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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. Jaapy


    You need to be able to connect to the following ports: 2848 3101 to 3114 All TCP
  2. Jaapy

    Musslegirl Medusa

    amazing that one medusa drop can make the server go down instantly
  3. Jaapy

    Musslegirl Medusa

    some gm is on a banning spree right now...
  4. Jaapy

    Complete Droplist

    Well it's no secret. It's actually pretty easy. You know about 1st drop and 2nd drop right? In that website I've already explained what increases 2nd drop rate (Heldenian and being in ML). For first drop rate: * Party increases droprate by 9% * Heldenian winner has droprare increased by an additional 9% "Character luck" and REP do not affect droprates. Hehehehe
  5. Jaapy

    Zem Drops?

    I was just about to make a topic about this as well. Indeed, it seems like only Wyverns drop zems now.
  6. Jaapy

    Client Skin

    EZ.... its simple to make it replace sprites with a new PAK in runtime
  7. Jaapy

    Ig Drops Reduced?

    I think you're elvine... if you are it might be possible that this is because you guys lost the last Heldenian war.
  8. Jaapy

    Where Do These Drop?

    Proof pls?
  9. Jaapy

    Where Do These Drop?

    Where did ypu hear that crap? Or did you get it from WW yourself? I doubt it. In the source code, WW doesn't drop Merien's shield (not even in v2.20). WW drops Flam+3 and Golden Axe only.
  10. Jaapy

    Where Do These Drop?

    Yes it does. Uh.... no it doesnt!
  11. Jaapy

    Where Do These Drop?

    I haven't seen any MG pit so far. I don't think there is one.
  12. Jaapy

    Where Do These Drop?

    Very wrong. MS 30 wand = Liche, TW, Frost(?) GBH = Ettin, MG Merien plate = CG, SG, MG, Unicorn Merien shield = CG, SG, MG, Unicorn, HC IE necky = IG, HC, Liche Xel necky = dunno Ring of Ogre power = Cyclops, HH, Ogre
  13. Jaapy

    Sade Times

    What is the server time?
  14. Jaapy


    Hi. Since HB Nemesis is the best server in the universe I'd like to contribute my skills to it. Although I COULD donate money I rather want to donate in another form. Some examples: - I could extend the information presented on the hbnemesis website, like: ** monster list ** full drop list including percentages, etc. - I could fix bugs in HB code, if needed. - I could add new features to HB, if needed (not likely you guys want/need it) - I could probe for security threats, although I've been doing that already recently. I was webmaster/main coder for HBII and some other servers. I also work for multimedia/web/software company named Alientrick.com.
  15. Jaapy

    Nemesis Teamspeak Server

    please put this TS server on another computer... it makes the gameservers lag :( :(