the next client update.
  10. Jaapy

    Char Pls ^^

  11. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    Right... who would carry a full bag of SP pots? When we make it like so: 1st time press tab: nothing happens 2nd time within 1 second of 1st: 10 SP 3rd time within 2 second of 2nd: 100 SP 4th time within 4 second of 3rd: 1000 SP 5th time within 8 second of 4th: 10000 SP Normal peace/attack mode usage will drain 0 SP from you. Spamming TAB will drain all your SP. It will prevent the usability of this bug.
  12. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    I can do anything YOU can come up with :-) The server doesn't recognize that you pressed TAB. TAB switches peace mode, so the client sends a peace mode change request to server just like when you click on the attack icon (is technically the same). Disabling TAB entirely *is* an option, since you can still click the icon right? No need for /peace then... since clicking the icon will be faster.
  13. Jaapy

    Speed Bug Abusers

    What about making the switch cost exponentially more if you use it fast? So if you switch normally, SP is not drained. But when switched within 1 second, SP removal is exponentially increased (^2), so something like 1st = 0 SP, 2nd = 2 SP, 3rd = 8 SP, 4th = 32 SP, 5th= 256 SP... etc
  14. Jaapy

    More Pits

    Yeeeees, really strong argument you have there! I can really not argue back at this!! You got me here!!! No really... why should we?
  15. Jaapy

    Event Winner

  16. Jaapy

    Muted 4?

    You cannot go and break server rules just because your question isn't answered. No one is really obligated to answer you. Besides, you also had plenty of time to get an answer since this event was announced some time ago. Asking during the event while everyone is busy and then get mad in global chat is the wrong thing to do. You ask why you were muted, and you answered your own question there. Topic closed.
  17. Jaapy


    What do you mean with "I forgot the pass to that e-mail"? You can login with the same username and password as you use to login ingame. You can then click on your character to see the mute details (and other details). Topic closed.
  18. Jaapy

    A Very Good Idea.

    Moved to Suggestions forum.
  19. Jaapy

    Off Global Chat

    Weird suggestion. If you are tired of the things EnjoyLife writes you can use "/tooff EnjoyLife" and you're good. If you're tired of seeing people shit-talk in global, disable global in the System menu (F12). This sounds more like a camouflaged flamebait post to me. Topic closed.
  20. Jaapy

    Helbreath Lingo

    Wow Jeff you are so wrong about a few of those I think!!! If someone can, correct me if I'm wrong!! But: This is insulting, hehe. In Spanish you pronounce this as "gagagaga" so this is Spanish laughing. You now officially declared all Spanish people noob :( Uh no. pt is short for puto/puta. So yes it's insulting, but not slang. No it isn't. This is a remnant from USA/INT where some group of people starting using it. It's a reference to Age of Empires. In Age of Empires you can chat in multiplayer games and 19 will make the sound "hahahahahha" play. So it's the same as LOL. This is also the same about 2/13. I don't know if you know, but 2 plays the sound "no" in Age of Empires. And 13 plays "I dont think so". So 2/13 means "No, I dont think so" for short...
  21. The Magic stat does influence your Magic Resistance. The following calculation is used to increase your magic resistance (if the outcome is 0 or less, then no magic resistance is added, but also not substracted). MagicResistanceBonus = MAG - 50 So you start to get 1 bonus resistance for having 51 MAG. 200 MAG will get you 150 bonus resistance.
  22. Jaapy


    So, where is the suggestion? I don't see it. Besides, there so much bullshit going on this topic I'm going to have to lock it.
  23. Jaapy

    New Townies

  24. Jaapy

    Old Schoolers?

    I'm old school, started playing HBINT in 2001.