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Everything posted by Jaapy

  1. scatterp means: we have already fixed the strip rate of BBH. Closed.
  2. Jaapy

    A /tooff Change

    u mean: this is already done... u can use this already... was released in v4.51
  3. Do you find it lame (offensive, annoying, etc) or game (part of HB, fun, etc)? And why? I have heard arguments from both sides now and I can't decide personally.
  4. Jaapy

    Happy Birthday Magicjoker

    haapy birthdayyyyyy
  5. Jaapy

    This Is How It Feels

    Forum account banned for racism, image removed.
  6. Jaapy

    My Opionin

    Why did you post then? You even said it in your post that this topic will be locked, why go ahead and make one? This is the kind of attitude that we don't like and that's not helping you getting your items back... Obviously this topic is closed and crowmaster got a 7 days forum mute.
  7. Jaapy

    Who Scammed My Items

    Stop making topics about this.
  8. Jaapy

    New Gm

    This is not meant to be a vote topic for a new GM. OP asks for a specific kind of GM and some proof of it. No more discussions in this topic about who should or should not be a GM. ONLY POST HERE IF you want to apply for this position. If you want, you can also PM scatterp directly (for privacy reasons).
  9. Jaapy

    How To Get Better Fps

    I use ATI card with Omega drivers. I get 200-500 fps.
  10. Jaapy

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    Pulling is not easy to fix. The only effective way to prevent pulling is to leave the character ingame after a D/C. Your character will also stay ingame when you D/C for real, but not many situations will arise where this will impose a direct problem or certain death. You will probably outlast some monster damage during a few more seconds. If you were PVPing then, well though luck, but it already looked like a pull anyway so a normal D/C during PVP is already problematic.
  11. Jaapy

    Upgrade On Dk Wand/sword On Usa

    Sounds like USA is trying to do desperate things to get their players back.
  12. Jaapy

    La_suegra Banned

    I changed now that after 14 days of inactivity, your char is removed from the list. La_Suegra's character is removed now.
  13. Jaapy

    If You Want To Talk Shit...

    raMz is not correct. The posts were removed because they broke the forum rules. The users are not banned, they are "muted" on the forum for 7 days. It's not allowed to suddenly break the forum rules in the name of "defense". It's not that we do not allow you guys to stand up to them, but you MUST do it in Spanish. Or you could start a NEW English topic with your defense. The Spanish GMs will judge about the content of the Spanish posts. If they break the forum rules, they will get the same treatment. Personally, I don't speak much Spanish so I can't judge wether they are breaking any rules. But we have lots of Spanish GMs, so no worries. There is no big deal at all, you guys are acting like it is. If you can't understand the post, then don't read it. Fight off the urge to try to read them. Don't break any forum rules, simple! This topic is closed.
  14. Jaapy

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    Yes that's Squall[GM] character
  15. Jaapy

    Spawn Alert

    it s not that i wanna kill ettin spawns mountain giant spawn ogre ww and that kinda mobs Hm not a bad suggestion. Let's just enable it for certain types of monsters in certain maps? This will not contribute too much to any additional lag... XD
  16. Jaapy

    A Topic Of Pulling.

    We need to fix this in the client. It's just impossible to 100% determine if someone is speedhacking at the moment. I have many ideas about fixing the speedgearing and speedhacking issues. I just need to figure out a SIMPLE way to effectively destroy the effects of speedgearing as the game-code wasn't designed with this in mind. It's a big change and it needs some time to develop... unfortunately. However, I think that this change will revolutionize Helbreath and many more people will like Helbreath Nemesis because of the added fairness of this fix. Let's hope we can fix this, fast.
  17. Jaapy

    About Heldenian

    Not critizing you, but you need to understand that this text is a draft of the Heldenian concept that was just taken over by the HB INT server admins. The droprate increase is OBVIOUSLY way too high, so they must have changed that since this concept (be it in a later version). So CURRENTLY it's 9%, even on HBINT and HBUSA.
  18. Jaapy

    Spawn Alert

    This was removed in one of the OFFICIAL versions, don't know which one. Also, it will create more lag. It's not *that* useful...
  19. Jaapy

    Problem With Laptop/vista/helbreath

    Yea I know about this issue. Very soon I will take a close look at this. I will probably have to install Vista :( So, yea, we know this and we will try to fix it when we can. Closed.
  20. Jaapy

    Dye Event

    Do u have white dye ready? Ivory IS the white dye.. lol
  21. Jaapy

    Dye Event

    Can u dye armors and weapons on that too? :huh: Nope!
  22. Jaapy

    Dye Event

    Ivory is not yet available Jeff
  23. Jaapy

    Dk Wand On Wars.

    Ok! I will leave this up to farjat...
  24. Jaapy

    Dk Wand On Wars.

    True, but if we need to do this for person A, we also need to do this for person B. We can't just say: if we trust you we give you the points, else though luck!
  25. Jaapy

    Helbreath Future

    Well then there is only one thing you CAN do! Join a Helbreath server and help developing Helbreath... or create your own! Create a website for people to join and manage the open source project yourself. Why not? But yea, you'll be competing with Helbreath Nemesis ;-) Good luck on that :-) heheh