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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. Jaapy

    Doubt Section On The Forums

    Added this! Topic is now closed.
  2. Jaapy

    *new* Player Or Beginner Question Board

    Done, topic moved... and closed.
  3. Jaapy


    This is like the 3rd or 4th topic about this already. And also in the wrong place! I don't want to see any more topics about this, NOR tickets! We are discussing this in Staff room already. CLOSED
  4. Jaapy

    Problems Creating A Guild Jaaapy Help ;x

    Sure, I'll take a look soon. Got to do some stuff first.
  5. Jaapy

    This Is Getting Rediculous....

    Lot's of stuff in this topic. I will try to comment as much as possible. Had to make 2 posts for this. You are incorrect... I don't see these rules in the Rules page, do you? Maybe you see a different page than me... I dunno. Didn't see it yet... Guys... you can't make tickets for ruined hunts. This is not the reason we made the ticket system. Hunts are the player's own responsibility. A GM will not get involved in that. Spying on a town and being a traitor is not automatically a bannable offense. No, nobody is immune to ban. Just because we don't see a reason to ban someone doesn't make him immune to bans... All I read from your posts are flames. Now we got a reason! Forum ban for 1 week. I read between the lines and I see nothing but flaming. Another flame between the lines. Don't do this. Banned for 1 day. Flames... sighs... banned 1 day. Tyrone is the one that decided to share the character. I also hear that Tyrone decided to lay off the sharing after he hear all this. See? Not even GM help needed here! Our hands are not tied... Complete irrelevant. What has Nemesis 1 got to do with this? Should we ban someone now for what they did on Nemesis 1? Well we could do this, but it depends on the severity... this is hardly severe enough. Guys. To all of you, this is indeed getting ridiculous... you are all whining *WAY* too much about this... especially to the GM team... leave us out of your hunts, please!! This topic is closed. And now I will have some time to apply the bans...
  6. Jaapy

    Whats With All The Talking?

    I don't see the point of this topic anymore. Don't whine about players in the GENERAL forum... if you got some SERIOUS complaints, please use the appropriate forum or send in a ticket. But only if it's SERIOUS, this is just silly and I've wasted time reading this stuff. It's flamebait. CLOSED
  7. Jaapy

    Haehae Chat

    Ok this is silly. Closed.
  8. Jaapy


    Closed. This doesn't belong in this forum.
  9. Jaapy

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    Yea it's possible. Farjat is trying to solve the spawn bug still, so I'm not sure which version we are running right now.
  10. Jaapy

    Vista Problems

    OK, but we will continue talking about this in Staff forum. This implementation is a bit offtopic since the OP just asked about why it is slow in Vista. Don't steal the topic hehe :P
  11. Jaapy

    Vista Problems

    It's a bit hard to explain without getting into too much technical details. But I'll give it a go anyway: On XP, you have DirectX 9.0c currently. DirectX 9.0c is backwards compatible with DirectX 8, DirectX 7... etc. Because DirectX 9.0c is just a newer version with added stuff and a few improvements. So, even though Helbreath uses DirectX 7, it doesn't need to emulate anything in DirectX 9... it is directly compatible and thus there are no slowdowns. In Vista, you have DirectX 10. This is a completely NEW version of DirectX made from scratch by Microsoft. Of course, all previously written games for earlier versions are not compatible with DirectX 10. To prevent people from rewriting their games they've added DirectX 9 emulation. So it's now possible to use games written for XP on Vista. But! I doubt Microsoft added very efficient support for DirectX 7 (DirectDraw). I suspect that is poorly emulated in Vista and this is why HB runs slower on Vista. To fix this, we need to change Helbreath to use DirectX 9.0c with Direct3D. This is emulated nicely in Vista and will probably not be slower or insignificantly. Else you have noticed with other games already. I can also support both DX9 and DX10. But like I said, this will cost me some time to change as Helbreath code is like spaghetti...
  12. Jaapy

    Vista Problems

    Don't bump your topics in the General forum. And yes, we know that playing Helbreath on Vista is not good. Helbreath is a very old game and Vista uses the brand new DirectX 10. Helbreath is build with DirectX 7 (and uses the ancient old DirectDraw) so it's probably slower because Vista is emulating all kinds of things. I might be able to change HB to DX9 with Direct3D, but it's a time consuming task. Maybe in the christmas vacation ^^
  13. Jaapy

    Server Files Changed.

    The problem is not limited to Aresden, it happens in other places too, including Elvine.
  14. Jaapy


    Search the forums. I've posted an explanation a few times already I believe... closed.
  15. Jaapy

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    Yea like you hunt these things for XP... :D
  16. Jaapy

    Df 10 Neck

    Give you 10 bonus defense. DF stands for Defense in this case. You also have these necklaces: DM+1 = Damage + 1 MS10 = Mana Save 10% RM10 = Resist Magic 10%
  17. Jaapy

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    In the next reboot this suggestion will be enabled. I've already modified droplist in website to reflect the changes. * TW will now drop Ogre Ring. * Mage Ring is now harder to get from TW. * HC will now drop Ogre Ring (50/50 on the place of Wizard Ring). * HC will now drop Demon Ring (50/50 on the place of Mage Ring = low chance). * HC will now drop Dragon Ring (50/50 on the place of Grand mage Ring = very low chance). * HC+TW 1st drops have changed. No longer 10% chance, but now 50% chance to get 1st drop off of them. * All smaller dragons now drop less ROGM/ROD. Should be more balanced and better now.
  18. Jaapy

    Server Files Changed.

    Tnx Giggles. We will disable the guard that is created from becoming crim in the next reboot. Let's see if it will work.
  19. Jaapy

    Create New Arena

  20. I thought we did this already... will need to doublecheck then.
  21. Jaapy

    Eks During Sade

    Any Guildmaster can see where the buildings are located. All you need to do is ask. See below, too. Hmm I don't even know why Siementech choose to limit this view to Guildmaster only. I don't mind making this available to all players. But I hope I don't overlook some reason? Anyone? Yea that's true. Didn't think about it. But seeing as it is still a significant waste of time to move all the way back to ML just for a lame kill I'm not worried about this. We also have sophisticated tooling available to scan for EK laming. This will not be a problem. This problem is much bigger during normal time then during crusade... so non-issue to me. No because people will stay in town for the full 5 EK. Sometimes this can take the entire Crusade... this won't make people go to ML... which was the entire reason behind no EK in enemy town during Crusade in the first place.. So nope, I don't like it :-) DEFENDING the town still yields EK's. So ppl will stay in town to defend the attackers that come for the shields already. This is nice. Once attackers are done destroying the shields they go to ML then, because they don't get EK's there... It's perfect!
  22. Jaapy

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    I don't think the server became unbalanced because of the dragon ring drops. I find it more balanced between mages and warriors now. It is also a matter of fairness seeing that a mage can easily get rings while a warrior doesn't. And yea, I will be careful Skyas :) Like I said I'm adjusting the ROGM/RODP drops in Drsgon, downgrading it a little. Adding the rings to TW/HC will force me to give a good look at the entire droplist of them anyway so I will see what can be done to make it balanced. About first drops: the rate is the SAME for all types of monsters ingame. This is how the 1st drop works. So it's not "easy" to increase the rate just for TW (is a bit more work). I'll check what can be done, but don't get your hopes up for the near future yet. More important things to do right now.. right?
  23. Jaapy

    Demon And Ogre Rings

    OK. We will add Ogre ring + Demon ring to Tigerworm soon. We will also decrease the ROGM/RODP in smaller Dragons a *little* bit (Black Dragon is OK) to compensate. It seems totally reasonable to me that when RODP is easy to get, Ogre/demon ring will be useless. We also did the same to ROW/ROM (although they are still much easier to get than ROGM). We would like to make the same go for Ogre/Demon ring and RODP.
  24. Jaapy

    Eks During Sade

    This point is very strong and it makes no sense anymore to limit the players to their towns during Crusade with the current fix. So I think we will remove the locking in town during Crusade to compensate. The other points don't say much. You must see that we did this change to make ppl go to ML for EK and participate in the Crusade. I can understand that locking in town is lame and once u get locked u stop participating the Crusade and stay afk in wh/shop... so we'll fix this. Sounds good?
  25. Jaapy

    Ring Of Dragon Lost

    We all D/C! Yea we know! We saw the ring belongs to Alright. The case is solved now, topic closed.